Saturday, September 14, 2024

Marijuana can help to break the Brainwashing


We have all been brainwashed from birth not to believe most of the things I am discussing on this Blog.  This includes myself.  For the majority of my life I have been blue pilled but it was only later in my life that I became very curious to know the truth about some things such as about 9-11 and the JFK Assassination.  Something about both of those events never seemed right to me so I sought to understand the real truth about them that was different from what the official explanation about each one of them was.

How did I become red pilled?

I attribute my red pill to three different things, as follows:

1. An intense curiosity to know the truth about 9-11, the JFK assassination and other such events that I did not believe I was getting from the Establishment.

2. I was not working for an extended period of time so I had plenty of spare time to investigate these things on the internet. 

3. Usage of marijuana.  This is the topic of this post.

My personal experience with marijuana has been a rocky one.  I have had serious problems with it because I tended to abuse it.  That said, I attribute my marijuana usage to helping me be able to break through my brainwashing and see deeper truths that I do not believe that I otherwise would have been able to do.

One attribute I have noted about marijuana is that it allows one to see deeper into a subject than they would normally be able to and this can help to see things that one normally cannot see.

For example, in the case of Jackie doing the head shot, for many years, in fact for most of my life I literally could not see Jackie doing the head shot even though I had watched the Zapruder film multiple times trying to understand it.  I literally could not see what was right in front of my face. I was brainwashed NOT to see it.  Okay, let me talk about this further because this is important.  It took me an incredible amount of time and effort to see what was right in front of my face to see.  Other people on the internet helped me see it.  They told me what to look for to see it.  Even after reading what they said, I really had to put in a lot of effort into seeing it.  I watched the Zapruder film in slow motion dozens of times to be able to see it.  But marijuana helped me to focus in so I could see it.  But once I saw it I saw it.  I did not need marijuana anymore. I did not need any help to see it.  Now I see every single time.  My brainwashing about the JFK assassination is broken.

The same goes for 9-11. I could not see the truth about that for years.  In the case of 9-11 my brainwashing was my belief that it was impossible that many people would get together and stage a totally fake event and deceive the majority of the American people.  I did not believe the US was that dishonest and corrupt to do something like that.  Until I broke that brainwashing I could not see 9-11 clearly.  However, once I determined that that was exactly what had happened then everything else fell into place.  Again, marijuana helped me see this.  But it took me literally ten years of looking at it to see through it. That is how brainwashed I was.  I am no longer brainwashed.  Marijuana undoubtedly helped me to make this breakthrough in my thinking. 

Marijuana helped me see the Matrix and the Two Worlds Paradigm.

I owe marijuana a lot for helping me break through my own personal brainwashing but I no longer smoke it.  I no longer need to smoke it.  My eyes are open and I can see without the assistance of a mind altering drug. 

The point I am trying to make with all this is that sometimes you need help to see. If smoking marijuana helps you to understand what you normally cannot then by all means use it as a mind expanding tool to help you gain insights that are normally hidden from you.  There is nothing wrong with using it for this purpose.  If it helps you to be high when you read this Blog to be able to understand it then be high.  Whatever it takes for you to understand. 

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