Sunday, September 29, 2024

My thoughts about Eric Adams


As anyone who watches the Jews...I mean news knows, Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City is being charged with all kinds of corruption by the Federal Government.  Now me being a red pilled person who views the MSM in a way different from most people, I do not watch the MSM to learn what the truth is.  No.  I watch the MSM to learn what (((they))) want me to believe.  But I am very aware that I should usually not believe what (((they))) want me to believe but I should look elsewhere for the truth.  So I do this in the case of Eric Adams.

I saw a very interesting video of Eric Adams from about a year ago warning everyone at a city council meeting that NYC was being destroyed by illegal immigration. He said the city cannot sustain itself with all these immigrants coming here and that NYC cannot even take care of its own citizens, much less all the new immigrants constantly flooding into the city.  That made me respect Eric Adams as an honest man that he would have the integrity to say that but I suspect that it is his opposition to illegal immigrants flooding into his city that is the real reason behind these indictments.   If you know anything about Jews they are real big on flooding traditionally white countries like the European nations and the USA and others with immigrants.  They want unlimited immigration into the US and for a politician of (((their))) city (there is a huge number of Jews in NYC) to be raising the red flag about immigrants flooding the city made Eric Adams a target is what I suspect.  

In terms of corruption, what has this man done that is more corrupt than what all these Jews are doing in NYC and the rest of the world?  The corruption of Eric Adams, if any, pales in comparison to Jewish corruption.  Absolutely. 

Jews use their influence to defame those they want to remove from political power or positions of influence. They can do so in many ways. Charges of corruption.  Charges of sexual harassment.  Any charges at all they can come up with to remove someone from power or influence who is interfering with their agendas.  

So I will defend Eric Adams until such time as I see overwhelming evidence of his guilt over something and assume that these attacks against him are political in nature because Eric Adams is against all the illegal immigrants flooding into NYC. 

Do you understand?

As for all the Trump supporters gloating over this indictment for their own political reasons I have two words for you all: Fuck You!

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