Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Investigating the 9-11 Put Options


In this thread I want to go down the rabbit hole on the 9-11 put options.  In case you do not know what those are, in stock trading you can make bets that the stock value of a company will go down and make a profit off of it.  Well, come to find out someone did just that prior to 9-11 by placing put options on American Airlines and United Airlines, the two passenger jet airline companies whose planes were allegedly involved in 9-11.  

What this indicates is that someone had foreknowledge of the 9-11 "attack" and attempted to make a profit off of this knowledge.

The following is a good link to get us started down this rabbit hole:

Insider trading 9/11 ... the facts laid bare

The company placed these Put options is Deutsche Bank Alex Brown, which is a German Bank with a headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany.

Alex Brown & Sons (ABS) was the actual company that placed the Put Options. ABS was bought by Deutsche Bank in 1999, two years before 9-11.

Buzzy Krongard

An important person at ABS was a man named Buzzy Krongard, pictured above.  This man served as CEO and Chairman of the Board at ABS so he was very important in the company that placed the put options. Very notable is that this same man was appointed Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (the CIA) in March 2001.  So before we go any further down this rabbit hole we already have circumstantial evidence that this man became aware of 9-11 while at the CIA and that he used this information to try to make a quick and easy profit.  Notable also is that this man is a 33rd degree Freemason.  

Mayo A. Shattuck III

The rabbit hole goes deeper.  On September 12, 2001, one day after 9-11, the Chairman of the Board of Deutsche Bank Alex Brown suddenly resigned even though he still had a three year contract with an annual salary of several million dollars.  Clearly this man resigned because of 9-11. This man is Mayo A. Shattuck III (pictured above).

Other informative links are these:

Re: Deutsche Bank Alex Brown and 9/11 Insider Trading

Black 9/11: A walk on the Dark Side

A short list of the companies that have the anomalous put options:

American Airlines

United Airlines

Boeing. (a contractor for American Airlines and United Airlines).

Delta Airlines.


Merrill Lynch: Had offices in the Twin Towers.

Bank of America: Had offices in the Twin Towers.

Citigroup: Had offices in the Twin Towers.

Marsh & McLehnan: Had offices in the twin Towers.

J.P. Morgan: Had offices in the twin Towers.

Other Facts:

The profits from these Put options were enormous. For example, the Put options on Citigroup alone could have made more than 15 million dollars profit!

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the 9-11 Commission both concluded there was no insider trading.  In other words, they refused to even acknowledge it.  This shows deep corruption and collusion in both of these entities, which should be no surprise at all to everyone reading this post. 

One of the insider traders involved was tracked down and discovered to be Wirt Walker III, a distant cousin to then President George W. Bush!!!  Can you say Corruption?Link: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Wirt_Dexter_Walker_III

Link: A deeper dive into Wirt Walker III

Link: KuwAm and Stratesec: Directors and investors that link 9/11 to a private intelligence network

Link: The small world of 9/11 players: LS2, Vidient and AMEC

A short list of the companies involved in 9/11 insider trading:

Deutsche Bank Alex Brown


Viisage Corp

More to Come

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