Saturday, October 5, 2024

JFK Assassination Forums

Of course I want to assimilate my message about the JFK Assassination to others and a normal way I would do that is by going to one of the online JFK assassination forums and spreading the truth there.  Unfortunately all of these web sites are controlled by Jews.  They have no interest in the truth about the JFK assassination.  They are all disinformation web sites controlled by Jews and filled with disinformation agents.  I have tried to go on to one of these sites before and I was immediately attacked.  In fact, before I had even started posting they had done an investigation into me and revealed my "anti Semitic" posting and were accusing me about that.  I could attempt to join one of these forums now but if I did it would gain me nothing.  My posts would be attacked.  My credibility would be attacked. Nobody would agree with me.  So I will not attempt to do this.  Instead I will speak the truth about the JFK assassination here and ask that honest viewers of the Blog who believe my message help to spread the truth.  Its all that I know to do to get my message spread.  Yes, I depend on you to help spread my message.  Do not just come here to read my words and do nothing with them.  Help me wake up others.  If you are red pilled and if you care you will do this.  

I really need you to care. Do you care?


  1. Your blog is clearly on their blacklist (though it has not been deleted, nor has your account been banned), so even if people read posts on your blog, the view count may still show as 0 because that's what the moderator/administrator wants. This is known as shadow-banning, a common practice on their media platforms. If they were to ban people outright, countless individuals would be banned, which could outrage the public and lead to a revolution. Instead, they allow content from those on the blacklist to remain visible, but they manipulate it to show 0 likes, 0 views, or very few of each. This strategy discourages the affected users without making them aware that they are being treated unfairly by the system, as they do not know they have been secretly blacklisted.

    1. Very good reply. I should have known this but it helps to be reminded about how deceitful they really are.
