Monday, October 7, 2024

The Jew Controlled U.S. Government is Evil


If you as an honest reader of this Blog don't know that the U.S. Government is evil then I have totally failed in my mission to red pill you.  I have shown you many examples of the evil of the Jew owned U.S. Government, a big one being the JFK Assassination. If you don't know, the Jew owned U.S. Government fully assisted in the murder of John F. Kennedy and then gave him a big parade afterwards to honor him.  

But here is another example of the evil of the Jew owned U.S. Government today concerning FEMA actively attempting to interfere with American citizens helping their fellow American citizens in a time of a need.

In this video is shown an unmarked FEMA helicopter purposely trying to disrupt rescue operations of honest American citizens because the volunteers refused to let FEMA confiscate their supplies and take over their operation.  The pilots were masked.  These are terrorists.

In the above image, the majority or all of them are Jews.  This should come as no surprise. 

The local politician is also a Jew.  Everywhere you look in this story is another Jew.  Jews and corruption go hand and hand.

The Jew owned U.S. Government is at war with its own people.  Read that again because it is very fundamentally true.  The Jew owned U.S Government is at war with the American people.  It has been for a long time but its getting much more obvious that it is. 

I have talked about the coming of the Day of the Rope, which is the day the American people overthrow the corrupt Jew owned U.S. Government.  May it come sooner rather than later.  There needs to be a purge of the Jewish corruption. 

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