Friday, October 4, 2024

Lindsey Graham is a Zionist minion

On this Blog I have spoken about minions.  What is a minion? A minion is a non Jew that willingly serves Jews and the Jewish agenda. Why would a non Jew willingly serve the Jews? For several reasons.

One reason is for corruption's sake, because the non Jew is getting something out of the relationship such as monetary profit, sexual favors, etc.  We know of many minions in this category.

Another reason is because the non Jew is a Zionist.  These people have a belief in Israel. Perhaps that belief comes from Christianity or from another source. There are many examples of this in the US Congress today, particularly in the Republican party. The Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is in this category.

But Lindsey Graham is a Zionist who puts Israel over the American people.  This makes him a traitor to the American people.  This man should not be in office if he believes this way (and he does believe this way).

Any Zionist politician who puts the good of Israel above the good of the American people is a traitor to the American people and does not deserve to represent the American people in Congress or anywhere else.  He should go to Israel and represent his true allegiance.  I say the same thing goes for Donald J. Trump, another Zionist who puts Israel above the American people. 

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