Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Hosting of this Blog

I should thank the Jews for allowing me to post my message on (((their))) platform, and I definitely consider Google to be (((their))) platform. They allow some free speech even when that free speech exposes their hand. Since they control almost all the blog hosting platforms including of course WordPress, its very difficult to post anything that will be free of censorship. I found Wordpress much worse than Google in terms of Censorship. Wordpress killed my entire Blog while Google just removes certain posts they find objectionable but lets me keep my Blog. But the posts Google removed is very informative about their motivations for hiding certain things i am trying to expose. Two things they removed is my post on Jews purposely causing conflict between the Black and White races to their advantage and my post revealing some of the real players in the Sandy Hook Shooting deception. They definitely want to hide these things. In the case of the Sandy Hook School shooting post, its very revealing that Google did not censor it as they normally remove posts. Instead someone removed the entire post from the server. I did not have that content backed up so I lost it. But Sandy Hook was a Jewish deception in which many Jews played parts. There was no actual shooting. It was all staged by Jews and their minions.

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