Thursday, October 3, 2024

Christianity has become an enemy of the Truth


I feel compelled to make another post about Christianity and what I perceive about it. This is not my first post I have made about Christianity. Here are some others:

Christianity is part of the Jewish Master Plan

Christianity is not the Truth

Before I start this new post about Christianity I want to say what I have said before, which is that I perceive at least some of the people who view this Blog may consider themselves to be Christians and I do not want to offend these people in what I say about their Religion. But my desire to speak the truth as I see it is far greater than my desire not to offend.  So in this post I will be speaking the truth about Christianity as I see it bluntly.  If any Christian is offended by what I say in this post I do not apologize for that.  Instead I would ask that they think about what I have said here and consider if it could be true.  I only speak the truth as I see it.  I did not say you would like to hear it.

The main thing I want to state about Christianity as it is being taught today is that I consider it to be an enemy of the truth.  While I teach people to think, question, look for lies and deception in everything, to rebel against unlawful authority, to NOT support Israel and Jews, and many other things, Christianity as is it taught and practiced today is the opposite of what I teach.

Here is what the Christianity of today teaches its followers:

Do not think for yourself.  Simply have faith and Believe what is written in a Book.

Do not question. Questioning is a sin.

Do not trust your own judgement about things.

Accept the world around you as God's world that God controls.  Assume that things are the way God wants them to be.

Be meek and pacifist. Never fight back.  

Do not resist evil or evil ones. Pray for those who do evil and do NOTHING to stop them.

Love Israel in all cases.  God Loves Israel so you should love Israel too.  Your entire Religion is about Israel so of course you should love it.  Those who Bless Israel will be Blessed by God.

Love Jews because Jews are God's Chosen People.  Jesus was a Jew.  God loves Jews. So if you are a good Christian you will love Jews too and never think anything bad about them.

The enemies of the Jews such as the Palestinian people are your enemies too.  You should hate all enemies of Israel and the Jews as "from Satan".

You should allow yourself to be smitten, to be stolen from and to even be killed without doing anything to resist.

That in a nutshell is what the Christianity of today preaches and I just want to state clearly that to be this way makes a Goy the perfect willing slave to the Jews.  This is exactly the way the Jews want non Jews to be.  Willing Slaves.  Obedient Meek humble slaves who never think.  Who never question.  Who never fight back.  Who always submit.

This is why I say that Christianity as it is being taught today is an ENEMY OF THE TRUTH.  ABSOLUTELY. 

And now I want to move on to the topic of Jesus. Now in the Bible Jesus is quoted as saying some very red pilled things such as:

Jews are the Synagogue of Satan. Very True if you consider Satan to be the Jewish Snake, which I DO.

“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.

These are red pilled quotes attributed to Jesus which I agree with but there are other quotes attributed to Jesus that are very blue pilled and I 100% disagree with them.  The following illustration summariazes some of these:

In the above illustration are quotes attributed to Jesus which, if followed, would make a person the perfect slave to Jews.

The Meek shall inherit the Earth.  IMO this is a lie.  Jews are the least meek people on planet earth and they have control of this world.  As long as they maintain control the Meek will NEVER inherit the earth.  IMO saying the Meek shall inherit the earth is just telling Christians who are meek what they want to hear but that will never come true. 

Here is what I teach that is very much the opposite of what Christianity teaches: 

I do not teach pacifism as Christianity does.  I teach people to be warriors and to fight back against the evil Jewish Snake.

I expose Israel as the evil lying nation that it is, the direct opposite of a Godly peaceful nation.

I expose the Jews as an evil treacherous people who despicably use non Jews and kill non Jews.

I teach people to think and to question everything and to accept NOTHING on faith alone.  Faith in a Jewish slave Religion makes you a slave to the Jews in mind and body both.

I teach that you should trust your own God given Judgement about things and not simply dismiss it because it does not agree with "the word of the Jewish God".

I teach that you should NOT accept the world as it is but to expose the lies and deception in it and to wake up everyone you can as I am attempting to do.

I say you should not pray for the evil ones but to expose them and to fight back against them in any way you can.


  1. In my opinion, Jesus is possibly a good guy who told the truth but the Jews edited & altered what Jesus said, or added harmful indoctrination/propaganda to make Christians become easier to manipulate. Only some few good teachings the Jews overlooked were left unaltered.

  2. Yes I am willing to admit Jesus existed and was a good guy and they attributed words to him that he never said. I believe some things in the Bible have been misinterpreted. For example, when it is said Jesus brought sight to the blind it was not meant literally but figuratively. What it meant is bringing understanding to the clueless. I think Jesus was red pilled about the Jewish Snake in his day just as I am red pilled about the Jewish Snake today. And when Jesus said Satab deceives the entire world I think he was talking about the Jewish Snake, not a literal Satan but a powerful group of evil men who lie and deceive. That is how I interpret his words.
