Sunday, September 29, 2024

My thoughts about the alleged Holocaust

On this Blog I have tried not to talk about the Holocaust but I feel compelled to weigh in on this topic now.

Up until recently it has been my opinion that the Holocaust described by Jews was a real thing but that the six million figure quoted is Bullshit.  It has come to my attention that Jews used the six million figure repeatedly over a long period of time before Hitler even came to power, so for them to claim that six million Jews were killed by the Nazis is simply disinformation. It has been my opinion that if the Holocaust happened, not even near that number of Jews were killed. 

The Six Million figure has been used repeatedly by Jews for a long time before Hitler

So the six million figure is utter bullshit.  Jews have an obsession with this number for some reason but whatever that reason might be, six million Jews were NOT killed by the Nazis during WW2. 

The concept of the Holohoax

Many people are aware of the concept of the Holohoax, which means that the entire Holocaust was nothing but a Jewish hoax and not real at all.  I have long known of this concept but I have not wanted to believe it for various reasons.  It seemed too outrageous to believe the entire thing was a hoax was my main objection.  But now that I have exposed some other Jewish hoaxes such as the Sandy Hook School shooting hoax I am forced to consider the possibility that the Holocaust is also a hoax. 

For me to say that the Holocaust was a hoax would require a lot more research from me to make that determination but I say it is very possible, realizing who the Jews are.  And who are the Jews?  They are the people of the lie whose religion as outlined in the Talmud encourages them to lie to and deceive non Jews for their own benefit.  That's right.  Jews lie and deceive because their Bible tells them so.  For a Jew to lie to and deceive a non Jew is righteous according to their religion.  So lying about Sandy Hook is just fine.  And lying about the Holocaust would also be just fine.  Jews lie and deceive all the time.  It is their nature to lie to and deceive non Jews.  

But I am quite willing to do more research into the concept of the Holohoax to determine if the Jews lied about the entire Holocaust happening.  I would not put it past them to lie and deceive on such a huge scale because that is what they have done in such events as 9-11, the Apollo moon landings and other such events.  

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