Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Two Worlds Paradigm of the Death of Osama Bin Laden by Seal Team 6

The Two Worlds Paradigm

False World Explanation:

The U.S. CIA discovered that Osama Bin Laden was hiding in a protected compound in Pakistan and the great U.S.A. sent its vaunted Seal Team 6 in to assassinate the notorious terrorist to take revenge for the over 3000 deaths caused by this new Hitler.  Seal Team 6 got its man and killed Osama Bin Laden dead and Barak Obama who was President at the time was hailed as a great American hero who was able to do in a short time what his predecessor George W. ("I'm the War President") Bush wasn't able to do in eight years.

Real World Explanation:

The alleged raid on Bin Laden's compound in Pakistan and the alleged killing of Osama Bin Laden are fake or staged of deception. Osama Bin Laden was not present at the compound in Pakistan where Seal Team 6 allegedly "took him out".  The entire purpose of this fake staged raid and killing of OBL was to distract the American public's attention away from the release of the forged Obama birth certificate. This is a classic case of creating a completely false story to cover up a real story that the Jewish Deep State does not want to be made known.  Note: The exact same type of thing happened when the U.S. suddenly invaded Grenada in 1983 to distract the public's attention away from the Beirut Barracks bombing in 1983. In fact the Grenada invasion occurred a mere three days after the Beirut Bombing, showing the direct connection between these two seemingly unrelated events. They were unrelated in the False World but directly connected in the Real World.

Here is a significant fact that the American public is not supposed to notice. Obama's forged birth certificate was released on April 27, 2011. On May 2, 2011, approximately one week later, Seal Team Six miraculously kills Osama Bin Landen in Pakistan.  Of course there is a direct connection between these two events which any thinking, undistracted person can clearly see. This staged killing of Osama Bin Laden was in fact a PSYOP to distract the public's attention away from the forged Birth Certificate and to make Obama appear like a "great Hero" to the American people. Since the American people are dumb as fuck, it worked.  Hardly anyone questioned the official story and many Americans were proud of their Black President.  The American people are the most deceived population on the planet by far and I say this with great sadness.  But the fake OBL killing completely blew the story of Obama's fake birth certificate out of the water and killed it forever in the minds of the non-thinking American public. Mindless zombies saying "America, Fuck yeah!" had no clue how badly they were deceived and still don't to this very day.  

But this PSYOP was planned in advance with the anticipation that the Obama birth certificate would be found to be a forgery, and it was.  When the narrative got out of (((their))) control they were fully prepared to put this PSYOP into operation to kill this truthful story of the forged birth certificate. And then they murdered Seal Team 6 members who tried to tell that the death of OBL was nothing but a PSYOP.  So you see how evil the U.S. Government is and that is because Jews are running the U.S. Government. 

The government of Pakistan fully cooperated with this PSYOP and allowed one of their compounds to be the location of this fake assassination. Seal Team 6 either did not go to Pakistan at all or if they did go to stage a fake assassination they certainly did not kill Osama Bin Laden during it, who died long before of kidney problems and was not in that Pakistan compound.  But the problem with telling a lie concerning Seal Team 6 is that not everyone on Seal Team 6 was willing to go along with the lie even though I am sure they were ordered to cooperate.  Somebody talked and told the truth and it got out and then it was open season on Seal Team 6.

It is very apparent to me that the story of the killing of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan by Seal Team Six is fake and that one or more members of Seal Team Six became whistleblowers saying that this killing of OBL never happened. (((They))) tried to trace down the whistleblower(s) but could not find them so their response was to kill as many members of Seal Team Six that had allegedly been in on that Pakistan operation as they could, not just to kill the whistleblowers but to let all members of Seal Team Six know that the price for disclosing this information is death.  This reveals the true nature of the Jewish Deep State. It is a murderous tyranny. It will kill anyone who threatens to expose it to the public in a heartbeat and it will never be held accountable for its murders because it owns the entire System.  It is above any man made laws. Laws apply to humanity but they don't apply to the Jewish Snake running the show.  I have told you this before.

Some Important Dates

April 27, 2011: Obama's forged birth certificate is released to the public. 

May 2, 2011: The fake death of Osama Bin Laden by Seal Team Six.

August 6, 2011: A Chinook helo is shot down in Tangi, Wardak Province, Afghanistan. Within hours, before family notifications could possibly have been completed, global press accounts positively confirm that 22 of the 30 Americans killed were not just SEALS, but members of SEAL Team 6.

Of course the big lie that you are supposed to believe is that it was Al Queda who killed these Seal Team 6 members to avenge the death of their leader but the hard cold truth of the matter is that these men were all killed to silence one or more whistle blowers.  Since it was unknown who exactly that was, they killed everyone who it could have been.  This is the Real World.  Imagine a brutal Mafia running the entire world and you will be pretty close to the truth.


  1. The Jewish God is terrible. I used to worship him so that I think I can get rich like the Jews. My father, who is a very strong and healthy man with a very good lifestyle, suddenly got seriously ill and vomited constantly, however, finally he was recovered. Then shortly after my father's recovery, my mother got a stroke, she cannot speak and read anymore, and she cannot move her hands although she can walk slowly if she tried. And then she also got another serious illness shortly after the first illness, double illnesses, she was in a very serious condition and the doctors aren't sure that they can save her life or not,she nearly died. Then I have to change my belief to Buddhism so that I can have a good God to pray to. Then she got cut off 1/3 of his intestine, I still pray for her. Then I realize that worship the Jewish God is wrong. The Jews are cursed. They are deceived by Satan! The Jewish God is Satan! That way they worship their God and then their homeland Israel got destroyed and they have to fled everywhere and get despised or hated everywhere they go. All of them are deceived by Satan. After every strange thing and suffering I have gone through since I worship the Jewish God, I concluded that he is Satan and you will get bad results if you worship him (however, I don't know why the Jews today are so rich. Why Satan bless them but not bless me?).

    1. What I have been trying to tell you and others is that there is no Jewish God. Its a deception that Jews use to keep the gentiles under Jewish control and its been very effective. When you threaten someone with Hell for not believing in the Jewish God, it scares people into believing something which they would normally never believe. What I want you to do is to stop thinking about God and Satan and start thinking corrupt men who are behind the evils of the world but disguise what they do to make it appear to be from God or Satan. The reason the world is FUBAR is because of men and not Satan. Just realize that and stop being superstitious.

    2. Jewish success is not due to Satan but because Jews planned long ago to control the world and they worked as race to do it by their own determination. I talked before of the Jewish hive mind, which is the Jewish race in general working toward the same goals and all helping each other to be successful. Its not Satan or God that makes them rich but its because they have strove for generations to make that a reality and have attained it. That is why this Blog is called Stranger in a Jewish World.

    3. The way that "The Jews" planned and set up their fake god and "his" entire religion goes way back to the days of old Sumeria, where one guild of Merchants and Moneylenders sought to overcome over a dozen problems that were preventing them from using the already ancient Usury Swindle to acquire all the wealth and property in the world. Operating out of the Sumerian area and cultures, their work kept getting set back. Something better was needed!

      "The Sumerian Swindle," by Gregory Delaney details the evil-yet-brilliant plan, which incuded faking a backstory to fool and "graft in" groups of bandits and mercenaries that lived chaotically, in the area around Jerusalem.

      Delaney planned a three book series, but apparently passed away with only the first two published. These are free online, found several places. The first volume begins with a most succinct explanation of usury and just how it creates and feeds so many of the evils that still plague us. Volume two, "Monsters of Babylon" looks into many "favorite" Bible stories in the O.T., showing how the plan worked out.
      Get the third edition if you can because it contains the footnotes that the author planned to put in the unfinished third volume.

      Breaking the hold of Abrahamism is key to neutralized the hold of The Jews.
      -- Ghost Who Walks, an American

    4. I will check out the Sumerian Swindle. Do you think Delaney was assassinated by the Jews? Jews have assassinated many people who exposed them, so I immediately suspected by the way you said "passed away" that he was assassinated. By Abrahamism I take it you mean Christianity. I have already identified Christianity as a Jewish mind control tool for the Goyim.

  2. "Hive mind...to get "The Jews" working as an entire race... "

    This was crucial, and no mean feat, so it almost seems like a potent miracle! "The Sumerian Swindle" details how this malevolent *business plan* was brought to fruition. No miracles needed!

    -- Ghost Who Walks, an American

    1. Jews working as a Hive mind is something I had earlier observed on this Blog. Here is my assessment of the Jewish Snake: https://strangerinajewishworld.blogspot.com/2021/01/the-snake-described-i-have-talked-about.html.
      What do you think of that post? How can I improve it to make it more accurate?
