In this post I go deeper down the rabbit hole of Jackie killing JFK by focusing on the path of the thrown murder weapon after it left Jackie's hand. As I have demonstrated in previous posts, immediately after the head shot, Jackie threw the murder weapon up in the air behind her and it landed on the trunk of the Limousine, where it was retrieved by U.S. Secret Service agent Clint Hill. The White Blob drawn frame by frame on the film is intended to obscure the thrown murder weapon. Specifically, the path of the thrown murder weapon is shown by the location of the white blob in the air and its reflection on the trunk. This is a photographic trick that the conspirators used to hide the murder weapon after it left Jackie's hand, in addition to removing entire frames from the Zapruder film at that critical point. In the below images I am going to show the path of the thrown weapon after it left Jackie's right hand to the best of my ability to determine it.
Frame 326:
Jackie raises her right hand to a vertical position. Before this frame Jackie threw the weapon. The red curved line shows the approximate path of the weapon from the time it left Jackie's hand to its position in this frame. The weapon is obscured by the white Blob. At this point the weapon is near the apex of its vertical ascent before gravity begins to pull it back down.
Frame 327:
From the previous frame, the weapon has reached the apex of its vertical ascent and is now being pulled down (toward the trunk of the Limo) by gravity. In subsequent frames the weapon will descend faster and faster until it falls onto the trunk.
Frame 328:
From the last frame, the weapon is pulled down by gravity to the trunk. I make the following observations for you to confirm:
1. The white blob (on the grass or in the air) can no longer conceal the murder weapon and maintain the illusion that the blob is a background feature. So the weapon is now hidden by the reflection of the Blob on the trunk.
2. I contend that one to three critical frames were removed from the Zapruder film at this point to hide the murder weapon as it travelled from the location of the blob in the previous frame to the location of the blob "reflection" on the trunk.
3. If the white blob were a background feature on the grass then there could be no reflection of it on the trunk. Only an object higher than the trunk could leave a reflection. Please confirm this to yourself. It is not a reflection but only the illusion of a reflection. In fact, it is a very poor illusion that any thinking person can see through. As was the case of 9-11, the Jewish conspirators were extremely sloppy in their deceptions and made many mistakes that reveal the deceptions.
4. The blob reflection in thus frame does not match the object it is supposedly a reflection of. It is not a reflection at all but is the location of the murder weapon at this point.
5. In subsequent frames we expect to see the weapon slide back toward the rear of the trunk due to the momentum of the weapon as it was thrown by Jackie.
Frame 329:
From the last frame, the weapon has slid back further toward the rear of the trunk. This is explained by the momentum of the weapon thrown by Jackie earlier. The weapon did not slide off the trunk because the Presidential Limousine had a raised area on both sides on both sides of the trunk, shown in the below image. I had never thought to look at this but this research led me directly to it. I do not know the formal name for this raised area on both sides of the trunk but it kept the weapon from sliding off and the weapon slid backwards directly adjacent to this raised area on the left side of the trunk. I will call them railings on both sides of the trunk.
Trunk of the 1963 Lincoln Continental Presidential Limousine with raised railings on both sides:
From this frame on we can expect the weapon to continue moving toward the back of the limo, along the left railing but its rate of movement will become slower and slower due to the friction of the murder weapon sliding along the trunk.
Frames 330 - 331:
The murder weapon slides toward the rear of the trunk adjacent to the left railing until friction finally brings it to a stop. Frames have been removed to conceal the murder weapon behind the "reflection of the white blob. The below diagram shows the approximate path of the weapon from the time it landed on the trunk until friction brings it to a stop. In subsequent frames, U.S. Secret Service Agent Client Hill will be seen reaching for the murder weapon at this location.
Frames 339 - 341:
Clint Hill retrieves the murder weapon: It is no coincidence that Clint Hill is a Jew who is the U.S. Secret Service Agent personally assigned to Jackie Kennedy.
As far as I can tell, I am the only one to expose this on the entire internet. Nobody even comes close to exposing this like I do. And why does it have to be me who exposes this? I don't know but for whatever reason I am called to do this and I do what I have been called to do for whomever will believe me. Whoever wants to know the truth will hear my voice because God wants the truth about this to be known to all of humanity.