Monday, October 14, 2024

The Khazar-Rothschild Continuum and the Hidden Hand of History

 For some reason all the red pills are coming to me today. The previous two posts are red pills and this is another.

Significant quotes:

The mists of time conceal many mysteries, and among them, the enigmatic saga of the Khazars stands out. These formidable Turkic warriors of yore, who at the zenith of their power in the 8th century, commanded a vast realm spanning present-day Eastern Europe, emerged from the shifting sands of history with a curious narrative. Their significant departure from their cultural norms to embrace Judaism still puzzles scholars today. 

Under the newly adopted Jewish identitythe Khazars crafted a labyrinth of secret alliances and covert operations that allowed them to subtly manipulate the course of world events.

The machinations of the Khazars were not confined to their time; they were laying the groundwork for a grand strategy, one that would span centuries and leave an indelible impact on the annals of human history.

They silently permeated influential positions within these societies, discreetly guiding the course of events from behind the scenes.

Living under the guise of Jewish identities, they were neither true Jews by faith nor by lineage, but they held fast to this borrowed identity. 

It provided them a protective cover, shielding them from religious persecution, while also giving them a platform to control economic and political systems covertly.

Their influence was subtle but powerful, and the tendrils of their control reached into every significant event, gently steering the course of history. 

Over centuries, these Khazar descendants, though physically scattered across Europe, remained closely knit in their shared purpose and secret alliances.

This sounds exactly like Satanists to me. Satanists do the very same thing. 

These are the Jews of Israel today, who have no lineage to the Jews of the Christian Bible. They are evil counterfeits. This explains why Israel is so obviously evil against the Palestinians and all its neighbors. It also explains why the US defends and enables Israel, because the exact same evil Jews run both Israel and the USA.  It all becomes crystal clear.

They quietly accumulated wealth, power, and influence, often lending their support to emerging powers, always ensuring that they remained the invisible puppeteers.

 As a new generation arises, more informed, more connected, and less influenced by the traditional media and structures that have long been manipulated, the foundations of the Khazars' power begins to shake.

This new generation, equipped with unprecedented access to information and an increasing distrust of institutions, starts to question and challenge the narratives presented to them.

This is me.  I am beyond questioning though.  I am ready for Revolution against these evil snakes.  I am ready to help lead humanity in Revolution against their control in every country, not just in the United States.  Overthrowing their control starts with exposing it to the common man. That is what this Blog is attempting to do.

The conclusion of this documents asks the questions what will the Khazars/Rothchilds do to the challenges to their control?  IMO they will start World War 3. That is what they are attempting to do now.  They would rather blow up the planet than to lose control over it because they are evil Psychopaths. That is what the Samson Option in Israel is really about. If the world ever gets tired of Israel's shit and wants to stop it, then Israel's answer is to send nukes to all the major world capitals, basically fucking the whole world.  Because Rothschild Israel would rather blow up the world than to lose control.  Again, they are evil Psychopaths.  Any sane rational person can see this who is not blinded by Zionist propaganda of the Jewish Main Stream Media.  My eyes are wide open.


  1. Now I call them Satanists instead of just Jewish because many non-Jews (no jewish genetic, just pure white/pure asian/pure black or pure slavic) are also incredibly evil and belong to this cabal of evilness. The Satanists make the world so much harder to live. I hate them and their evil God (Yahweh or Satan, whatever it is) to the deepest core.

    1. There definately does appear to be a Satanist connection to these Rothschild type Jews. In my expose of the Jewish Snake I identify it as being made up of corrupt Jews and non Jews. Anyone corrupt and evil can join that club.

    2. We live in a Satanic world, not just “a Jewish world”, although I know that the majority of that Satanic evil cabal are Jews. Satanic/extremely evil people can be from any race. I don’t talk about “regular” evil individuals such as murderers or independent criminals. I talk about an organized & clever Satanic group of people that are all over the world (Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Russia, Ukraine, and Africa, included, not just in America) and are connected to control the whole world. They are connected, organized, clever, and they did some crazy Satanic ritual shits. It seems like the majority of them are Jews but also many whites, Asians, Blacks, etc can be in the club. That's why their Convid-19 bullshit is so successful globally.

    3. I think they played a major role in the murder of JonBenet Ramsey. I have tried to expose the Satanist aspects of that murder if you followed my posts about that. One crazy ritual they did was on the grounds of the WTC site on 9-11-2002. Do you know what I am talking about? Convid 19 was a world wide PSYOP, which shows Jewish control world wide. It is just a sign of what they can do with that control. I cannot even imagine what they have planned for the future but I can tell you it is very bad for the human race. Unless the human race wakes up in a major way then I fear that humanity is doomed to Jewish slavery. I am doing what I can to expose the truth but sometimes it seems futile.

    4. My point is it is less about “Jewish” but it is more about “Satanist”. In other words, I suspect it is less about “genetics/ religion” (Jewish gene, Judaism) but it is more about evil “supernatural/spiritual” force. No way they can control the entire world without having some kind of Godly/supernatural power. I live in Vietnam and during the COVID-19 time, I saw the “COVID is super deadly and super dangerous” propaganda exactly like the US media when I was hit with COVID-19 and completely fine. It is like Satan can mind-controlled all journalists in the entire world to work for his evil plan.

    5. That is where I disagree with you. I say there does not need to be an evil Satan power helping the Jews/Satanists for them to have achieved the level of world control that they have. All that was required to make that happen was a lot of evil very determined men who used all of their resources to make it happen. No literal Satan is required. All that is required is infiltration and subversion of all honest governments and organizations.
