Monday, September 16, 2024

What the Jews don't want us to see we should be particularly interested to know

 As a red pilled person, I am particularly interested in knowing what the Jews don't want us to see.  For example, when I see some video has been deleted on Jewtube then its like a flashing neon sign that says "Look here!"  Here is one such video concerning 9-11 that I want to post here.  Although the Jews killed one instance of the video on Jewtube, there are other instances of it still posted there and I found one of them.  So please take a look at this and gain whatever insights you can from it.  Remember the Two Worlds Paradigm as you watch it.

Major General Stubblebine talks about 9-11


1. No plane caused the damage to the Pentagon. Likely a missile did.  

2. WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7 were brought down by controlled demolition, meaning that all three buildings had been wired for controlled demolition prior to 9-11 

3. The corrupt Jew owned U.S. Government participated in the "attack" that was not a real attack. It was a staged false flag event.

4. Dick Cheney, George W. Bush and many other U.S. officials were part of the staged event.

5. There were several drills staged that day that were part of the deception.

7. General Stubblebine reaches the conclusion that the planners of 9-11 were in the White House but he is wrong.  It goes FAR beyond the White House.  Absolutely the White House knew about and participated in this staged event, but the real planners are not even in the U.S. and they are JEWISH


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