Thursday, June 2, 2022

Why you should question every alleged mass shooting event

In this post I want to speak about something important for everyone to know especially in light of the recent alleged school shooting in Texas.  The alleged school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012 was a complete fraud staged by Jews and that is very relevant.  Knowing that was a lie (if you don't know, ask), it means that you should question every new alleged mass shooting event as a possible deception and fraud.  It does not mean that every mass shooting event is a fraud but your mind should be thinking in terms of the possibility of it being a fraud. Since DECEPTION happened with SANDY HOOK then it could happen with any other event.  Do you see that?  So when you see an event such as the recent alleged Texas school shooting you should automatically be suspicious of it.  You CANNOT believe the Jewish MSM to tell you the truth because they lie more than they tell the truth.  You CANNOT trust the government (Federal, State or Local) to tell you the truth because Jews use them to propagate Jewish lies and deception.  So if you cannot trust the MSM and you cannot trust the government, then who can you trust?  You can trust yourself.  You can trust your own sense of discernment about what is true or not.  I suggest you completely tune out the Jewish MSM so you are not influenced to believe its lies.  Find someone you can trust not to lie to you and look to them for answers.  Just do not trust the MSM!  

As I said, Jews have a long time goal of trying to undermine gun rights and the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, especially for guns bigger than handguns such as Assault Rifles, etc.  What Jews do is never for the benefit of humanity but benefits Jews for their own selfish reasons.  Jews want the big guns out of the hands of American citizens and JEWISH DECEPTIONS such as SANDY HOOK are how they are trying to get that.  

But in terms of the recent alleged Texas shooting, I wonder if anyone has collected any evidence of fraudulent Jewish reporting about that event.  I have not looked into it but if anyone reading this has information about it that makes them suspect it could be either a deception or a false flag, then please leave a comment.  I welcome this kind of information to be reported to me.  If I verify fraudulent behavior about that alleged shooting then I will report it here for everyone to know.  

1 comment:

  1. I know the Sandy Hook school shooting is a deception, but I think this mass shooting is a real one. There are so many details or detailed related information about this school shooting so I cannot think it is fake. But even if they fake it, we won't find any evidence. This is because they become much more careful after Sandy Hook's debunking, so they will leave absolutely no evidence in a staged school shooting.
