Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Iran is doing exactly what Israel wants


So I see on the Jews ... I mean the news that Iran recently made its biggest missile attack against Israel yet.  When I saw that my red pill told me a few things about it that the talking heads on the Zionist MSM did not.  

The first thing my red pill told me is that by making this large scale attack against Israel, Iran is doing exactly what Natenyahu and the Israeli government want, which is a pretext not only to hit Iran back HARD but also to completely overthrow the Iranian government.  Yes, (((they))) want regime change in Iran and this time I think they will get it. Natenyahu is on the warpath.  In Gaza and the West bank.  In Lebanon. In Syria. And now in Iran.  He wants an excuse for total war and Iran just handed it to him.  And the U.S. of course is just a lapdog for Israel who will go along with whatever Israel wants, as they always do.  If Israel attacks Iran the U.S. will likely be a partner in that attack. 

The Zionist MSM also said that they have moved up the calculation to when Iran will have the ability to develop a nuclear weapon to two weeks.  That right there told me they are going to at the very least strike all the Iranian nuclear sites very soon in a massive bombing campaign, but why just bomb to temporarily remove the "threat" when you can invade and install your own puppet government and permanently insure that you have a friendly regime in Iran?  

 Also I see this Iranian missile attack happened as the American people are about to go voote for one of two Zionist puppets.  This attack surely helps Trump.  Also I watched parts of the VP debate last night and saw that Walz did not look nearly as confident as I expected him to be.  He looked almost afraid of Vance.  What gives?  What happened to the confident well spoken Walz? The puppet plays the script he has been given. 

Its almost like someone got to Walz and told him he'd better not do good in the debate or else.

But the bigger picture I want to paint about all of this is an advanced red pill called: the World is run by Jewish script. Do you know of it?  I have spoken of it before here but I do not know how many understood it. What follows are links to posts I have made in the past concerning this advanced red pill. Note:  Google censored one post I made about this so (((they))) really do not want people to know about this. 

The World is run by Jewish script

The world is run by Jewish script

Let me explain this advanced red pill in general first and then apply it to what we see happening today.

The concept of the world being run by Jewish script

Here is an explanation of the world being run by Jewish script.  In the False World things appear to just happen, with nobody pulling any strings to make them happen but in the Real World Jews plan in advance for what they want to happen and they make those things happen behind the scenes.  In other words, Jews plan for a future that they want and they actively work to make that desired future a reality. So what appears to be just a coincidence in the False World is actually a plan (or script) in the Real World.  Do you understand that?  Of course they work very hard to hide the fact that it is a Jewish script but the red pilled can see through it while the blue pilled are totally deceived by the clown show.  

The Jewish script of today

What is the Jewish script of today?  Of course we who are not Jews do not get a copy of that script.  We have to deduce it by paying attention to what is going on in the False World.  We pay attention to the False World to deduce what is happening in the Real World.  Here is what I see:

1.  Jews are pulling the strings of Iran behind the scenes.  This may not be apparent to most.  Israel and Iran are controlled opposition and Jews are pulling the strings of BOTH.

2. Jews want war in the middle east.  When I say Jews I do not mean Israel but I mean the Jewish Snake.  Do you know what it is?

3. Jews want world war 3, which to them is a battle between Zionism and Islam.  This is perfectly represented in a war between Israel/U.S. and Iran/Lebanon/etc. And a war between the U.S. and Russia. And a war between the U.S. and China.  Jews are preparing the world for WW3 now. 

4. Jews may want Trump to be POTUS and what they are doing are manipulating events to help him win now. This was not apparent to me before but it is becoming more apparent to me that Trump may be the chosen one after all.


  1. Do they want Kamala Harris or Donald Trump to succeed Biden? In another post quite some time ago, I remember you said that the script is likely for Kamala Harris to win. Aren't they behind the Feminism and BLM movement, wanting a person who has a 'woman + black' combo to become the next President? Have you changed your mind because of the new information gained?

    1. It is not always easy to determine what the Jewish Snake wants. My thought has been that they want Harris to be the next POTUS but lately and after watching the VP "debate" I am starting to reconsider that. Yes they are behind feminism and BLM and many other agendas. I will say this. For Trump to win would turn the USA into a circus and Trump's stated agendas are against the agendas of the Jewish Snake so I do not believe they want him to be POTUS. I see Trump as merely controlled opposition to Harris. Trump is a Jewish actor on a Jewish stage playing the role he has been given, nothing more. He is not intended to win this selection is the way I see it but the Jews may have something planned for him that I do not yet see.
