Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Miscellaneous Information related to Jackie Assassinating JFK

What follows is miscellaneous information related to Jackie assassination JFK


 Jackie Filmed shooting JFK from Three Angles


Jackie Kennedy assassinated JFK inside the Presidential Limousine by firing a small concealed weapon held in her right hand.  The single projectile from that weapon went through JFK's brain and killed him instantly.

When Jackie killed JFK, she was acting as an agent of others who wanted to see JFK dead.

One of the groups Jackie was working for was the CIA.  

Jackie was a hidden asset of the CIA before she met JFK.  She remained a hidden asset of the CIA during her marriage to JFK.  

JFK had no suspicion that there was a Conspiracy to kill him.  He trusted he would be protected as U.S. President from assassination.  He discovered the hard way that this was not true.

The U.S. Secret Service stood down from protecting JFK and allowed him to be killed without interference.  The U.S. Secret Service is a co conspirator in the assassination,

The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency is a co conspirator in he assassination.  

Jackie Kennedy was a treacherous woman who betrayed her husband and the U.S. Constitution by assassinating JFK.

Jackie Kennedy was backed by powerful people hiding in the shadows who used her to accomplish their goal of replacing JFK with LBJ (a lackey to the Jews).

The Jewish rock group Queen performed a song called Killer Queen identifying Jackie as the assassin.

My Suspicions (not yet proven to be Facts)

The main reason JFK was assassinated because he was attempting to prevent Israel from developing nuclear weapons at their Dimona facility.

Jews (in Israel and elsewhere) were behind the JFK Assassination for the reason stated above.

Jackie Kennedy was Jewish.  An early picture of her is shown below.  Does she look Jewish to you in that image?  She does to me.

U.S. Service Agent Clint Hill was a Mossad agent

Jackie was trained in assassination techniques prior to the assassination of JFK. 

Jackie was trained for the assassination of JFK specifically by CIA/Mossad agents when she was outside of the U.S. for several months in 1963.

Jackie Kennedy was a deep cover Mossad agent

Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA agent who was unknowingly set up by the CIA to be the patsy of the JFK Assassination.  Oswald and the CIA Defection Program

Distracting shots were fired from the grassy knoll (but not fired at the Limousine) during the assassination by CIA/Mossad agents.  The purpose of this was to make everyone look away from the Limousine toward the grassy knoll area during the assassination so they would not observe (or HEAR) Jackie Kennedy shooting her husband in the head inside the Limousine.  Bob Dylan called it the greatest magic trick under the sun.  I call it Jewish Treachery.  .

More to Come

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry but your theory about shots fired from the grassy knoll to make people turn their heads and not notice Jackie shooting her husband does not hold water. One single person not turning their head in time would have observed Jackie doing it.
    As far as Bob Dylan is concerned, why do you believe him? He is a Jew himself after all, isn't he?
