Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Who won the Debate?

Q: Who "won" the debate? 

A: It doesn't really matter. Whoever wins the election will do what the Jews want, both domestically and in terms of foreign policy.

I watched the debate. You should know by now the way I feel about Trump but of the two candidates his stated position more closely aligns with mine. Harris is definitely more of the same.

I obviously want change, not more of the same. I think the US is in a horrible state and badly needs change. We all know Trump, but his stated policies as bad as he is personally are closer to mine. But Trump is a clown show. He brings with him as many new problems as those he would allegedly fix.

Harris just looks like an empty vessel to me telling people what they want to hear without having any real policies. 

Both candidates are Zionist tools and will serve the Zionists while pretending to serve the American people. Business as usual.

But the State of All-Judaan has a preference in this election and IMO it's not Donald Trump. They don't want America fixed. They don't want the Russia Ukraine war to end. They want America to continue to decline because it's their plan. Therefore they want a Harris Presidency and I think that is what we will see. Trump's stated policies are good but the Jews don't want to fix America. They want to break it even further.

What do the American people want? The American people are sheep who are easily led by the Jewish Snake. I predict they will support Harris over Trump.

The 2024 election is a Jewish clown show. It's all drama and no substance. Jews are pulling the strings on the puppets and the people watch the show in awe. It's a game and I'm not part of it.

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