Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Jewish Master Plan

I have created a PDF of the Jewish Master Plan as I see it.  If you would like a copy of it then please email me at the below address: 


  1. Hi Thomas, please send me the copy to

    1. I will send this plan to anyone but I want to say this. This is my own interpretation of the facts as I view them. The second thing is that even I am 100% correct it what I have seen, what good does it to document the Jewish Plan if no non Jew is going to seriously combat it? It seems like humanity wants to lay down on its stomach naked in the middle of the street and invite the Jews to fuck them at will. I am sorry to be so blunt and crude but sometimes calling a spade a spade is the best thing. The Jews have no effective opposition against themselves and it appears that no matter what they do (for example, the Plandemic) humanity is destined to be a Jewish victim. I want something better for humanity. To remain in a bad status quo (and to get worse over time) is not the direction humanity should be going.

    2. well said. Xcept the Jews are not out to liquidate "humanity"...just the remnant White nations. All of which (((they))) now control except Hungary and Russia. With the Whites extincted - via open borders and the kosher Culture of Death killing White family formation and birthrate - the Jews will have nor problems ruling the low-IQ blacks/browns forever. China, tho, will remain a large fly in the Zionist ointment.

  2. My mother was born jewish. My father is irish and austrian. She converted to christianity before me and my brother were born. Because my jewish grandmother owned the family business my parents were employed at they were forced to send me and my brother to a jewish school (a yeshiva). Needless to say I hated it. My brother did not as much. I was able to leave after 7 years after being old enough to complain.

    Now that you have my background lemme say this:

    Absolutely 100% jews believe the world will be theres one day. We were taught this. They framed it as a good thing because we are supposed to be the spreaders of peace. But nonetheless they absolutely see the world from beginning to end as belonging to them. Ironically they try to force it through genocide and manipulation.

    I have went the christian route like my mother. i believe in jesus and do not think of myself as jewish as I reject it today. Growing up despite me being forced into a yeshiva my mother had regular bible studies at the house with friends. My brother went the ultra orthodox route and is very much a conservative jew. We aren’t estranged but we don’t talk much either. The little we have talked I have brought the topic of jewish dominance around the world and the numerous times jews have been kicked out of countries. I mentioned sabbatai zevy and frankism. His response was surprisingly honest. “Clearly God is very angry with the jews.”

    I will give you some interesting insight into the silent war inside judaism you may not know about.

    Globalist marxist jews hate the existence of chasidic and ultra orthodox jews. Politically speaking most chasidic jews are not communists snd that really upsets these globalist marxist jews. However there is still no actual fighting amongst them just a slow slow plan to dilute and erase orthodox jews from having any power and influence. No one talks about it and it’s mostly observation that I have concluded that. They see their quest towards world domination differently. Globalist marxist jews will subvert and want to actively carry out their world domination plans through some of most vile and evil methods as possible to make the process efficient for them. Orthodox snd chasidic jews appear to me as still wanting to move towards global power and control but through the methods of living a good life as they see it and organically attracting the world’s population to judaism over time. The orthodox call their counterparts “lost jews.”

    Just thought you’d like the insight from someone who used to be inside that world. Now I’m in my 40s and see bible prophecy playing out in front of me. I hope Jesus is the way because the talmud sure as shit isn’t.

    1. I respect you for what you said because I preceive it is the truth as you see it and perhaps it is the absolute truth. What I hate more than anything is dishonesty and deception and for whatever reason the Jewish race has become symbolic of dishonesty and deception and behind that is Jewish racism against non Jews. If there were no Jewish racism against non Jews then there would be no problem, so everything starts with Jewish racism. I am not a Jew and I do not care about the Jewish race except to recognize the blatant racism of it. As for Christianity, how can we say that it too is not Jewish deception and control? In a world filled with Jewish deception and control, is it not logical that the major Religions, especially a Religion based upon Jews as Christianity is, is also Jewish deception and control? I do not claim to have all the answers but that is the way I have come to view Christianity after becoming familiar enough with the Jewish problem. I am sure you know what that means.

    2. If Christianity is Jewish deception, then why are Jewish converts often disowned by their family upon conversion to Christianity? How is it that the Bible accurately predicts the future? The Jews are supposed to be a blessing to all bringing the Truth and they have been since the Messiah came from their genealogy and they wrote God inspired books of the Bible. Those that do not believe and recognize their own Messiah, and have rejected the Truth, are easily manipulated by demons. Perhaps if there is a war with the gentiles, which current events could lead one to believe, it will result in the seven-year peace treaty spoken about in Revelation.

  3. The contemporary Jewish bankers have no idea their power is like that of a flea compared to that of their Creator who is about to destroy them totally, happy new year.

    1. Item: "9/23 Fed Death"

  4. Item: "9/23 Fed Death"
