Monday, September 30, 2024

What good am I doing with this Blog?

 I spend so much time and effort trying to expose the truth on this Blog and very few people come here. The Jews are dragging this world to Hell (Hell for us but Heaven for them) and nobody seems to care.  It seems like I am trying to empty an ocean full of Jewish treachery with a thimble and it just seems so futile.  I am doing a very noble thing by maintaining this Blog and speaking the truth but it seems I am not really helping.  It makes me sad that the world is the way it is and I seem to be unable to make any significant difference in changing it or even waking anyone up.  I believe the only people who come here are those who already know the truth.  It just does not seem worth my time and effort to keep posting here if nobody gives a fuck.  Perhaps I should just stop posting. 

Edit to Add:  People are apparently visiting this site but they are going to older posts and the Blog statistics do not allow me to see which posts they are looking at. Hopefully all the effort I have put into this Blog to red pill people will bear fruit. 

I follow a God but it is not the Jewish God Yahweh that encourages Jews to lie to and deceive non Jews.  No that is not my God.  My God is the God of Truth.  The God who loves Truth and hates Lies and Deception.  I follow that God and that God alone.  That God lives inside of me and directs me how to create illuminating posts on this Blog.  And that God Hates Jews for what they are doing to this beautiful planet and the inhabits thereof.  That God Hates and despises Israel and all the evil it has done and is doing and will do. That evil country needs to be removed so it can do no more harm. As long as it exists it will do evil because that is its nature. You cannot reform a snake.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I understand the effort you've put in. You can stop posting and rest for your own good. Feel free to come back anytime you want, whether you're inspired by a significant event or need to investigate and share your findings. In fact, stopping might be a wise decision. If you expose too much truth, this entire blog could be erased too, just like what happened to your old WordPress blog. You put so much effort into that old blog, but it was completely deleted after you exposed too much truth and gained too much attention, even attracting many comments from the Jews, as I remember.
