Saturday, October 5, 2024

I used to be a Patriot to America


Although you would never know it from most of my posts today, I used to be a Patriot to America when I was blue pilled.  I believed in America.  I believed in the U.S. Government as being righteous and honest. I supported the U.S. Government in its wars.  But since I took the red pill my view of the U.S. Government has radically changed.  There is no way I could ever be a Patriot to such an obviously corrupt government as the U.S. Government.  Jews killed my Patriotism. After looking into a few U.S./Jewish deceptions such as the Apollo Moon Landings Hoax, 9-11 and the Sandy Hook School Shooting Hoax my Patriotism to America is dead.  Instead I see the Jew controlled U.S. Government as my enemy, as I believe all red pilled persons should view it.  

My Patriotism is to the American people who are honest and not part of the corruption.  To them I am a Patriot but to the U.S. Government I am opposed to it on a very fundamental basis. The corruption of the U.S. Government is such that I believe the U.S. Government as it exists today should be forcibly overthrown by the American people and replaced with an honest government that actually serves the people as it was designed to be before the Jews corrupted it. Absolutely.

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