Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Secret History of Jacqueline Bouvier


This Blog goes wherever the truth leads.  Since I am investigating the JFK Assassination, the truth has led me to investigate the past of his killer, Jacqueline Bouvier.  As I have said many times, this woman was an agent working for someone BEFORE she married JFK.  This post is to serve two purposes, as follows.

First to unmask that she was in fact a deep cover agent and not just a normal woman. She was an agent before she even met JFK.

Second, to unmask who she was really working for as an Agent.  

So come down this rabbit hole with me to uncover the Secret History of Jacqueline Bouvier.  The Truth leads HERE.

In terms of this research, I am relying on the internet to disclose the truth. I expect to find a lot of disinformation on the internet about her past but I am able to look past the disinformation to find the hidden truth.  The truth cannot be hidden from the red pilled with Jewish disinformation.  So if I go astray in this post based on disinformation, I will correct that as I find it to focus only on the truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

July 28, 1929 Jacqueline Bouvier was born into a prominent New York family.  This is what is said by the History Channel, a Jewish disinformation site.  I immediately suspect this is disinformation since it makes no mention of Europe and France, where Jackie really came from.  I allow this disinformation to stand for now until I correct it later.  Finding the truth is like navigating a maze filled with lies and disinformation to confuse but I am not confused.  I know my enemy lies and deceives but I am not deceived.  I find the truth past the lies and deception. 

Here is a second link that says she was born in Southampton, New York.  Again this could be Jewish disinformation or it could be the truth.  Further research will reveal this.

From that same web site is said this:

Her father, John, was a wealthy stockbroker on Wall Street whose family had come from France in the early 1800s.  

With the mention of France, I find this more credible.  France plays a big picture in this woman's later life.  She later lived in France.  As a tangent I need to investigate her father directly to see his background and ties but for now we stay on Jackie.  If the above statement is true, then she comes from a wealthy Jewish Banking family It would mean the daughter of a wealthy Jewish banker later assassinated the non Jewish President of the United States.  Are you listening?

More to Come

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