This post is dedicated to George W. Bush, a man who I consider to be the worst U.S. President of my lifetime. I don't like Donald Trump as President but I hate George W. Bush most because of his part in 9-11. Because of Bush's role in 9-11 I view him as a Traitor to the people of the United States of America. But beyond his role in 9-11 this is one despicable man who deserves all the dishonor that history can heap upon him.
Bush is a Homosexual
Someone arranged for one of Bush's Homosexual lovers to be snuck into his Presidential news conference as a reporter to ask Bush softball questions. Bush was very pleased to see his lover, as is shown in the left image. In the right image Bush is seen hugging his Homosexual lover. The caption should read: Is W Fucking Gannon/Guckert? And the answer is Gannon/Guckert is fucking Bush in the Ass. Pardon my crude language.
This appears to be the same man but he's had a haircut so its a different Bush White House Press Conference where Bush is kissing his Homosexual lover on the head. Notice the White House Press Corp watching who are all fully aware that the President of the United States is a flaming faggot. If you are a patriot to what American once was this picture should sicken you. But Bush's homosexuality pales in comparison to the next U.S. President, Barack Hussein Obama who not only was openly gay but is actually married to a man.
Bush is a Satanist
Bush Playing the Jew
Talmud George
Its bad enough that the Talmud exists but to have a non-Jew dedicate his life to reading and understanding that hate-filled racist Jewish document is just beyond words. Bush earned the nickname "Talmud George" because he was seen carrying around a copy of the Talmud with him in public. Along with his role in 9-11, this just proves that George W. Bush is the biggest sell out to the American people and human race that I can think of. I have the lowest opinion for this man I could possibly have. But why was he carrying around the Talmud with him in public? Because he is a sell out to the Jews. He sold out to the Jews on 9-11 and he sold out in every other way he could. What more can I say to show my absolute contempt for this POS? He is FAR worse than Donald Trump ever thought of being. Okay, I'll stop now.
More to Come
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