Friday, September 13, 2024

On this Blog I am playing the role of Morpheus


On this Blog I am playing the role of Morpheus trying to explain what the Matrix is and how it works to potential Neos.

The Matrix: Do you want to know what it is?

I offer three different pills to honest people who hear my voice. The Blue Pill, the Red Pill and the Black Pill.

The Blue Pill is for those who have no real interest in learning the truth.  They may come here for the entertainment value but they do not believe.  They do not want to believe.  They will read my words and then go do something else. 

The red pill is for those who do want to know the unpleasant truth.  They may not like what they see but at least they want to know.  They are hopeful that something can be done to change the situation in which we find ourselves.

The Black pill is for those who see the truth and lose all hope upon fully seeing the picture. It is easy to become Black pilled in seeing the dismal reality of the Matrix. 

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