Monday, September 30, 2024

Moon Hoax Now

 So I came across a very good video exposing the Apollo Moon landings hoax, contained in the following link. Please watch it full screen in its entirety.

I show you this video as more evidence, as if any more evidence was required, that man has never gone to the moon.  I strongly disagree with the presenter of the video where he praises the deceivers as somehow being heroic.  You will never hear me say that.  Lies and Deception are never acceptable and everyone involved in this hoax should hang their heads in shame.  Everyone in this hoax should apologize to the entire world for their lies but they never will.  Instead they will tell more lies to reinforce their old lies.  They will lie until they are blue in the face.  They will lie and never tell the truth for a very simple reason.  To admit that they lied would immediately destroy the credibility of not just NASA but the entire U.S. Government.  They are married to their lies FOREVER.  Do you understand that?

Was Stanley Kubrick involved in one or more of the staged Apollo moon landings?


In this post I want to explore the question: Was Director Stanley Kubrick (pictured above) involved in at least the first staged moon landing on earth?  I have long heard it speculated that after creating the movie "2001" in 1968 that Kubrick was approached by the U.S. Government to help stage the Apollo 11 "moon landing" the following year.  I have not been a particularly big believer in this theory but I hold that it is possible.  Those who staged the moon landings on earth did not need Stanley Kubick to do so but they may have asked him to assist with the staging in an advisory role.  It is possible.

But I recently came across a series of intriguing articles that suggest that Stanley Kubrick left deliberate anomalies or clues in some of his movies that some suggest is his trying to give hints to people that he was involved and to expose the staging.  I am not saying I agree with this but it is an intriguing theory and worthy of at least considering.  So without further ado here are the links to three articles about this.

Stanley Kubrick and Apollo: Part 1

Stanley Kubrick and Apollo: Part 2

Stanley Kubrick and Apollo: Part 3

I note that Stanley Kubrick is a Jew but he is a Jew I respect.  He has made great contributions to film and I believe him to be an honest man.  Perhaps an honest man with a conscience who did not feel right about being part of a hoax on mankind like this and sought to reveal the hoax but in a subtle way by leaving deliberate hints in his films that told a story.  Yes I can see this.  

Two Worlds Paradigm example of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy (1968)


Two Worlds Paradigm

False World Explanation:

RFK was assassinated by a Palestinian named Sirhan Sirhan who did so willfully and without any mind control being used on him.  The motive for Sirhan Sirhan assassinating RFK was because of RFK's support for Israel.

Real World Explanation:

There are two possible explanations under the Real World explanation as follows:

Explanation 1: RFK was assassinated by a Palestinian named Sirhan Sirhan but the assassination was not done willfully or because of RFK's support of Israel. Mind control was used on Sirhan Sirhan to get him to do the assassination. The CIA was involved in the assassination by performing mind control on Sirhan Sirhan and assisting him in doing the assassination (using handlers, etc.) 

Explanation 2: RFK was assassinated by one or more professional shooters, not Sirhan Sirhan.  Sirhan Sirhan merely took the blame for it.  Mind control was used on Sirhan Sirhan to get him to take the blame for what the professional shooter(s) did.  

A woman in a Polka dot dress was involved in triggering Sirhan Sirhan's mind control programming.  She is what is known as a handler.  Sirhan Sirhan may have had multiple handlers involved in assisting him in doing what he did that day at the Ambassador Hotel.

The real motive for killing RFK was because that RFK would honestly investigate his brother's 1963 assassination if he became President and that could not be allowed so they eliminated him.  Israel/Mossad and the CIA were behind the assassination, the same ones who were behind his brother's 1963 assassination.

They purposely chose a Palestinian to be the assassin (or apparent assassin) because Israel hates Palestinians and wanted to not only blame a Palestinian for doing the assassination but to have the cover story that the Palestinian assassinated RFK because of his support for Israel.

They abducted this man and performed brainwashing on him in an undisclosed location. training him to do the assassination but to have no memory of doing it afterwards. The Mossad and/or CIA were involved in this.

I very strongly believe the very same technique was used on John Hinkley to get him to assassinate Ronald Reagan.

Links describing Mind Control being used on Sirhan Sirhan

Related Posts

The CIA was behind the RFK assassination

More to Come

What good am I doing with this Blog?

 I spend so much time and effort trying to expose the truth on this Blog and very few people come here. The Jews are dragging this world to Hell (Hell for us but Heaven for them) and nobody seems to care.  It seems like I am trying to empty an ocean full of Jewish treachery with a thimble and it just seems so futile.  I am doing a very noble thing by maintaining this Blog and speaking the truth but it seems I am not really helping.  It makes me sad that the world is the way it is and I seem to be unable to make any significant difference in changing it or even waking anyone up.  I believe the only people who come here are those who already know the truth.  It just does not seem worth my time and effort to keep posting here if nobody gives a fuck.  Perhaps I should just stop posting. 

Edit to Add:  People are apparently visiting this site but they are going to older posts and the Blog statistics do not allow me to see which posts they are looking at. Hopefully all the effort I have put into this Blog to red pill people will bear fruit. 

I follow a God but it is not the Jewish God Yahweh that encourages Jews to lie to and deceive non Jews.  No that is not my God.  My God is the God of Truth.  The God who loves Truth and hates Lies and Deception.  I follow that God and that God alone.  That God lives inside of me and directs me how to create illuminating posts on this Blog.  And that God Hates Jews for what they are doing to this beautiful planet and the inhabits thereof.  That God Hates and despises Israel and all the evil it has done and is doing and will do. That evil country needs to be removed so it can do no more harm. As long as it exists it will do evil because that is its nature. You cannot reform a snake.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Other Music I like

After the Fire

Der Kommissar

Alan Parson's Project

Eye in the Sky

Alice Cooper


I'm Eighteen

No More Mr. Nice Guy

Alice in Chains

Down in a Hole

Man in the Box


Allman Brothers Band

Midnight Rider

Whipping Post


A Horse with No Name

America - A Horse With No Name (1972)

You can Do Magic

The American Breed

Bend Me, Shape Me


Show Me How to Live


Cruel Summer

Billy Thorpe

Children of the Sun

Black Sabbath

War Pigs

David Bowie

Golden Years

Space Oddity

The Brian Jonestown Massacre


As the Carousel Swings

Before and Afterland

Command S

Dropping Bombs On The Sun



Forgotten Graves


Government Beard

Hold That Thought

If Love Is The Drug

Keep on Keeping on

Lonely at the Bottom of the Top

Magic Roundabout

My Poor Heart

Open Minds Now Close

Panic in Babylon


Psychic Lips


Resist Much, Obey Little

Seven Kinds of Wonderful


So What's Your Excuse?

The Real

Third World Pyramid

Throbbing Gristle


Unmagical Misery Tour

We Never Had a Chance

What's in a Name?

Who Dreams of Cats?

You Think I'm Joking?

Bronksi Beat

Small Town Boy

The Cars

Good Times Roll

The Clash

Culture Club

Do you really want to hurt me?

The Cure

Just Like Heaven

Dead or Alive

You Spin me Round

Depeche Mode

Enjoy the Silence

Ronnie James Dio

Man on the Silver Mountain


Down with the Sickness

Down with the Sickness


Don Henley

Dirty Laundry

Duran Duran

Girls on Film

Girls on Film

Hungry Like the Wolf

Planet Earth



On The Border

Electric Light Orchestra

Don't Bring Me Down

Don't Bring Me Down

Evil Woman

Evil Woman

Livin' Thing

Electric Light Orchestra - Livin' Thing (Audio) - YouTube

Mr. Blue Sky

Mr. Blue Sky

Strange Magic

Turn to Stone

Emerson, Lake & Palmer

From the Beginning

Lucky Man

Eric Clapton

After Midnight

After Midnight


Let it Rain


Hey Man Nice Shot

Fleetwood Mac


Flock of Seagulls

I Ran


Fool for the City


Only Happy when it Rains

Gary Numan


The Go-go's

Our Lips are Sealed




Golden Earring

Radar Love

Twilight Zone

Twilight Zone - YouTube

Green Day
The Human League
Jethro Tull
John Lennon
Judas Priest

Lipps. Inc.

Lynyrd Skynyrd

Free Bird

Gimme Back my Bullets

On the Hunt

Sweet Home Alabama

That Smell


Symphony of Destruction

Men at Work

Down Under

Men Without Hats
Midnight Oil
Missing Persons
Molly Hatchet

Flirtin' With Disaster

Neil Diamond

Solitary Man

Neil Young
New Order
Nine Inch Nails

Every Day is Exactly the Same

Head Like a Hole

Ted Nugent
The Outlaws

Green Grass & High Tides

Green Grass & High Tides - YouTube

The Outsiders
The Ozark Mountain Daredevils

Jackie Blue

Jackie Blue

Ozzy Osbourne

Crazy Train

Crazy Train

No More Tears

Patrick Hernandez

Peter Gabriel
Peter Schilling
Pink Floyd


The Police

The Pretenders

My City was Gone

The Rolling Stones

Can't you hear me knocking

Can't You Hear Me Knocking (2009 Mix)

Shocking Blue
Sniff'n' the Tears

Black Hole Sun

Black Hole Sun

Fell on Black Days



Al Stewart

Stone Temple Pilots



Too Much Time on my Hands

Too Much Time On My Hands - YouTube


Take the Long Way Home

T. Rex
Talking Heads
Ten Years After

Thomas Dolby
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers


Dear Mr. Fantasy

Dear Mr. Fantasy

Tommy Tutone

Uriah Heep


The Wizard

Wall of Voodoo
Wang Chung
White Zombie

More Human than Human

The Who