Saturday, June 4, 2022

What is in the "Vaccines", Part 2

In a previous post I started down a rabbit hole of exposing what is really in the "Coronavirus vaccines" that I want to expand upon in this post.  Because I see the Plandemic as very important for all to know about, understanding what the "vaccines" are really about is critical to know. 

In that previous post, the most important bullet points for everyone to know are as follows.

What is in the vaccines involves secretly developed micro Biological technology controlled by the Jews.  Jews and their corrupt non Jewish minions have have used their understanding of human cell microbiology to create in laboratories what I refer to as Biological Tools to accomplish goals for (((them))).  

The mass vaccination program against Coronavirus is really to deliver these secret Jewish biological tools inside the human body without the host even being aware of it.  So deception has been used by the Jews to deliver these lab created biological tools inside the human body under the guise of a vaccine.  Is that not clear to everyone?

In this post I want to discuss some more details about this which have been shown to me from the inside.  

Remember all the dead microbiologists from around 2012?  If not, you should go research that.  These dead microbiologists directly relate to the above two bullet points.  These microbiologists were involved in developing the technology that is being used in the Plandemic "vaccines".  Any honest microbiologist involved in that work who might have disclosed it to the public was eliminated to keep the secrecy of it.  Jews kill to keep their deep secrets and they killed these men and women to silence them.  This happened a decade ago but it does not matter.  The Plandemic has been in the works for a LONG time.  Dr. Pierre Gilbert exposed it as early as 1995!  The world is run by Jewish script and Jews carefully plan what they will do for many years sometimes.  So everything connects together.

Before I go on to discuss the Biological Tools, it is important for everyone to know that people are not getting the same tools delivered to them inside the "vaccines". The tools are targeted to the characteristics of the individuals receiving them.  And Jews and their corrupt minions are getting Placebos without any tools at all just to deceive the public that it is perfectly safe to take them inside your body.  Its not safe and if you take one you will regret it.  If you have already taken one you will regret it. 

There are multiple biological tools, of which I have identified only a small portion, as follows.

Infertility.  Targets young non Jewish women who are of the childbearing age. This biological tool purposely targets the reproductive system of females to make it impossible for them to have children.  This relates to the Jewish goal of depopulating the earth.

Quick Death.  Targets old people such as those in nursing homes who no longer benefit the Jewish System to quickly kill them. This relates to the Jewish goals of depopulating the earth and also of eliminating useless eaters and breathers of Jew controlled resources.  

Shorten natural lifespan (Delayed Death). Purposely shortens lifespan of the individual to kill them over time.  Diseases may be purposely created inside the person to do this or to interfere with the immune system's ability to fight off disease.  This relates to the Jewish goals of depopulating the earth.  Shortened life spans mean fewer people over time. FYI this is what Chemtrails are about.

Modify bodily internal functions.  These tools modify bodily internal functions for one or more purposes.

Mind Control.  This is what Dr. Pierre Gilbert was discussing when he mentioned Rwanda. Have you understood it?  It relates to EMF waves generated onto the population to artificially modify their thoughts, emotions and behavior in a way that benefits the Jewish controllers.  This was used to induce one Tribe of Rwanda to genocide another Tribe of Rwanda but that is only one application of it.  This could be used for literally anything that the evil Jewish controllers want to use it for.  

Economic Control of the Individual. This relates to Jews controlling everyone's bank account using an internal identifier.  It will take a long time for Jews to realize this goal but the Plandemic is the start of it.  What Jews want is a way to uniquely identify every individual on the planet in order to control all aspects of their lives in a future Dystopian society.  Jews plan and work toward the future they want and this is what they want very badly, to turn non Jewish people into Jewish slaves.  Its a big part of the Jewish Master Plan.

More to Come

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