Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich 1952 speech in Budapest Hungary


As I have shown on this Blog in posts such as this one, Jews out themselves and their true agendas with their own words.  Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich, pictured above, is another Jew who exposed himself and the Jewish agenda very clearly in 1952 in a speech made to a Jewish audience in Budapest Hungary.

The below image summarizes what he said in that speech but there is much more to it and it is very illuminating.  Click on the below image to read it more clearly.

The full speech from this man is extremely illuminating.  


Edit to add

Look at the Universal Military Training Act that this rabbi says failed to pass in the US in the early 1950's. Jews are pushing for this in the US.  Look at how many times they have tried to pass this since that time. Notice that in 2024 the Jew owned US Congress automatically enlisted all young Americans in the draft if it happens. This should be a huge red flag to every patriot that the US will go to war at some point in the future and Americans will be forcibly drafted into that war.  Who will be the enemy in that war? Iran? Russia? China? Those are the three that come to mind. War will certainly be facilitated by a 9-11 like false flag staged event or by the dropping of a nuke or by invasion of Taiwan.  This is the future the Jews have planned for the world as I see it. I am the voice in the wilderness shouting warning to all that will hear. Let those who have ears to hear heed my words. Jews have bad things already planned just waiting to be unfolded. Don't say you haven't been warned. 

My interpretation of the Rabbi's speech

Because I believe this 1952 speech to be very illuminating concerning both the way Jews secretly control the world and also the real future plans Jews have for the world, I am going to interpret select passages of the Rabbi's speech.  What follows is my own interpretation of what this man said.  In the following, his speech is in bold black and my interpretation is in bold blue.

As you know we had hoped to have twenty years to consolidate the great gains we made from World War 2, but our increasing numbers in certain vital areas is arousing opposition to us, and we must now work with every means at our disposal to precipitate WW3 within 5 years.

Jews undoubtedly made great gains during WW2.  Jews foment wars to their own advantage and against humanity. In 1952 Jewish dominance in various areas was arousing opposition to them.  The same is happening today even stronger.  Today we call it "the noticing" that Jews dominate many areas including government, main stream media, banking and finance, industry, etc. etc. etc.  Of course noticing this arouses opposition to the Jews.  It automatically creates anti Semitism.  Jews foment war to take the public's focus off of Jews and put it onto war.  This is what they are going to do today. The situation in the Ukraine - Russia war could easily turn into a nuclear war and perhaps that is the plan.  The West is being extremely reckless in provoking Russia by allowing its long range weaponry to penetrate deep into Russia. Only a fool would do this or a Jewish puppet.  But they want WW3.  They are trying to provoke WW3 either in Russia/Ukraine, or Iran or Taiwan.  They want war and IMO we will see war break out before too long.  

You remember the success of our propaganda campaign during the 1930's, which aroused Anti American passions in Germany at the same time we were arousing anti-German passions in America, a campaign which culminated in the second world war.

Jews are the masters of controlled opposition, playing two or more sides against each other while secretly influencing and controlling ALL sides for their own benefit. Jews can do this to entire countries to foment war between nations which Jews profit from. 

More to come

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