Sunday, October 13, 2024

I made a mistake


Like perhaps many red pilled people do, I try to red pill members of my own family.  There is one member of my family I confide in and have shared many things with them in an attempt to red pill them. Recently I was doing this when I was confronted with the Mr. Smith Effect in a major way.  

So I have tried to red pill this family member about Jackie doing the head shot but without success.  I have shown her the gif from the Zapruder film showing Jackie doing the assassination more than once in an attempt to red pill her but still no go.  All she says is that it kind of looks like Jackie did it in that gif but that is as far as her brainwashing will allow her to go. I accept that she is not ready to see this yet. Perhaps one day she will.  But she is a big admirer of JFK as am I so there is hope that maybe one day I can open her eyes.

Then the topic went to the staged Apollo moon landings. Surprisingly she believes it was staged as does her husband.  Both she and her husband are blue pilled, so for them to believe the Apollo Moon Landings were staged right here on planet earth gives some encouragement that not everyone is dumb blind and stupid.  More people are aware than I sometimes think.  I should not give up on awakening humanity as I am sometimes tempted to do because honest people really do want to know the truth and not every one of them is as dumb as a box of rocks.

But then the topic moved to 9-11 and this is where the fireworks erupted between me and this family member.  This is where the Mr. Smith Effect reared its ugly head.  Allow me to explain.

The topic that generated controversy was over the alleged 3000+ deaths during the 9-11 event.  I made the mistake of telling this family member that I believed that all three buildings had been evacuated and were empty of people at the time they were collapsed.  Mr. Smith came out in full force. Suddenly I was being yelled at.  YOU ARE WRONG!!  YOU ARE LYING!!  HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT?  I SAW ALL THOSE PEOPLE DIE.  IN THE BUILDINGS.  I SAW THE PLANES.  ALL THOSE DEAD FIREFIGHTERS!!  I SAW PEOPLE JUMPING OUT OF THE BUILDINGS ON FIRE!  HOW DARE YOU?!?

Mr. Smith was very angry at me and I must admit I felt some guilt and some shame momentarily until I remembered everything the red pill has shown me about 9 -11.  But this is a good opportunity to further red pill readers of this Blog about the truth of 9-11.

It is very easy to be deceived into believing 9-11 was a real event in which there was a high number of deaths.  Even today I am sometimes deceived into believing the deaths were real.  The show is very convincing.  But my red pill has shown me that no matter how convincing the illusion may be, 9-11 was a PSYOP, the same way as the Apollo Moon Landings was a PSYOP and the Sandy Hook School Shooting was a PSYOP.  In a genuine event people die. In a PSYOP people do not die.  In a PSYOP an illusion is frequently presented to show mass casualties (as in Sandy Hook) but the reality is that this is deception and no people actually die in the Real World.  In the False World people die but in the Real World nobody dies.  I say that is the case in 9-11.  

So while I feel bad for making my family member upset, I do not feel ashamed or guilty for reaching the conclusion that nobody really died on 9-11 no matter how convincing the illusion may be.  As always, I follow the truth and only the truth and the truth has led me to this conclusion.  

Most readers of this Blog may still be convinced that 9-11 was an inside job but it was real. People were on the airplanes that died.  People were inside the buildings that died.  It was a False Flag.  Wrong.  That is what they want you to believe.  That is what all those disinformation web sites of the "9-11 Truth movement" (hint: its not about the Truth at all) are saying.  That is the False Red Pill.  As I have tried to point out, there is only one real Red Pill about each topic and that is the truth.  But there are one or more False Red Pills that are presented to the clueless public for those who do not blindly accept the Official Explanation.  I talk about that in this post. Many people who think they have taken the red pill have not taken it.  Instead they have taken a cleverly disguised substitute for the red pill.  In the case of 9-11, this false red pill is telling people 9-11 was a False Flag.  But the genuine red pill is that 9-11 was a PSYOP.  So if you still harbor the illusion of 9-11 being real then you need to reexamine it, because the rabbit hole goes deeper than you know.  You have been conditioned to believe yet another lie.  Remember this one fact that I have tried to educate everyone here about:

The Truth is never what they want you to believe it is.  The Truth is what they do not want you to even suspect.  

Whenever you see a lot of web sites all saying the same thing but that are in disagreement with the official explanation such as the 9-11 Truth Movement you know you are seeing a disinformation campaign.  If you have taken the real Red Pill then you should automatically be suspicious that you are being lied to and you should go seek the forbidden truth that none of these web sites even hint at.  I show the way. 


  1. Being smart enough to realize it is a lie does not mean being smart enough to realize what the actual truth is. If one is not smart enough to comprehend the truth right away, it takes being smart and being experienced to comprehend what the actual truth is.

    1. This is a very true statement. Recognizing the lie is the beginning of knowing the truth but the truth can hide itself under multiple layers of deception. This is way the Jewish snake works. It tells one lie for the masses but for those who do not believe that lie it tells other lies to conceal the forbidden truth. There are multiple levels of lies and beneath them all is the truth.
