Sunday, September 15, 2024

Trump is all Drama all the Time


I really hadn't planned to make a new post today but seeing as there has been a second "attempted assassination" on the Jewish puppet Donald J. Trump I feel compelled to briefly weigh in on what the red pilled view of this is and here it is.

1. Trump has been a Jewish puppet from Day one.  Trump is Jewish controlled opposition in the 2024 selection.

2. If they wanted Trump dead, he would be dead. They don't want him dead. They don't kill their own.

3. These two "attempted assassinations" are nothing but Jewish stage craft.  It is a deception meant to influence the 2024 election.  How do (((they))) want to influence the selection with these "attempted assassinations"?  Only they know but I suspect they are made to make Trump look like a martyr so more people will support him.  But you never know what their real motives are.

Trump is a Jewish Establishment con man. Don't be fooled by these two apparent assassination attempts. This is Jewish stagecraft and not real attempts to kill Trump. Trump is one of the bad guys and the Jews are using him to deceive the people. Do not be deceived.

But the main thing for the red pilled to do is to completely ignore this.  Its Jewish TV for the masses and we should not partake in it.  Let them play their head games with the Blue pilled.  The red pilled should have nothing to do with Trump.

Edit to add: the image at the top of this post signifies that both Trump and Harris are Jewish puppets. If the puppet master looks like it could be Jared Kushner that is just coincidence.

Other posts concerning Donald Trump and my view of him. I am not alone in this view.  I 100% condemn Donald Trump as a false Patriot.


  1. I've been checking your blog monthly, hoping to see a new post, and today, you're finally back. I used to read it every day until you stopped posting unexpectedly. If you've decided to stop permanently because you've lost passion or there's no more truth to uncover, I totally understand. However, I was also worried that perhaps someone had assassinated you because you revealed too much. I'm so relieved to see you're back.

    1. I went through some difficulties is all I can tell you but I am back with the same message and the same passion to spread this message to all who will hear it. I ask for your help in spreading my message by posting links back to this Blog on other places on the internet. I don't try to spread this anymore but I depend upon followers of this Blog to do so. Spread this truth. Even if it is not accepted still spread it.

    2. And there is a lot more truth to uncover. I've only scratched the surface. But what I've mainly done is to give readers of this Blog their "they live" sunglasses so they can see the real world for themselves. To help people see that world is my most important goal with this Blog.
