Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Two Worlds Paradigm


One of the most fundamental truths I want to share on my Blog is what I call THE TWO WORLDS PARADIGM. It is a way of seeing the world and everything in it. The following paragraph is the foundation for understanding what is being discussed here.

The basic premise of the Two Worlds Paradigm is that the world is run by dishonest people and that these dishonest people have obtained control of all of the major world governments and all the main stream media and basically all the other major institutions of the world such as the military and the major sciences organizations and the major health organizations, NASA, etc.  These dishonest people use Lies and Deception to control the entire world through the government and media and other organizations which (((they)) have obtained control of. Through their control of mainly the government and the main stream media, these dishonest people promote a completely false reality to the general public in order that (((they))) can easily control the general public.  At the same time, these dishonest people actively hide actual reality (that contradicts and exposes their false reality) so that the general public is completely clueless about it.  The entire purpose of promoting a false reality and hiding actual reality is so that the few can control the many as easily as possible.  Its all about control. 

If you understand the above paragraph then what you will see from it is that the dishonest people try to convince the general public of a false reality in order to control them and that actual reality is hidden from the public.  So in this paradigm there are two realities or two worlds if you prefer that term. One is the false world of lies and deception that the Government and the media wants you to believe in and the other is the real world that they do not want people to even suspect exists.  The False World is an illusion based on mind control to make the general public believe a lie is the truth.  The Real World is the world as it actually exists in reality, i.e. the truth, but how would anyone know what that world is like if it has been hidden from them for their entire life?  

The Matrix

The movie "The Matrix" (1999) is what is known as an allegorical movie. It is telling a story on two different levels.  The surface level is a clever intelligent science fiction movie but the deeper level is actually showing the Two Worlds Paradigm, as I will explain. 

In the movie the Matrix is an artificially created world for humanity to believe in that hides the actual world that nobody sees and that all inhabitants of the world have been brainwashed or conditioned since birth to only see the false world and to never see the real world hidden beneath it.  In the movie the Matrix is a very clever AI-created illusion that has no actual basis in reality other than to deceive and control the inhabitants of it.  In the Two Worlds Paradigm the Matrix is also an illusion that has no actual basis in reality other than to deceive and control the inhabitants living in the world.  It is not an AI-created illusion but an illusion based on mind control from birth and from a person believing in a false reality because that is all they have ever known since they were born.  If you look you will see many parallels in the Matrix movie to the concept I am describing with the Two Worlds Paradigm.

In this thread I am going to show the application of the Two Worlds Paradigm to many different cases.  Let us call these cases examples of the Two Worlds Paradigm.  The Two Worlds Paradigm provides a way to see each of these cases in a way to bring enlightenment. It is a way to expose the lies and deception and to tell the actual truth about each case. In each case the False World is shown first, which is also known as the official explanation.  Its the lie that society wants people to believe is the truth, but its not the truth at all. Then the Real World is shown, which is the actual truth that society does not want the people to even suspect. This is the best way of taking the Red Pill for those who are ready to do so.  I assume you are ready or you would not be here reading this page.

Israel (1948)

The JFK Assassination (1963)

The Death of Gus Grissom (1967)

The RFK Assassination (1968)

The Apollo Moon Landings (1969-73)

The Oklahoma City Bombing (1995)

Timothy McVeigh (1995)

The Death of Terrance Yeakey (1996)

The JonBenet Ramsey Murder (1996)

9-11 (2001)

Building 7 collapse (2001)

The Barak Obama Family (2009)

Death of Osama Bin Laden by Seal Team 6 (2011)

The Sandy Hook School Shooting (2012)

The Death of Paul Walker (2013)

The George Floyd Murder (2020)

October 7 (2023)

More to Come

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