Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Was Hitler provoked into invading Poland by the Jews?

Sometimes information just seems to come to me, like this that happened spontaneously.  I had seen a 1942 British War movie talking about Britain being forced to go to war because Germany invaded Poland, a country that Britain had an existing treaty and legal obligation to defend in an event of an attack by a foreign power.  But why would Germany do something which would bring the entire world against it?  It was not in the best interests of Germany to invade Poland. In fact, invading Poland led to the complete destruction of Germany a mere six years later.  It turned the Thousand Year Reich into a six year war of attrition that Germany was bound to lose.  Why did they do it?  I know what the Jewish answer to that question is because I have heard it repeated enough.  Hitler was a power mad dictator trying to take over the entire world.  This is a Jewish lie.  Hitler was not that.  But I am straying from the topic of this post, which is the German invasion of Poland in 1939.  Hitler was aware of the treaty.  Hitler knew that by invading Poland World War 2 AGAINST Germany would be launched.  Again, the question is why.  It is completely illogical to do something against your own interests unless you have a very good reason for doing so.  Information has come to me from past research about Polish (JEW) attacks on German citizens before World War 2.  And there it is, for the red pilled to see.  There were many Jews in Poland.  There were also German citizens living in Poland and in an area of German called Bavaria separated from mainland Germany by Polish territory.  

My research has indicated that Hitler initially had no intention of doing anything in Poland until these intentional attacks on German citizens by Jews happened.  What Hitler wanted was to control a section of Poland called the Danzig Corridor that linked mainland Germany with Bavaria so he could protect Germans in Poland with the German military and also have easy access between mainland Germany and Bavaria.  This was certainly not unreasonable for Hitler to want this.  

But I sense that the group I and others have referred to as International Jews in Europe got Jews in Poland to purposely attack German citizens in order to provoke Hitler into doing something that would start a global war against Germany, which of course the Jews wanted. The Jews hated Hitler and they hated Germany for following him so they did what Jews do best.  Conspire and act treacherously against their enemies (the Jewish M.O. that I have observed many times). This was a secret Jewish plot to bring England and France to war against Germany.  Related to this, Pearl Harbor was a secret Jewish plot to bring the U.S. to war against Germany.  But here are some links about Poles attacking German citizens pre WW2.  Very relevant.

Polish Atrocities against Germans before 1. September 1939

Polish Atrocities against the German Minority in Poland

The Unknown History of the 1939 German-Polish Conflict


Of course the lying Jews will say that this information about Polish Jews attacking Germans is just propaganda used by Germany as a pretext to invade the country but I suspect these attacks were real.  I see the Jewish Hidden Hand in this and Pearl Harbor both.  In the case of Pearl Harbor it has been revealed that the U.S. had cracked the Japanese code before Pearl Harbor and knew full well of the planned military attack on Pearl Harbor.  They knew about it not just from breaking the code but because the Jews had provoked Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor.  They left Pearl Harbor wide open to be attacked, minus the three air craft carriers which had been moved out in advance.  In a game of chess, it is referred to as a sacrifice that allows a player to win a game he may have otherwise have lost. It is the Jewish hidden hand moving the chess pieces on the global world chess board.

But this topic I have started in this post is just the beginning of going down yet another rabbit hole.  Jews have dug many rabbit holes throughout history to be discovered and explored by the red pilled.  But this information sheds a new light on Hitler for me, which is that he may have been an unwitting pawn for Jewish provocateurs to control by such things as what happened in Poland.  I have had a very negative view of Hitler but most of that view has been shaped by what is likely anti German, pro Jewish propaganda.  I think there is more for me to learn about Hitler to discover (independent of anti German pro Jewish propaganda) who he really was and what his true motivations for doing what he did during World War 2 really were.  I want to know what the truth is about him without listening to the Jew whispering bad things about him in my ear.

What do you think?  I value the opinion of red pilled people reading this.


There is a tangent to this that I would like to discuss briefly, which is that this same M.O. was used by the Jews to provoke Russia into attacking Ukraine.  Russian citizens living in Ukraine came under military assault by the U.S. (Jew) controlled government which provoked Putin into launching a military attack to stop those attacks.  The plan was to destabilize Russia and Putin but the plan backfired and Russian Troops annexed Crimea and built bridges between it and the Russian mainland guarded by the Russian military.  I applaud Putin for doing that.  Are there similar Jewish provocations that have led to the current Ukraine invasion?  I suspect it.  Russia filed complaints in the U.N. about secret biological laboratories' located in Ukraine. I suspect Russia is acting in its own best interests in what it is doing in Ukraine.  After seeing the very deceitful way the Ukraine government behaved, I am against Ukraine and pro Russia.   Absolutely. The Jewish Main Stream Media is lying its ass off about the Russian invasion of Ukraine in order to turn the entire Western world against Russia and especially Putin.  The enemy of MY ENEMY is my friend.  I have seen the hidden hand used against him and his country and so I go to his defense.

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