Saturday, September 7, 2024

What is happening in Gaza

What is happening in Gaza and now the West Bank is not what it appears to be. I see Jewish deception in October 7. The Mossad is pulling the strings on Hamas just as they pull the strings on ISIS. What the true Jewish agenda is in this is unclear but it involves fucking over the Palestinian people and i believe stealing their land. Also i am very suspicious about the recent Polio vaccinations of Palestinian children. I smell Jewish deception in that just as i did in the Covid 19 Plandemic. Jews do not have the best interests of the Palestinian people in mind with these vaccinations although they feign concern. The vaccinations are definitely suspect. When dealing with lying, deceiving Jews never accept anything at face value. Always question. Remember what they did on 9-11. They cannot be trusted about anything. But the Palestinian people are victims of the Jews 100%. Hamas does not give a fuck about the welfare of the Palestinian people. This has been clearly shown. Again, I think Hamas is a Jewish puppet pretending to represent the Palestinian people when in reality it is getting them murdered by IDF weapons. Open your eyes to the deception.

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