Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Two Worlds Paradigm example of the Apollo Moon Landings of 1969-73.

Two Worlds Paradigm example of the Apollo Moon Landings of 1969-73.

Two Worlds Paradigm

False World Explanation:  NASA and the Government of the United States of America sent men to walk on the moon six different times starting in 1969 and ending in 1973, all during the Presidential term of Richard M. Nixon.  The USA went to the moon because it rocks and its the most technologically advanced country in the world and it can do what others only dream of due to its advanced technology.

Real World Explanation:  NASA and the U.S. Government staged a hoax on the American people and the entire world by staging the moon landings six different times starting in 1969 and ending in 1973, all during the Presidential term of Richard M. Nixon.  Deception was used by showing Astronaut actors walking on a set made to look like the moon on television.  No American Astronauts got even close to the real moon.  It was all a staged deception.

Most all of the videos on Youtube are Shill videos promoting the lie that American Astronauts walked on the moon but there are a few videos that are very revealing of the Lie.  Here is a video of the first Press Conference of the three Apollo 11 AstroNots after their return from the "moon".  The looks of shame and guilt on their faces and their very awkward body language as well as their inability to answer of any of the questions put to them realistically is very revealing that these men never went to the moon:

Below is a close up high resolution picture of one of the Apollo modules that supposedly travelled all the way through space from the earth to the moon and landed on the moon.  Open this picture and take a good look at this thing and tell me if you believe it did that.  This thing looks like it was made in someone's basement and has no ability to fly whatsoever.  Its just a prop used in a Psyop, and not a very good one either:

NASA, like the rest of the U.S. Government is a shameless, immoral liar with no real credibility whatsoever.  

EDIT TO ADD:  Of all the Lies I am trying to expose on my little Blog, I consider the Apollo Moon Landings Lie one of the least harmful.  Don't get me wrong.  I believe that All Lies and All Deceptions are bad things that should never happen.  But in the case of this deception, the net result of it was to make the American people feel proud of their country for its great accomplishment in space, even if the accomplishment was a complete lie.  In the end, it does not matter.  In America, perceived truth is more important than Actual Truth.

One might conclude that the deceptive means (Faked moon landings on a moon set) justified the desired end, which was millions of Americans being proud of their Nation and seeing it as Number One in the World.  I do not agree with this.  A supposedly good end never justifies a deceptive means.  Unfortunately, the people who run and control the U.S. Government do not see it this way. For them, a completely dishonest means is perfectly fine if it gets them what they want in the end.  Another good example of this is 9-11.

EDIT TO ADD:  Outside of all the shills still pushing this lie to this very day, what I find extremely sad and depressing is all the people who still believe this lie even after fifty years.  They still see this as mankind's greatest accomplishment instead of as mankind's greatest Hoax.  Some people will never wake up.  Today you can be certain that these people are wearing masks everywhere they go.

EDIT TO ADD:  The following is a very revealing video featuring Buzz Aldrin concerning the Apollo moon landings. Buzz wants to tell the truth so bad but he can't quite do it.  Time for another drink Buzz to ease your guilty conscience.

EDIT TO ADD:  Here is a very good PDF explaining the NASA Apollo Moon Landing Fraud in detail:

Dave McGowan - Wagging the Moon Doggie PDF

EDIT TO ADD:  Here is a good PDF explaining the NASA Apollo Moon Landing Fraud in detail:

Ralph Rene - NASA Mooned America PDF

EDIT TO ADD:  One of the pieces of disinformation that the NASA shills use to give false credibility to the NASA Apollo moon landings FRAUD is the claim that reflectors were placed on the moon and that these are proof that the moon landings were real.  This is 100% disinformation.  They can no more prove the reflectors are there than they can prove anything else that was supposedly left on the moon by the Astronauts are there.  Its all Bullshit to keep the lie going for as long as they possibly can.


Apollo Smoke and Mirrors


The Three Apollo 11 Astronauts who participated in the original Moon Landing Hoax were all Freemasons.



  1. See Arch Stanton's Youtube comment at made 5 months ago.

    1. Someone needs to add an obvious red flag to this - and it's pretty darn funny if it weren't so blatant. There's pics of the "earth from the moon" on those fake moon landing missions, and guess what- it looks the same size as the moon as seen from earth. Diameter of earth is about 20 times that of the moon. There's no "fish eye" bending around the margins so it wasn't a super wide angle lens.

      Not that any film digital or otherwise woulda survived the van allen belts.

      Not only that, they were on the "lit" side of the moon yet most or all of the earth is lit - such blatant fakery!

    2. So much fakery in the Apollo moon landings. There is a video by Bart Sibrel called "A funny thing happened on the way to the moon that addresses how they made the earth appear to be viewed from the moon or beyond LEO. I will post that on my new Blog as it is very relevant to what you are discussing.

  2. If the Apollo missions never went to the moon, then where did the Billions to fund it go? Someone is sitting on a mountain of Cash!

    1. Organized corruption at the very highest levels of the U.S. Government. Big pay offs to everyone involved. The mistake that most people make is to believe that the U.S. Government is honest and would never be part of a lie like this. People who believe this have no idea what the U.S. Government is like. Its more like a big mafia but it goes beyond the U.S.

    2. The rockets were real. They just couldn't send people to the moon so they spent a few days in orbit of Earth instead. Nasa filmed all the moon landings in a studio. Why do you think Neil Armstrong never said anything to anyone? NASA built a satellite to orbit the moon that sent pre-recorded video and audio back to earth and launched it just before Apollo 11 and then sent it to the moon when Apollo was in orbit of Earth, so people who tracked the signal would think it was really on the moon. The "moon rocks" are all earth rocks Wehner von Braun and his team brought back from Antartica that have been bombarded with x-rays and hit with high speed dust and dirt to simulate impacts on the moon. When they analyse all the moon rocks they say hey they're just like Earth rocks!!

    3. Agreed. One of the alleged moon rocks given to another country was later found to be just petrified wood.

  3. My great grandfather never believed it at the time. Funny enough I found out another person in that generation said "this is a hoax and they should sue Disney".. So it's easy to believe they were fooled when in actual fact, free thinking people questioned it from the beginning. I feel very sad for Armstrong and his crew at the press interview. It looks like they just witnessed or found out something horrible. A secret they'd have taken to the grave, no doubt.

    1. I believed the moon landings were authentic until I saw through 9-11. After I saw through 9-11 then I saw through the moon landings and many other lies. What I had the hardest time accepting is that so many people would be willingly lying about these things. For the longest time I could not wrap my head around that but the inevitable conclusion is that American society is deeply corrupt and controlled from way back. I did not want to accept that but now that I have a lot of other things I did not understand suddenly made sense. We are ruled by lying psychopaths who control the government, the media, basically the entire show. Most people do not want to accept that. For most of my life I have not been a free thinking individual. I have been a brainwashed wage slave. It took 9-11 to open my eyes. You do not understand about the Astronauts that they were all three Freemasons and corrupt themselves. Maybe they did not know it was going to be staged until the last moment and that is why they looked so ashamed at that Apollo 11 press conference. Either way, at least Aldrin and Collins came back later and started telling the lie for NASA so they are corrupt and guilty.

    2. "A funny thing happened on the way to the moon"

    3. I deleted your other two comments but I keep this one. Yes, I have seen that video by Bart Sibrel.

  4. Great article... I too came to understand that the moon landings were fake back in my University days back in 1979...

    I too have written extensively over the years about this fraud... And of course the fraud of NASA continues with their fake MARS rover landers that are no where near the Martian surface...

    But of course this makes sense, for in regards to NASA, once a liar always a liar.

    1. It was not until I saw through the 9-11 deception that I was able to see through other deceptions, including this one. 9-11 was my big eye opener that the world is not what it appears to be and that the people who run it are pathological liars. I had a very difficult time overcoming that psychological "hump" but once I did everything else just fell into place for me. Most people will never do the hard work of breaking their brain washing so they will never know. It is only because I really wanted to know about 9-11 that I found the bad truth about the world.

  5. Just be careful.. The flat earth retards may yet come into your site like they have at mine to try to stir up trouble!

    1. Before I started this Blog I was doing everything I could to expose the Apollo Moon Landing Lie on Youtube and it was Youtube that I saw the flat earth proponents. Here is my honest assessment of the flat earthers: they are dishonest shills who push the flat earth meme simply to discredit anyone saying that the Apollo moon landings were fake. Anyone who says the Apollo moon landings were faked is accused of being a flat earther and this is by design. Its a completely dishonest campaign to change "NASA faked the Apollo moon landings" to "the earth is flat" and IMO Jews are very much involved in this campaign. As an example, one of my Blog posts here on Apollo got reposted on Reddit and I was immediately labeled as a flat earther by one of those shills. So whenever you see someone pushing flat earth, know that it is a shill who is trying to discredit the truth that the Apollo moon landings were completely faked. I know this by experience in dealing with these bad actors.

    2. EDIT TO ADD: The Flat earth meme is a way to totally derail the conversation about NASA faking the moon landings. Get enough shills saying this and suddenly the truth has been derailed and this is the purpose of it. There is a very similar thing happening concerning the JFK assassination. When someone like myself makes a post about Jackie being the assassin of her husband, the shills immediately respond "No the driver did it." Do you see the tactic being used? Get enough shills saying this everywhere and the truth becomes completely derailed and suddenly the shills are controlling the conversation and truth has become completely lost. In a Jewish world filled with dishonesty, lies and deception, nobody should be surprised at this. Jews have filled the internet with shills who do everything they can to prevent the common man from knowing the truth about many things.

  6. I'm a little late to this party, but felt like chiming in. I was 10 years old when Apollo 11 went "to the Moon" and accepted it as fact at the time. Even at that age I thought the moon surface footage looked different than what I would have expected. There was no sense of distance to the horizon and being a kid who played outside a lot I knew what a distant horizon should look like. I dismissed my perceptions at the time since I couldn't know what a Lunar horizon should look like. Later my high school girlfriend's father told me about his missions flying ARIA (modified Boeing 707) aircraft for the Apollo program out of Patrick AFB. They were essentially communication nodes strategically orbiting different quadrants of the globe to enable contact with the astronauts wherever they happened to be at the moment. He was flying ARIA4 when the Apollo 13 module reentered and was one of the first Earthly voices the astronauts heard after the blackout and before NASA was even sure of their survival. Fast forward nearly 30 years later to 9/11 and, like many, I had a moment of awakening when I realized the BS being told about the AF non-response to the supposed highjacked aircraft. By then I had served 20 years in the AF and knew damn good and well the things they were saying couldn't be true. They idea that NORAD couldn't have fighters on any passenger planes within minutes was out of the question. Even in 1959 that wasn't possible (look up SAGE). Then I saw the hole in the Pentagon and knew that wasn't from an airliner. So began my journey of truth that continues to this day. My thoughts and beliefs have come to mirror Stranger's in such a familiar way that I feel we are brothers along a similar path. Once the methods are realized, it becomes all too easy to spot the lies. While Truth is vast and expansive, the Zionist's bag of trick could fit it a lunchbox. Same old shit over and over. I'm just sorry it continues to be effective to the point of near hopelessness. I say near because there's always hope. As for the Apollo 11 astronauts, being from Ohio I originally took pride in Neil Armstrong's "accomplishment" and later had to reconcile that with my firm belief that we cannot to this day put a man anywhere near the Moon. I can only conclude that they were briefed and convinced it was necessary at the time to fool the Russians and probably expected the truth to come out at an appropriate time. His relative silence over the years and obvious discomfort in non-answering children's questions about what this or that was like on the Moon gave me the impression he was not happy with the fact that the truth apparently was not ever going to come out in any official capacity (at least in his lifetime) led me to conclude he and the others were duped. I'm sure they knew up front where they were actually going, but likely believed it was a strategic and necessary thing at the time. I wouldn't be surprised if all or most of the Apollo astronauts came to some realizations of their own over time as the lie became immortalized in permanent history.

  7. Buzz Aldrin the Jew, so he must be telling the truth, yeah ok..
    And Dave McGowan lying through his teeth about Hitler saying in Mein Kampf "if your going to tell a lie make it a big one" show me where he said that in Mein Kampf? Has he or you read it?
    Never heard of Ralph Rene . Marks out of 10, Zero for a really crappy effort.

    1. Is Buzz Aldrin a Jew? I was unaware. Dave McGowan tells the truth about some things but not others. You have to take what truth you find and reject lies. I have never read Mein Kampf. What is the big thing in Mein Kampf you would have me know? Ralph Rene exposed the fake moon landings.

  8. Moon landing which we seen in TV is obv fake for anyone who will investigate it a little.
    But have you ever considered the possibility that they could still be on the moon despite this?
    Maybe there was another reason to keep secret what was actually happening on the moon.
    Do you think they would really put so much effort into all this just to impress citizens?

    The astronauts' conference after returning from the moon does not fit this theory at all. If it were a show from start to finish, the astronauts would not only have been trained for months in terms of acting, but they would also pretend to be happy about such a great achievement for humanity. However, you could clearly see depression, anxiety, and even fear in their eyes. As if they had discovered something they had not expected...

  9. No IMO man has never set foot on the moon but unmanned spacecraft have gone there. There are no aliens on the moon if that is what you are attempting to imply. Yes I do believe they would put that much effort into deceiving people about going to the moon. I am not presenting a theory to you. I am presenting the truth. As for the Press conference with the three Apollo 11 Astronauts, my guess is that they were not told about the deception until the very last and once they found out they felt compelled to go along with it. Their faces show they are ashamed. Yes you would think they would act happy and cheerful and pretend but these men I believe were honest and did not know this was going to be a fake until suddenly it was. But I can see your point. You are drawing the wrong conclusion, my friend. That depression, anxiety and fear is the discovery that they are in the middle of something which they had not expected and are not able to deal with. Again, it shows them as wanting to be honest but unable to be honest. Keep in mind that (((they))) brutally murdered Gus Grissom, Thomas Ronald Baron and possibly others for trying to expose the true state of the Apollo program, so these men were afraid for their lives if they did not cooperate. Don't be deceived about the aliens on the moon BS.

  10. Since the aim of the project was to supposedly deceive whole world, in the process of selecting human astronauts, those who would unconditionally and unquestioningly submit would be chosen. Like NOT honest men but rather submissive & docile.

    After all, if they were planned to participate in the show and since it was known that they would eventually learn the truth, it would probably be much better to tell them in advance, to prepare them appropriately so that there would be no friction at the conference and that their behavior would not arouse any suspicions (as was the case)

    But apart from this argument, what in your opinion was the main reason and possible benefit for this conspiracy and so much effort to put on?

  11. I can only deduce what the truth is from the evidence I have seen and what my inner self tells me truth is. The aim of the project was to deceive the entire world. You have a good point about the three Apollo 11 Astronauts. They would likely not choose honest men but men who would be willingly to go along with corruption. But I note that all three men were Freemasons, which might go a long ways to explaining why they were chosen and why they cooperated.

    But I surmise these men were kept in the dark about the true nature of the deception they were involved in until they suddenly discovered it for themselves. At that point they had no choice but to cooperate or suffer a fate of likely being killed to silence them. They would definitely have killed them if they refused to cooperate. We don't know what kind of threats were used against them and their families to make them want to cooperate.

    As for the reason for the Apollo deception, I see several. JFK had given the mandate to put a man on the moon before the end of the 1960's and they were trying to fulfill that. The country was tearing itself apart over Vietnam war protests and civil rights protests. People were losing faith in America and they wanted to unite people and make them feel proud of America again. Also there was massive corruption, with a lot of money being used for the moon landings being pocketed by corrupt people. Each of those Lunar Rovers I think cost like 60 million dollars even though they are not much more sophisticated than a dune buggy. There was massive corruption to steal tax dollars doing this little stunt. Possibly other reasons.

    Three other things I say are this:

    1. Unless they lied to JFK about the feasibility of actually going to the moon safely before the end of the decade then JFK must have been aware of the deception. I believe he was aware of it.

    2. The fact that Russia did not expose the deception means that International Jews were involved in the deception. Even though it happened in the USA, the conspiracy is bigger than the USA, just as in the case of 9-11. Jews planned to do this for whatever reason. It was a Jewish plan. The US Government just went along with it. The Russian government also went along with it.

    3. How could the US Government have the confidence to do this without fearing that at some future date a smoking gun would be produced to prove the entire thing was a fake? If the world were honest and uncontrolled that would be a true concern. But the world is corrupt and controlled. The Jews control the media and the message and they will never allow this to be exposed regardless of what proof of deception exists. So the US Government is Jew owned and just doing what its masters want. While the US Government and NASA and the CIA are all involved, this Conspiracy is bigger than them. Its a world wide conspiracy involving the Jews is how I see it; the same way I view 9-11.
