Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Prisoner


There are some movies that are allegorical.  That is, they are presented on two different levels.  The surface level tells one story but there is a deeper story being told behind the surface level.  

Examples of allegorical movies are:

The Matrix (1999)

They Live (1988)

I am sure there are others but those are the two big ones that come to my mind.

Now in terms of television, there are allegorical television shows also.  The only one I know of is a British program called "The Prisoner" (1966 - 1968)

Once I became aware of this series I became a big fan of it.  What I can tell you is that it is full of symbolism.  In fact, everything in it is symbolic of a deeper meaning and its very personal.  I cannot explain to you the meaning of this series for you because that is up to you to determine for yourself.  Some things cannot be explained using words. You must understand the meaning yourself in order for it to make any sense.  I can only lead you here and let you determine the meaning for yourself.

The below link is the First Episode in its entirety. Remember, everything in it is symbolic but only you can see the symbolism.  Try to see the deeper meaning of what is being presented.  Even the title sequence is symbolic. Once again, watch and listen for the hidden symbolism and try to apply it to yourself and your own life.  Its deeply personal and can only be understood by the person viewing it.

Symbolic Terms:

What it means to Resign

The Village (your Village)

Number six

Number two

Number one

More to Come

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