Saturday, June 4, 2022

A Comment I received

When I receive what I consider a good comment then I like to make a new post around it so that everyone reading this Blog can benefit from the answer.  Here is the comment I recently received.

How to overcome the emotional attachment which their Jews or Jewish minions? Everything we consume, use or depend on is from them. For example, you use Windows of Bill Gates (who is a Jew or Jewish minion). If you use Android smartphones, they run on Android OS which is a Google product (the two founders of google are Jews). You watch amazing Hollywood movies and become fans of these movies, but the actors or the directors who you love or admire are very likely to be Jewish minions. You listen to The Beatles, again, they are Jewish minions. How can we hate the evil side when we love them or their products and depend on them to live? Therefore, should we accept that evil is normal in this world and let things go on? Is it true that the eviler you are, the more successful you become? (Of course not all successful people are evil, many of them are good and honest)

The point is well made and this is something which I have touched on before in previous posts when I asked how do we as freedom loving people end our reliance on the corrupt Jew controlled SYSTEM when basically everything in our daily lives is somehow dependent upon it?  As I see it, we have a love - hate relationship with the corrupt Jewish SYSTEM.  We hate the lies and deception and corruption of it but we love the convenience, the technology and other "good" things which the SYSTEM seems to bring us.  Do you see this? 

Jews have made us dependent on their SYSTEM for our very lives and yet we know this SYSTEM lies to us, deceives us, and is corrupt.  This is the problem when trying to determine what to do to correct the situation we find ourselves in as honest, freedom loving people who want nothing to do with Jewish corruption.  

But to answer the question, should we accept the evil (the lies, the deception, the corruption, etc.) as normal and let things go on as they are?  Absolutely not.  At the very least we have a responsibility to expose the lies and deception and corruption so that everyone knows the truth.  Evil hides in darkness (ie secrecy) and shrinks from the light (exposure), so to even begin to reform this SYSTEM, we MUST expose its lies to everyone.  This is what I am attempting to do on this Blog for all who will hear my voice.  I do what I do because I am called upon by a force greater than myself to do so.  I am compelled to expose the truth about the SYSTEM and the way it works and I will continue to do so.  Exposing the SYSTEM is the foundation for changing it into something more honest and less corrupt. 

But to just accept what is and not talk about it is the wrong way.

As for the last question, is it true that the eviler you are, the more successful you become?  Good and evil are judgement calls but Truth and Lies are not.  I prefer to focus on what is true or not and allow others to make good vs evil judgement calls.  But lying and deception are evil as I see it and never justified.  So I focus on exposing lies and deception.  This is pure and there is no judgement in it.  Everyone should know the truth and this what I focus on.  

The commenter is looking for a solution which I as a human being do not have available to me.  I want to live in an honest world is all I can say and to expose the lies and deception of THIS world is all that I know to do to even begin to have the world I really want.  I do this not only for myself but for all who think like me in terms of wanting to live in honesty and truth and freedom.  I hate the world as it is and so I expose its lies for all to see.  I wish I could do more than just expose its lies but that is all that I know to do.

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