Thursday, October 3, 2024

September Clues


Although I have never shared it here, I attribute my great epiphany about 9-11 being a staged deception to September Clues.  This video and the associated web site really opened my eyes that 9-11 was a deception and not a true terrorist attack on America as the lying MSM and U.S. Government said.  So in this post I want to document some of what September Clues said.  

First watch the main September Clues video Fullscreen.

The creator of this video, Simon Shack, did a fantastic job exposing the deception. (((They))) obviously never expected that someone would go back and carefully examine and compare all the MSM 9/11 footage to expose their deception.  

The reason I am making this post concerns the alleged death count of 9-11.  According the MSM and even from many web sites that claim to expose the truth about 9-11 this death count is high.  But September Clues tells another story, which is that the massive death count is disinformation.  

As you watch this, remember what they did in the Sandy Hook School shooting Hoax.  In that Hoax they had a large number of casualties in the False World but no casualties at all in the Real World.  How is 9-11 any different than that except to be on a far larger scale?  Consider that 9-11 was like Sandy Hook.  In the False World many deaths. In the Real World no deaths or a very low number of deaths.  

Consider the possibility that the WTC towers (1, 2 and 7) were empty of people at the time they collapsed, meaning no people actually died inside the 3 buildings.

Consider the possibility that the 4 passenger jets full of people were disinformation, meaning no people died in the 4 airplanes.

Consider that nobody died in the Pentagon.

If all those possibilities are true, then who really died during 9/11?

How many Sayanim were involved in 9/11 in NYC?  I suspect a lot!

More to Come

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