Tuesday, September 10, 2024

What you should know about the 2024 (s)election

 Some important things to know about the 2024 (s)election are as follows:

1. Jews control both political parties behind the scenes.

2. Jews control/own both political candidates.  This is especially true in the case of Donald Trump.

3. Jews use controlled opposition of the two parties and the two Presidential candidates in their favor and against the American people.

4. It does not really matter who "wins" because whomever that is will be a puppet to the Jews.  The US President is not really in control.  He is merely a front face or figure head for hidden Jewish control of the US. 

5. But the Jews prefer one candidate to "win" over the other.  They would much rather see Harris become President than Trump.  This is obvious.  I am predicting already that Harris will win and Trump will lose because I see this as having already been predetermined by the Jews, who carefully plan the future they want to see happen.  I do not think they want Trump for four years. 

6. Donald Trump is a Jewish puppet who loyally plays the role he has been given to play in this Jewish clown show.  Regardless of what he appears to be, underneath it all is a Jewish tool doing exactly what (((they))) want him to do, for their own reasons.  Trump is a willing Jewish pawn. He knows how to act.  He knows how to pretend.  He knows how to serve.  He knows how to get "shot" at. And he has his alleged Base of red hat wearers (which I say is not his real base) totally snowed about who he is.  Trump is controlled opposition. He is the pied piper who will lead his army of red hats and his Republicans in the U.S. House like Mike Johnson wherever the Jews want. 

7. When Trump "loses" the (s)election, which I believe he will, what are all these angry red hats going to do?  What will the Republicans in the U.S. Congress do? They will do what their leader tells them to do. You saw January 6 so you have some idea. And whatever Trump supporters do when "the evil Democrats steal the election again", the Jews will use it to their maximum advantage. And the American people will believe whatever Jewish drama ensues, as they always do, without ever having a single thought of questioning the charade.  Small brains never see beyond what they are intended to see. Jews count on this.

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