Friday, June 10, 2022

Baruch Levy Disclosed the Jewish Master Plan

Baruch Levy was a member of the Jewish Snake who disclosed important parts of the Jewish Master Plan.  I had perceived this plan before reading anything Baruch Levy said but the fact that Baruch Levy said what he did just confirms that Jews have a master plan they are following for World Conquest and Domination.  Its not even a secret anymore and every non Jew should know about it.  But what exactly did Baruch Levy say that disclosed the Jewish Master Plan to the world?  Here is a major part of what he said.

This is an important part of the Jewish Master Plan revealed from a Jewish mouth.  What does this mean for the honest non Jew to understand and comprehend?  It means the following.

Jews will control all world governments in secret, without the people of the countries being aware of the secret Jewish control.  Is it still a secret to you?  It should not be.

Jews have a goal to abolish private property.  This is what they did in Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution but this is a long term Jewish goal for the entire world.  Jews have a plan that all property will fall into Jewish hands.  If Jews get their way, non Jews will own nothing (and be happy about it according to the Jew and Rothschild Klaus Schwab).

The Talmud is a core part or foundation of the Jewish Master Plan.

Jews will possess all the wealth of the peoples of the earth.

As for the Messiah spoken of, this is a Jewish belief that a Jewish savior will come to earth and rule an earthly kingdom of the Jews with an iron fist.  If you are a Christian, this is what your Bible preaches.  Your Bible is Jewish. It must be a sad truth for those of you who are Christians to discover this. You have been deceived into believing what the Jews want you to believe. Absolutely.

But Baruch Levy reveals something very significant here for those who have the eyes to see it as I do.

The Jewish Race as a Whole are actively involved in making the Talmud a Reality for the Entire World to follow.

I cannot emphasize the importance of that enough.  It explains everything on this Blog and many other things this Blog has not even touched. 

The Jewish HIVE MIND wants the Talmud to be accepted by the entire world.  Every non Jew should be opposed to the Talmud because it is evil.  Because it is racist.  Because it is Jewish.  Absolutely.  I speak the Truth here that few have the courage to say.

The end goal of the Jewish Master Plan which I have clearly seen is a world where Jews exercise absolute control over non Jews and where all non Jews are slaves to Jews.  Again, absolute truth.

What is the Fate of non Jews if the Jews achieve their Jewish Nirvana?

Non Jews will have NO RIGHTS other than what Jews choose to give them.  The U.S. Constitution is just piece of toilet paper to the Jews.

Non Jews will own NO PROPERTY.  All property world wide will be in Jewish control.

Non Jews will have NO POWER over their future.  Any power they appear to have will be an illusion.  All power will be in Jewish hands.  This has largely already been achieved as far as I can tell.

Non Jews will have NO FREEDOM.  Jews offer slavery instead of freedom.  Jews will try to make you like your slavery using any means available to them.

Non Jews will have NO PRIVACY.  Everything non Jews do will be spied upon and known by the Jewish controllers.

This is what the Jews are transforming the world into step by step under their control.  The Plandemic is part of this transformation.

Any questions?

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