Monday, June 27, 2022

The Real Purpose of the Grassy Knoll Shots

So I see a commenter asked a very pertinent question about Jackie being the Assassin that I want to answer for this person and everyone else reading this Blog.   

Would everybody have closed their eyes while she shot the man sitting in the same backseat?

This is an excellent, astute question which I have previously asked myself and the answer made itself immediately apparent: the grassy knoll shots.

Many many witnesses from the crowd said that shots had come from the grassy knoll DURING the time of the assassination.  Seeing the President had been shot in the head afterwards, the ASSUMPTION was made by many that the bullet that had killed JFK had come from one or more snipers situated on the grassy knoll.  This is part of the Deception but there is a lot more to the grassy knoll shots than just making the crowd think JFK was shot from the grassy knoll.

Here is the key to understanding the Grassy Knoll Shots:

They were coordinated to happen at the same time as Jackie was doing her head shot and the Zapruder film actually confirms this, as I will show.

The Umbrella weapon made no sound when the dart/flanchette was fired into JFK's throat.  Also, the throat shot purposely happened while the Limo was right in front of the Stemmons freeway sign so that what was happening would not be visible to the majority of the crowd.  So people in the crowd saw JFK holding his hands to his throat after the Limo came out from behind the sign but they had no idea what was going on.  It just appeared to be something wrong with JFK without any of the honest people in the crowd knowing what was going on.  At this point there was no indication to the crowd that JFK was being assassinated BUT HE WAS!  The throat shot was the first step of it but the crowd was clueless at first until the grassy knoll shots started some time later.

The question asked by the commenter has revealed something hidden in the Zapruder film which I had seen before but never understood the significance of it until now.  Here is what I noticed.

After the Limo comes out from behind the Stemmons freeway sign (in other words, after the throat shot) Jackie and Texas Governor John Connally are so calm they look like they are having a quiet personal conversation inside of the Limo.  This part of the Zapruder film is Surreal!  Here the President of the United States is holding his hands to his throat in CLEAR DISTRESS and nobody around him seems to notice or care.  Not his wife.  Not the Motorcycle cops riding beside the Limo.  Not the Secret Service.  Nobody seems to even see it!  But back to Jackie and John Connally.  They seem to be having a calm private conversation in the back of the Limo and are both aware that JFK has been shot in the throat but they do not care about his state of duress because HE IS IN THE PROCESS OF BEING ASSASSINATED and both of these Conspirators fully know it.

But at some point after their calm conversation and before Jackie does her wet work, something happens that is shown clearly in the Zapruder film.  John Connally is no longer calm but is suddenly crouched down on the seat.  His wife Nellie is doing the same thing.  John Connally is seen yelling something as he crouches down.  But in the seat just behind him, Jackie Kennedy is completely calm.  She shows no fear of being shot by anyone.  Have you watched the Zapruder film closely enough to see that?  I have and it is there exactly as I describe.

What goes on? Sherlock Holmes would congratulate me for seeing what so many others have missed, including myself for so long.

The assassination was coordinated.  I need to revise my post The JFK Assassination: Sequence of Events to show this new information, but here is the rough sequence of events which is all confirmed by the Zapruder film itself.  

1. The Throat shot happens behind the Stemmons freeway sign.

2. Jackie and John Connally have a little conversation calmly between themselves in the back of the Limousine right in front of JFK, as if he isn't even there.  JFK has been immobilized by the throat shot so he is not there mentally as his wife and the Texas Governor are talking about him.

3. John Connally turns his head all the way around from his seat to verify that JFK is truly immobilized and unable to defend himself before giving Jackie the verbal cue to proceed with her wet work.

4. He turns his head back around, and that's when the grassy knoll shots went off.  How was this coordinated?  What I believe is that multiple snipers were situated on the grassy knoll.  These could have been either CIA Agents or Mossad Agents or even members of organized crime who also wanted to see JFK dead because his brother was going after the Mafia.  Perhaps these men had binoculars so they could see when John Connally turned back around in his seat.  Or perhaps they had walkie talkies or other secret communication devices provided to let them know when to start firing.  But at some point these snipers started firing their weapons.  They did not fire them at the Limousine but over the heads of the watching crowd.  Their job was to terrify the watching crowd and cause them to hunker down in fear for their own lives at these loud shots suddenly ringing out from the grassy knoll.

5. When the snipers started firing, both John Connally and his wife Nellie react to it.  They both crouch down in the seat as if terrified. John Connally yells out something.  All this is BEFORE Jackie even fires the head shot.  Watch the people in the background, who all know what is about to happen.  The woman in the foreground wearing gray puts her hand to her face and looks away so she won't have to see it.  

6. But notice that as John and Nellie Connally are crouched down in fear from the loud sniper shots, Jackie in the back seat is NOT crouched down. 

She is as calm as a kitten as she wraps her arm around her husband like a Black Widow Spider and calmly shoots him the head.  

This is all documented evidence shown on the Zapruder film.  It could be used in a court of law to prosecute those behind the assassination, including Jackie and the Zionist Texas Governor.

This does not even mention Jackie throwing the murder weapon on the left rear section of the trunk where it was retrieved by U.S. Secret Service Agent Clint Hill (Jackie's Secret Service Agent) who then met Jackie half way onto the trunk to give it back to her before the Limo drove to Parkland. In the first image below, notice the two CIA agents calmly taking pictures of the assassination as John and Nellie Connally are crouched down in the back seat.  In that image you are witnessing CIA and Jewish treachery against JFK to murder him in cold blood using CIA and Mossad Deception. Greatest Magic Trick under the Sun Indeed! 

Additionally, also note that the same man who later feigned being shot by the Magic Bullet is feigning being terrified of being shot by a sniper while the calm CIA agents taking pictures n the background show there is no danger to John and Nellie Connally at all.  I just picked up two evil Zionist Rats by the tail and here they are!  Busted like a Mother Fucker!

This Solves the JFK Assassination

At this point I have solved the assassination portion of the case myself.  I did not read ANY of the books written about the JFK assassination to do this.  Instead I watched the Zapruder film and the truth unraveled.  Although it took many years of difficult searching to unravel the mystery, the Truth cannot be hidden from the Red Pilled.  If anyone refuses to see this, I no longer care.  I have done my duty to expose it to you and I wash my hands of how you choose to respond to it.  How you choose to respond to the truth has no bearing on its truthfulness.  Whether you deny this or not, it is the truth. And to the Jews reading this I say: FUCK YOUR DYNAMIC SILENCE!

The only thing remaining for me to do is to unmask who Jackie Kennedy really was and to show clear linkage or connection between her and Israel.  Since she is a Jew, that connection is already made but I want to make it a lot stronger by showing that Jackie Kennedy was a deep cover agent for the Jews.  That will be the final indictment against Israel and the Jews in the assassination of the U.S. President. Beyond Israel, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Secret Service are BOTH GUILTY AS FUCK in the Assassination.  Will they be held accountable by the American people?

After investigating this I am very angry.  How do you feel?

See also:

Israel is Behind the JFK Assassination, Part 1

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