Friday, October 4, 2024

The Search Engines are all controlled by Jews


All the Search Engines are controlled by Jews and its a no brainer why this would be.  Jews love information control.  Its why they have long controlled media of every kind.  Jews love to control what non Jews consider to be the truth.  This allows them to stage deceptions such as the Sandy Hook School shooting, 9-11 and others. 

This is the same reason why Jews control Wikipedia and why teams of Jews (mostly from Israel) are actively involved in editing Wikipedia pages to make them all say the "Jewish Truth". That is a term I just came up with but it is very appropriate.  "Jewish Truth" is not the truth.  "Jewish Truth" is what the Jews want non Jews to believe is the truth.  Its the False World of the Two Worlds Paradigm.  If you ever want a clear description of the False World on any topic, just look on Wikipedia and you will find it.  All those people using Wikipedia as their main source of information are idiots, but we already knew that about the blue pilled.

But back to search engines being controlled by Jews.  The CIA is actively involved in the control of search engines.  As I have stated many times, the CIA is a front organization proxie for Jewish control.  The CIA serves their Jewish masters, NOT the American people.  But what the CIA does is that it creates hundreds or even many thousands of links showing the Establishment/Jewish view about any topic and it floods the internet with these disinformation links.  So when you as an honest person try to look up anything on a serarch engine these disinformation links will be all you will see.  If you see enough links all saying the same thing you will come to the conclusion that it must be truth because so many different people are saying it.  Wrong.  No, what you are seeing is what they want you to believe.  You are not seeing the truth.  Any legitimate links speaking the truth are drowned out by the sheer quantity of these disinformation links which always appear at the top of every search.  You have to search long and hard to find a legitimate truthful link.  Its very difficult even for me to navigate the minefield of disinformation the internet has become under Jewish control.

But in terms of search engines, there are some that are worse than others in terms of disinformation. Google is probably the very worst.  You should never use it to search for anything of any controversy because it will feed you 100% disinformation as it is designed to do.  The CIA has a big hand in Google. I personally use DuckDuckgo but it also is full of disinformation.  I am sure every search engine is controlled like this.  

But the big thing I want to say is that you should never allow the links that come up in a search result to determine what you believe to be the truth.  That would not be smart at all. Instead, you should be aware that the search engines feed you disinformation in most cases. You should not trust that you are getting the truth from search engines.  You should go to sources that you previously know to be trustworthy and get the truth from them if you are not red pilled enough to determine it on your own.  

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