Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich 1952 speech in Budapest Hungary


As I have shown on this Blog in posts such as this one, Jews out themselves and their true agendas with their own words.  Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich, pictured above, is another Jew who exposed himself and the Jewish agenda very clearly in 1952 in a speech made to a Jewish audience in Budapest Hungary.

The below image summarizes what he said in that speech but there is much more to it and it is very illuminating.  Click on the below image to read it more clearly.

The full speech from this man is extremely illuminating.  


Edit to add

Look at the Universal Military Training Act that this rabbi says failed to pass in the US in the early 1950's. Jews are pushing for this in the US.  Look at how many times they have tried to pass this since that time. Notice that in 2024 the Jew owned US Congress automatically enlisted all young Americans in the draft if it happens. This should be a huge red flag to every patriot that the US will go to war at some point in the future and Americans will be forcibly drafted into that war.  Who will be the enemy in that war? Iran? Russia? China? Those are the three that come to mind. War will certainly be facilitated by a 9-11 like false flag staged event or by the dropping of a nuke or by invasion of Taiwan.  This is the future the Jews have planned for the world as I see it. I am the voice in the wilderness shouting warning to all that will hear. Let those who have ears to hear heed my words. Jews have bad things already planned just waiting to be unfolded. Don't say you haven't been warned. 

My interpretation of the Rabbi's speech

Because I believe this 1952 speech to be very illuminating concerning both the way Jews secretly control the world and also the real future plans Jews have for the world, I am going to interpret select passages of the Rabbi's speech.  What follows is my own interpretation of what this man said.  In the following, his speech is in bold black and my interpretation is in bold blue.

As you know we had hoped to have twenty years to consolidate the great gains we made from World War 2, but our increasing numbers in certain vital areas is arousing opposition to us, and we must now work with every means at our disposal to precipitate WW3 within 5 years.

Jews undoubtedly made great gains during WW2.  Jews foment wars to their own advantage and against humanity. In 1952 Jewish dominance in various areas was arousing opposition to them.  The same is happening today even stronger.  Today we call it "the noticing" that Jews dominate many areas including government, main stream media, banking and finance, industry, etc. etc. etc.  Of course noticing this arouses opposition to the Jews.  It automatically creates anti Semitism.  Jews foment war to take the public's focus off of Jews and put it onto war.  This is what they are going to do today. The situation in the Ukraine - Russia war could easily turn into a nuclear war and perhaps that is the plan.  The West is being extremely reckless in provoking Russia by allowing its long range weaponry to penetrate deep into Russia. Only a fool would do this or a Jewish puppet.  But they want WW3.  They are trying to provoke WW3 either in Russia/Ukraine, or Iran or Taiwan.  They want war and IMO we will see war break out before too long.  

You remember the success of our propaganda campaign during the 1930's, which aroused Anti American passions in Germany at the same time we were arousing anti-German passions in America, a campaign which culminated in the second world war.

Jews are the masters of controlled opposition, playing two or more sides against each other while secretly influencing and controlling ALL sides for their own benefit. Jews can do this to entire countries to foment war between nations which Jews profit from. 

More to come

My view of the two Trump "Attempted Assassinations"


My view of the Two Trump "Attempted Assassinations" is a reflection of my view of Donald J. Trump, which is that he is a corrupt Jewish con man pretending to be a Patriot to America when in reality he is a controlled opposition puppet.  There is no doubt in my mind that I understand DJT but what are we to make of the two alleged attempted assassinations against this Zionist stooge?

If Trump were an honest man (which he is not) then of course I could see the Snake trying to assassinate him.  Trump belongs to the Jewish Snake. They don't kill their own.  They will kill someone like JFK who goes against them but they will never kill a Jewish tool like Trump.  Understand that.

That said, is it possible that random civilians who have no association with the Jewish Snake took this upon themselves to attempt to assassinate this man?  It would be possible but there is evidence that this is not the case.  The following indicates that the two would be assassins were featured in advertisements.  This is rather bizarre but here it is:

The first alleged assassin was apparently in a Blackrock ad.

The second alleged assassin was apparently in a Ukrainian ad.

I cannot confirm or deny these allegations but there is evidence to support them.

Whoever these men are/were is really not the issue here.  The issue here is that these two alleged assassination attempts are real in the False World but completely staged and fake in the Real world.

So, here is an image from the Real World showing something is definately wrong concerning the second attempted assassination, which is that the MSM was already on site and filming Trump BEFORE the alleged assassination attempt.  This indicates pre knowledge of the event.  Where have we seen that before?  

So here the MSM knew about the Trump "attempted assassination" before it happened and was on site and ready to film it.  This is a huge red flag that this "attempted assassination" is staged and I believe it was.

As for the first "attempted assassination", I believe it too was staged.  

That image is just too perfect to be real IMO. Everything about it screams that it is staged. 

What I believe is that neither "attempted assassination" was authentic.  I believe Trump is in on the game instead of being a victim here. 

If I were to go deeper down the rabbit hole to prove this I would have to do a serious independent investigation of the two identified "assassins".  There is something strange about both of them. I am curious but I have more important things to look into.  


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Jewish Masonic Master Plan

 Jews killed this link. I went back and found it on the Wayback machine.  Please read.

Jewish Masonic Master Plan

The Truthseeker

Here is a UK based web site that appears to be truthful.

They killed Justice4Poland

So I see (((they))) killed, a great resource I used to visit.  Now its been turned into an Indonesian gambling site:

The Jewish Snake kills every legitimate web site exposing it that it can.  This is sad news.  But the following link is the way Justice4Poland used to be before the evil Jews fucked it over.

Springfield, Ohio


There is something rotten in Denmark...or Springfield, Ohio.  I had not planned on making a post about this but its blown up into something which I can no longer ignore.

In this post I am speaking as a red pilled person who is aware of the Two Worlds Paradigm and the False and Real Worlds.

In the False World, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance made up a lie about Haitian immigrants eating cats, dogs and ducks in Springfield, Ohio.  These stories are completely untrue and were made up just to cause drama and get Trump/Vance more votes.  They are a complete and total lie and no truth exists of this and no evidence exists of this.

In the Real World, Haitian immigrants did eat pets and ducks but a huge disinformation campaign has been created by the Jewish Snake to make everyone believe this story is NOT true.

Let me just state that I have seen with my own eyes evidence of it being true so I know it is not a lie.  Also, I am very curious about the huge Zionist disinformation campaign against this story.  That right there is a huge red flag that this story is true in the Real World but the snakes are using all their power to make everyone believe its a lie.  Understand that?  I saw this exact same kind of thing with the Sandy Hook hoax. 

One good reason for them to want to discredit this story is that it would damage (((their))) campaign to flood the U.S. with non whites.  They do not want anything to interfere with their agendas.

I did a preliminary investigation on the internet and I see a MILLION LINKS saying its a lie, which I have seen before on many other topics.  I recognize the Jewish Snake is at work here to completely discredit this story.  But their effort to discredit it just make me want to prove its true all the more strongly.  

What they do is to create a million disinformation links and flood the internet with them so that anyone searching for this topic will only see the disinformation links. Any truthful links will be drowned out by the sheer magnitude of the disinformation. They probably use AI on supercomputers to generate all these disinformation links very quickly.

And now apparently there are bomb threats being called in from overseas concerning this.  When I heard that I immediately thought that Jews are behind those bomb threats.  Again, its more of a reason to investigate this.  

So I will be investigating this and I will be returning here with my findings.  As you should know, I know how to go down rabbit holes and this is a new one that just popped up.

If you as a reader have any comment about either the Haitian immigrants eating pets and ducks or about the overseas bomb threats then please leave it and I will address it. 

If you know of any web site that says the Haitian immigrant story is true or that has information about the called in bomb threats from overseas then please post a link to it on this post in the comments. 

Links I have discovered about this for your information:

Monday, September 16, 2024

Jewish Ritual Murder

Now here is a very deep rabbit hole that I have covered before on this Blog. I am interested in knowing more about this.  Jews call this Blood Libel but that is their Bullshit.  I and others call it what it is: Jewish Ritual Murder or Jewish Ritual Sacrifice.

Here is a post I have made on this subject previously on this Blog:

A Forbidden Topic

Here is a new video I have uncovered discussing this. I recommend people watch this.

Jewish Ritual Murder (video)

I did my own independent investigation into JRS and found interesting patterns in it. Please see the following.

Patterns in Jewish Ritual Sacrifice

What the Jews don't want us to see we should be particularly interested to know

 As a red pilled person, I am particularly interested in knowing what the Jews don't want us to see.  For example, when I see some video has been deleted on Jewtube then its like a flashing neon sign that says "Look here!"  Here is one such video concerning 9-11 that I want to post here.  Although the Jews killed one instance of the video on Jewtube, there are other instances of it still posted there and I found one of them.  So please take a look at this and gain whatever insights you can from it.  Remember the Two Worlds Paradigm as you watch it.

Major General Stubblebine talks about 9-11


1. No plane caused the damage to the Pentagon. Likely a missile did.  

2. WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7 were brought down by controlled demolition, meaning that all three buildings had been wired for controlled demolition prior to 9-11 

3. The corrupt Jew owned U.S. Government participated in the "attack" that was not a real attack. It was a staged false flag event.

4. Dick Cheney, George W. Bush and many other U.S. officials were part of the staged event.

5. There were several drills staged that day that were part of the deception.

7. General Stubblebine reaches the conclusion that the planners of 9-11 were in the White House but he is wrong.  It goes FAR beyond the White House.  Absolutely the White House knew about and participated in this staged event, but the real planners are not even in the U.S. and they are JEWISH


Pictures speak Louder than Words

 Pictures speak louder than words, which is why I want to post a link to two of my better posts:

Pictures from the Real World

Pictures from the Real World Explained

All the pictures in those threads are from the Real World, not the fake world the Jews want us to believe in (the Jewish Matrix).  You got to see the pictures and also read my description for each for the proper context to understand the picture.  

Posts like these can bring sight to the Blind (or the Braindead as I sometimes call them). 

Christians for Truth

 A blog that I recommend is Christians for Truth with a few caveats.

1. I am not a Christian and do not endorse the Christian beliefs. I see Christianity as Jewish brainwashing.

2. I don't agree with all the posts on this Blog.

3. My primary reason for endorsing it is that I believe it exposes significant truth about the Jewish Race. I will listen to anyone who I believe is telling the truth. 

So feel free to look at this Blog for truthful content about the Jews.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Trump is all Drama all the Time


I really hadn't planned to make a new post today but seeing as there has been a second "attempted assassination" on the Jewish puppet Donald J. Trump I feel compelled to briefly weigh in on what the red pilled view of this is and here it is.

1. Trump has been a Jewish puppet from Day one.  Trump is Jewish controlled opposition in the 2024 selection.

2. If they wanted Trump dead, he would be dead. They don't want him dead. They don't kill their own.

3. These two "attempted assassinations" are nothing but Jewish stage craft.  It is a deception meant to influence the 2024 election.  How do (((they))) want to influence the selection with these "attempted assassinations"?  Only they know but I suspect they are made to make Trump look like a martyr so more people will support him.  But you never know what their real motives are.

Trump is a Jewish Establishment con man. Don't be fooled by these two apparent assassination attempts. This is Jewish stagecraft and not real attempts to kill Trump. Trump is one of the bad guys and the Jews are using him to deceive the people. Do not be deceived.

But the main thing for the red pilled to do is to completely ignore this.  Its Jewish TV for the masses and we should not partake in it.  Let them play their head games with the Blue pilled.  The red pilled should have nothing to do with Trump.

Edit to add: the image at the top of this post signifies that both Trump and Harris are Jewish puppets. If the puppet master looks like it could be Jared Kushner that is just coincidence.

Other posts concerning Donald Trump and my view of him. I am not alone in this view.  I 100% condemn Donald Trump as a false Patriot.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Simulation Described

Here is an illuminating post i wrote concerning the simulation we all live in which I consider profound.  I recommend people fully comprehend this to be able to understand the world we live in. Another word for simulation is Matrix.  

The Simulation Described, part one

Another illuminating post that I recommend people read is this one:

The Red Pill vs the Blue Pill

Marijuana can help to break the Brainwashing


We have all been brainwashed from birth not to believe most of the things I am discussing on this Blog.  This includes myself.  For the majority of my life I have been blue pilled but it was only later in my life that I became very curious to know the truth about some things such as about 9-11 and the JFK Assassination.  Something about both of those events never seemed right to me so I sought to understand the real truth about them that was different from what the official explanation about each one of them was.

How did I become red pilled?

I attribute my red pill to three different things, as follows:

1. An intense curiosity to know the truth about 9-11, the JFK assassination and other such events that I did not believe I was getting from the Establishment.

2. I was not working for an extended period of time so I had plenty of spare time to investigate these things on the internet. 

3. Usage of marijuana.  This is the topic of this post.

My personal experience with marijuana has been a rocky one.  I have had serious problems with it because I tended to abuse it.  That said, I attribute my marijuana usage to helping me be able to break through my brainwashing and see deeper truths that I do not believe that I otherwise would have been able to do.

One attribute I have noted about marijuana is that it allows one to see deeper into a subject than they would normally be able to and this can help to see things that one normally cannot see.

For example, in the case of Jackie doing the head shot, for many years, in fact for most of my life I literally could not see Jackie doing the head shot even though I had watched the Zapruder film multiple times trying to understand it.  I literally could not see what was right in front of my face. I was brainwashed NOT to see it.  Okay, let me talk about this further because this is important.  It took me an incredible amount of time and effort to see what was right in front of my face to see.  Other people on the internet helped me see it.  They told me what to look for to see it.  Even after reading what they said, I really had to put in a lot of effort into seeing it.  I watched the Zapruder film in slow motion dozens of times to be able to see it.  But marijuana helped me to focus in so I could see it.  But once I saw it I saw it.  I did not need marijuana anymore. I did not need any help to see it.  Now I see every single time.  My brainwashing about the JFK assassination is broken.

The same goes for 9-11. I could not see the truth about that for years.  In the case of 9-11 my brainwashing was my belief that it was impossible that many people would get together and stage a totally fake event and deceive the majority of the American people.  I did not believe the US was that dishonest and corrupt to do something like that.  Until I broke that brainwashing I could not see 9-11 clearly.  However, once I determined that that was exactly what had happened then everything else fell into place.  Again, marijuana helped me see this.  But it took me literally ten years of looking at it to see through it. That is how brainwashed I was.  I am no longer brainwashed.  Marijuana undoubtedly helped me to make this breakthrough in my thinking. 

Marijuana helped me see the Matrix and the Two Worlds Paradigm.

I owe marijuana a lot for helping me break through my own personal brainwashing but I no longer smoke it.  I no longer need to smoke it.  My eyes are open and I can see without the assistance of a mind altering drug. 

The point I am trying to make with all this is that sometimes you need help to see. If smoking marijuana helps you to understand what you normally cannot then by all means use it as a mind expanding tool to help you gain insights that are normally hidden from you.  There is nothing wrong with using it for this purpose.  If it helps you to be high when you read this Blog to be able to understand it then be high.  Whatever it takes for you to understand. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Jewish Snake


To understand most things on this Blog, you must first understand the Jewish Snake.  Please see the following link that explains what the Jewish Snake is and its attributes.

The following link is an insightful post I made about the Snake that describes it in more detail for inquiring minds who would learn about it.

Ask me any questions you have about the Snake in the comments.

On this Blog I am playing the role of Morpheus


On this Blog I am playing the role of Morpheus trying to explain what the Matrix is and how it works to potential Neos.

The Matrix: Do you want to know what it is?

I offer three different pills to honest people who hear my voice. The Blue Pill, the Red Pill and the Black Pill.

The Blue Pill is for those who have no real interest in learning the truth.  They may come here for the entertainment value but they do not believe.  They do not want to believe.  They will read my words and then go do something else. 

The red pill is for those who do want to know the unpleasant truth.  They may not like what they see but at least they want to know.  They are hopeful that something can be done to change the situation in which we find ourselves.

The Black pill is for those who see the truth and lose all hope upon fully seeing the picture. It is easy to become Black pilled in seeing the dismal reality of the Matrix. 

World War 3


The Jews might just have WW3 planned for the Ukraine-Russia war.  When I put on my "they live sunglasses" and watch the latest Zionist news, that is the impression I get.  Jews do not want peace. Not in Ukraine. Not in Gaza. Not with Iran. Not in Taiwan. Not in other places.  They want war because they benefit from it, as they always have. 

More to come if you want it.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Why do (((they))) go after Harvey Weinstein?


Why do (((they))) go after Harvey Weinstein, who should be one of ther own?  In fact he was one of their own for many years until Harvey Weinstein did something to displease the Jewish higher ups and then they turned against him.  Certainly sexual abuse of women is not the reason Jews turned against this man.  That is just the public excuse to vilify him and prosecute him.

No, this man either said something or did something that pissed off high ranking Jews.  I have no idea what that was but I would be curious to find out.

Does anyone reading this have any idea about the real reason why this once very popular Jew is now condemned and hounded and imprisoned?  If you do then please leave a comment.  I would love to know what the real story behind going after him is. If you give me ideas I will go deeper down this rabbit hole to explore it because I love to explore Jewish rabbit holes.


Meet Yacob Rubenstein (Jack Ruby)

I found this good article on Yacob Rubenstein (Jack Ruby) who is the man who killed the patsy Oswald. This article connects a lot of dots. It probably does not mention Jackie as being the assassin but just know that it was her who killed her husband for Israel. 

Meet Yacob Rubenstein (Jack Ruby)

The Sayanim Army - the largest Fifth Column in the world

What are Sayanim?

Sayanim are Jews anywhere in the world who will do whatever is necessary for Israel - even if it means traitorous behavior to the very country they live in.

I found this good article on that website the Jews killed which I think is very important for readers of this Blog to understand.

The Sayanim - the largest Fifth Column in the world

If you want to understand how the Jews pulled off the JFK assassination or 9-11 or other events that the Jews are behind, you must understand the role of the Jewish Sayanim.

Please read the full linked article, including the comments on it which contain other enlightening links.

Here is another good link exposing the Sayanim.

Sayanim Everywhere

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

If you believe in Trump

If you as a reader of this Blog believe Trump is a good righteous man who really wants to make America great again then you should not be here because this Blog is not for you. If you are not red pilled enough to even question Trump and his motives then you have no business reading my Blog. I do not attempt to educate the completely blind and brainwashed. Go turn on Newsmax and ingest that shit instead.

Please help me spread awareness of this Blog

 Please help me spread awareness of this Blog. This Blog has very low readership and needs to be seen by more people. I realize I stopped posting on this Blog for years but it remains a very important source of information on many topics that can be used to red pill newbies who are beginning to question their "reality". If you believe this blog to be spreading a truthful message then i request that you help spread it by posting links to it elsewhere on the internet. Posting my links on appropriate Youtube videos is suggested but also on any other web site that you consider as being truthful. Help me spread my message if you believe in it.

Real Satanism

 This is a post discussing my view of Satanism from what I have been able to discover about it.

1. I see two types of Satanism. One is the benign type that most people are taught to believe is all that Satanism is. This type of Satanism is peaceful, does not condone or practice violence and is basically just a religion and a way of living and thinking.  This is the Satanism of Anton Levay (see below image).

The second type of Satanism is what I refer to on this Blog as Real Satanism. Unlike the first type, it is not peaceful at all. It not only condones but also commits violence and murder and every other bad thing in the world you can think of. It is unapologetically evil. When I discuss Satanism on this Blog I am always talking about Real Satanism and not the benign for public consumption version.  

2. There is heavy but hidden Jewish involvement in Real Satanism. Behind the scenes Jews are running it but they make sure to keep themselves well hidden so nobody ever suspects a linkage.

3. Real Satanism is involved in ritual abuse and murder of children. Satanism uses mind control to facilitate Satanic Ritual abuse or SRA.

4. Entire families are secretly involved in Satanism. On the surface these family members appear to be very upstanding citizens, often very well socially connected and who are often involved in politics and industry and journalism and many other fields. Anyone viewing such a family would never suspect them of anything bad but secretly they are Satanists.  I give them a special name: Satanic families

5. Satanism was directly involved in the JonBenet Ramsey murder. Many of the families involved in that case including the Ramsey family are what I identify as Satanic families.

6. Satanists routinely commit murder and other serious crimes and get away with it.  The reason they get away with it will be explained in the next point.

7. Satanists have infiltrated law enforcement and the justice system at high levels to ensure their crimes are never seriously investigated and none of their members are ever prosecuted. This is true in Australia, the USA and in Europe at a minimum but it probably extends to many other countries also. 

More to Come if you want it.

Who won the Debate?

Q: Who "won" the debate? 

A: It doesn't really matter. Whoever wins the election will do what the Jews want, both domestically and in terms of foreign policy.

I watched the debate. You should know by now the way I feel about Trump but of the two candidates his stated position more closely aligns with mine. Harris is definitely more of the same.

I obviously want change, not more of the same. I think the US is in a horrible state and badly needs change. We all know Trump, but his stated policies as bad as he is personally are closer to mine. But Trump is a clown show. He brings with him as many new problems as those he would allegedly fix.

Harris just looks like an empty vessel to me telling people what they want to hear without having any real policies. 

Both candidates are Zionist tools and will serve the Zionists while pretending to serve the American people. Business as usual.

But the State of All-Judaan has a preference in this election and IMO it's not Donald Trump. They don't want America fixed. They don't want the Russia Ukraine war to end. They want America to continue to decline because it's their plan. Therefore they want a Harris Presidency and I think that is what we will see. Trump's stated policies are good but the Jews don't want to fix America. They want to break it even further.

What do the American people want? The American people are sheep who are easily led by the Jewish Snake. I predict they will support Harris over Trump.

The 2024 election is a Jewish clown show. It's all drama and no substance. Jews are pulling the strings on the puppets and the people watch the show in awe. It's a game and I'm not part of it.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Excluded from the Wayback Machine

 I frequently use the Wayback machine to retrieve the content of dead web sites, usually censored by Jews, just to read what the Jews do not want me to see.  But sometimes I come across a dead web site that has been purposely excluded from the Wayback machine.  Now me being a curious person and all, I want to know why a web site would be excluded from the Wayback machine unless it is just useless spam,  But the kind of links I am looking up are not spam but very relevant material. So if a link I am looking up has been scrubbed from the Wayback machine I am very curious about that.

One such web site is :  

This web site is not entirely dead. It still exists but some posts I am interested in seeing have been conspicuously deleted from it. But in this post I want to see what kind of content is on the web site that the Jews might not want me to see.

Doing a little research, it looks like this web site has been hacked and all the original content removed and replaced with meaningless garbage.  The Snake is behind this. 

Ok, a little more research reveals this link: loses long battle against satanists

In the above link, he says he wrote a Blog post about about being shut down by Satanists but that link is dead, Fortunately that Blog post exists on the Wayback machine and here it is:

Okay, I have stumbled upon something here which I have heard about before.  This relates to deep corruption within the Australian government and about their involvement in covering up a lot of bad things happening within Australia.  But the Jewish Snake is here in Australia too.  It is world wide.  The exposure of corruption in Australia can reveal corruption elsewhere too. 

Links related to Satanic Ritual Abuse in Australia and elsewhere

Escaping Ritual Abuse in Australia

Now this rabbit hole leads back to Australian Fiona Barnett and her wild claims. Do a search on this Blog for Fiona Barnett to read my many posts about her. I don't trust Fiona Barnett not to be an agent of the Jews. She makes some claims that really get my attention but I am suspicious of her, as I have stated. She blames everything on Satanists and nothing on Jews and that is a big red flag. But if Satanism exists and I believe it does, then are not Jews running it behind the scenes? I believe they are. But the Satanism thing is huge not just in Australia but in America and probably many countries in Europe. I belive Satanists exist and they are using mind control to sexually abuse children. 

More to Come

On the topic of Mind Control for Sexual Abuse

 On this Blog I go basically wherever my curiosity leads me to go.  As a red pilled person who is able to see, I frequently explore various topics while wearing my "They Live" sunglasses to see what new profound things I can discover. I am bored with covering all the same old topics over and over again.  If you don't see those things by now then all I can say is to go vote for Donald Trump.  But for the rest of us reading this who have a curious mind like I do, I invite you to go down a new rabbit hole with me. Except its not really new.  I have been down this rabbit hole before but I was so overwhelmed by what I was seeing that I was unable to go very far down it.  But it has been quite awhile since I have visited it so I think its time for a new foray down it because my curiosity leads me here.

The subject of this post is mind control but not just any mind control.  Mind control to facilitate the sexual abuse of children. Women are also abused using this technique I have no doubt but in the context of this post I want to limit the discussion to sexual abuse of children. This is not a pleasant topic so if you don't have the stomach for it then please feel free to close this post because this is not for you.

This post concerns using mind control to sexually abuse children and get away with it. Here is a summary of how this is done:

1. Sophisticated mind control techniques are performed on the child to make it possible to sexually abuse them without them remembering it. I will discuss this further.

2. The child is placed into a trance like state that is facilitated by the former mind control techniques. 

3. The child is sexually abused while in this trance like state.

4. Memories of the sexual abuse are compartmentalized inside the victim's brain. These memories will be visible to the child only while the child is in this specific trance like state. Once the child is no longer in the trance like state these memories will be hidden from the victim.

5. Once the child is brought out of the trance like state, the child has no awareness or memory at all of being sexually abused.  The abuse is entirely hidden from them.  They cannot tell anyone about something which they do not even know happened.  The perpetrators can feel perfectly safe with the knowledge that the child has no awareness of his or her sexual abuse. 

Understand the concept?

To expose this is a rabbit hole but before I start back down it I want to show other previous excursions I have made down it.  Its a deep rabbit hole revealing many deep secrets.  I personally want to know more about it, hence this new post.

Dr. Pamela Monday, Phd.

The CIA and Mind Control

More to come

What you should know about the 2024 (s)election

 Some important things to know about the 2024 (s)election are as follows:

1. Jews control both political parties behind the scenes.

2. Jews control/own both political candidates.  This is especially true in the case of Donald Trump.

3. Jews use controlled opposition of the two parties and the two Presidential candidates in their favor and against the American people.

4. It does not really matter who "wins" because whomever that is will be a puppet to the Jews.  The US President is not really in control.  He is merely a front face or figure head for hidden Jewish control of the US. 

5. But the Jews prefer one candidate to "win" over the other.  They would much rather see Harris become President than Trump.  This is obvious.  I am predicting already that Harris will win and Trump will lose because I see this as having already been predetermined by the Jews, who carefully plan the future they want to see happen.  I do not think they want Trump for four years. 

6. Donald Trump is a Jewish puppet who loyally plays the role he has been given to play in this Jewish clown show.  Regardless of what he appears to be, underneath it all is a Jewish tool doing exactly what (((they))) want him to do, for their own reasons.  Trump is a willing Jewish pawn. He knows how to act.  He knows how to pretend.  He knows how to serve.  He knows how to get "shot" at. And he has his alleged Base of red hat wearers (which I say is not his real base) totally snowed about who he is.  Trump is controlled opposition. He is the pied piper who will lead his army of red hats and his Republicans in the U.S. House like Mike Johnson wherever the Jews want. 

7. When Trump "loses" the (s)election, which I believe he will, what are all these angry red hats going to do?  What will the Republicans in the U.S. Congress do? They will do what their leader tells them to do. You saw January 6 so you have some idea. And whatever Trump supporters do when "the evil Democrats steal the election again", the Jews will use it to their maximum advantage. And the American people will believe whatever Jewish drama ensues, as they always do, without ever having a single thought of questioning the charade.  Small brains never see beyond what they are intended to see. Jews count on this.

My accusation against Jackie Kennedy

 Jackie Kennedy was the assassin of her husband but my accusation against her is to explain why she was the assassin. Why she was chosen as the assassin and why she agreed to be the assassin. What I'm going to discuss is nothing new I have not said before on this Blog but it's just a restatement or summarizing in an attempt to provide some clarity of understanding.

My accusations can be summarized as follows.

1. Jackie Bouvier was a trained intelligence agent and spy before she met JFK.

2. She was working for/with the CIA before she met JFK. There is evidence to show this. See the following post where it discusses Jackie's early association with the CIA:

More Discussion of Jackie Assassinating JFK

3. Beyond working for the CIA, Jackie Bouvier was working for the Jews before she met JFK. This has not been proven but it's my primary accusation that ties everything together. This is the missing link that I believe must be in order to explain why Jackie would later murder her own husband and the father of her children. This is what must be proven to ever get justice for JFK. But this is a reason that suggests Jackie Bouvier has a secret Jewish ancestry because they would not choose or trust a non Jew to be their agent. They would only choose someone to be their agent who had unquestionable loyalty to them. Hence me saying Jackie Bouvier has a Jewish ancestry.

4. Jackie was purposely sent to JFK to become romantically involved with him as part of her job as being an intelligence agent for the Jews. Her job was to spy on him and report his activities etc. back to her masters.

5. Jackie married JFK and had children by him but she never stopped spying on him for her masters. Throughout her entire marriage to him she spied on him.

6. When the Jews wanted JFK replaced because of the Dimona controversy, Jackie suddenly was the perfect choice for his assassin. She was  already an agent for the Jews. Her loyalty to the Jews was higher than her loyalty to her husband. Maybe they showed her evidence of JFK's infidelity to make her angry enough to want to kill him, but that is speculation. 

7. When Jackie left the US in the summer of 1963 she was trained to perform the later assassination.

8. Since Jackie was already being used to spy on JFK, they simply gave her a new mission to kill him and she willingly accepted that mission. She had no true loyalty to her husband.

9. Ironically the Jewish rock group Queen tells this story in their song "killer queen" if you carefully listen to the lyrics of the song. This is Jews bragging about what they have done and what they have gotten away with. They tell us right to our faces and almost nobody except a few of us sees a thing. I did a post about that song.

Killer Queen video by Queen

So in summary, Jackie was an agent for the Jews spying on her husband for them. When the necessity arose to replace JFK with LBJ over Dimona, she became an agent for the Jews to assassinate JFK for them. 

Here is a similar post I made about this very important topic:

Monday, September 9, 2024

Another post about Trump

 The more I look into Trump and his associations the more I see how sleazy this guy is. Not only does he have tons of Jewish connections, he has other deeply troubling connections. I really believe this man is evil. 

But my new take on Trump is that he is 100% a Jewish puppet but Jews are behind the Democrats too. 

What game are the Jews playing with Donald Trump? He is one of theirs and yet they are pretending he is not. They pretend to oppose him but what is their end game? 

Who do Jews want to win the 2024 election? Either candidate is owned by them and will serve them but who do they want to win?

I have been predicting they want Harris to win but it could be they secretly want Trump to win. If Trump wins he will be their obvious tool even more so than Harris. He will help Israel more than Harris. He will fuck with Iran more than Harris. 

Here is what I suspect. They are purposely making things so bad under Democratic control that people will vote for Trump. I mean, look at the state of the country and the world. It's horrible. Maybe it's horrible for reason so people support Trump to fix things. But Trump is theirs, so he is in on the game. 

And that assassination attempt on him to make him look like a hero is really suspect in retrospect.  The way Trump raised his fist and said fight fight fight was planned for him to do. That whole thing was set up to increase his popularity and make him appear to be heroic. He is not heroic.

So I suspect Jews are playing a psychological game with Trump and the American public. Maybe they want him to win.

But Trump is corrupt. No honest red pilled should support him. He is a wolf wearing sheep's clothing. Everything in me tells me Trump is a bad person but they are purposely trying to make him appear attacked and a martyr so people will want to support him. It's a game being played with the American people. See through it.

The Trumps Four Generations of Jewish Ties

 Don't support Donald J. Trump in the 2024 election.

He's in bed with the enemy.  If you support Trump you are directly supporting the enemy.

The Trumps Four Generations of Jewish Ties

Donald Drumpf:
"The only [candidate] that's going to give real support to Israel is me," said Donald Drumpf. "The rest of them are all talk, no action. They're politicians. I've been loyal to Israel from the day I was born. My father, Fred Trump, was loyal to Israel before me."[51]

- See more at:

The State of All-Judaan

 The State of All-Judaan comes from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Learn what it means because it's very significant about the Jewish Race and how they extert Jewish control over the entire world. It's a network of Jews in every country that is part of this and of course their many corrupt non Jewish minions who are paid off to commit treason.

The State of All-Judaan

All-Judaan was behind the JFK Assassination.

All-Judaan was behind 9-11.

All-Judaan was behind the staged Apollo moon Landings


When I speak of the Jewish Snake in other posts of this Blog, have no doubt I am talking about the State of All-Judaan. It's the very same thing.

The Snake Described

A Blog that Jews killed but I brought back from the dead

WordPress is a Jew owned Blog hosting web company that permits no criticism of Jews on its platform.  It will kill any Blog it finds like that.  It killed my Blog and it killed the following Blog.  I had to go to the web site graveyard known as the WayBack machine to retrieve its corpse so we can begin to read what the Jews do not want us to know.  Please read everything you can from it.

 Wide Awake Gentile

WordPress is against free speech.  Never use it.

The 10 Agorot Controversy

 I just learned of this today from an unlikely source.  As a red pilled person who is onto the Jews and of course onto Israel, here is a summary of this controversy.

Israel released a coin, the 10 Agorot, that Palestinian Liberation Organization leader Yassar Arafat claimed showed a map of Greater Israel on it.  

The coin in question is the second one in the following image:

Yassar Arafat was concerned enough about this that he convened a special session of the UN Security Council to discuss this. The claim Yassar Arafat is making is that Jews have already developed a plan to take Greater Israel and that this coin is a celebration of that.

Now Jews of course label this a conspiracy theory but me, I don't believe a fucking thing Jews say.  So I am interested in this post to begin to go down this new rabbit hole to explore this some.

First of all, many of the sources saying this is Conspiracy theory are from Wikipedia, which is a site regularly edited by Jews.  Never trust Wikipedia because Jews have their dirty little fingers in it.  I have told you this before.  Whatever Jews call a Conspiracy Theory or label as fake immediately gives it substance in my eyes.  It is at least worthy of investigation.  

Its difficult to find any links on this not obviously influenced by the Jews.  I always use DuckDuckGo to research and never Google, but I found this link:

Into Good and Evil Blog

Quoting relevant information from this link:

1. Greater Israel is the Talmudists wet dream.

2. Many of the wars America has fought for the Jews are linked to this dream.

3. On 04 September 2001 a demonstration was held in Jerusalem to support of the Idea of the State Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates. It was organized by the movement Bead Artzein (“For the Homeland”), headed by rabbi and historian Avrom Shmulevic from Hebron. According to Shmulevic, “We shall have no peace as long as the whole territory of the Land of Israel will not return under Jewish control…. A stable peace will come only then, when Israel will return to itself all its historical lands, and will thus control both the Suez and the Ormudz channel…. We must remember that Iraqi oil fields too are located on the Jewish land.”  Notice the date of this is just days before September 11, which resulted in America going to war against Iraq.


4. Zionists, and the State of Israel, have been accused of plotting to expand Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates. This so-called 10 Agorot controversy is named after the Israeli coin brandished by PLO chairman Yasser Arafat in 1988 as evidence for this accusation. The Bank of Israel denies this claim and maintains the coin is a replica of a historical coin dating from 37-40 BCE.

5. Syria is a big part of Greater Israel.

More to come

My view of Trump has not changed

 Here is a post I made about Trump after he lost the 2020 selection and my views of him have not changed since that time.

What you should know about the war in Gaza.

 The War in Gaza and now the West Bank is not what it appears to be. October 7 was planned and coordinated by the Jews to happen. The Mossad controls Hamas in secret. Hamas is not supporting the Palestinian people. Hamas is helping Israel murder the Palestinian people and make their lives much worse. 

What are the Jewish goals for October 7? As a Jew aware outsider I can only guess, but it's definitely going to war against the Palestinian people that Israel hates. I think Israel wants the land the Palestinian people are living on, Gaza and the West Bank.

Netantahu in no way wants peace. He wants control. He does not really care about the hostages. He uses the hostages for political advantage.

But don't be surprised what you see happen next in this little false drama. Jews are going to use this war in Gaza and against Hamas (which they control) to their advantage in any way they can.  What their end goal is in this is yet to be determined but it's not good. Certainly the Palestinian people will be fucked over a lot more.  The West Bank may be annexed by Israel. All the Palestinians in Gaza may be forcibly deported. Who knows what they have planned?

But the main thing for the red pilled to be aware of is that Jews are using October 7 to their advantage for multiple agendas. They created October 7 just as they created 9-11 to accomplish multiple agendas. Don't be deceived.

My contempt for the Republican Party

 Not that I'm a fan of the Democratic Party by any means, I feel a special contempt for the Republican party of today. As I've said, both the major parties are controlled opposition to each other, with Jews pulling the strings on both. Its nothing but a political circus to keep the people confused and sometimes entertained by the false drama.  But my criticisms of the Republican party are as follows.

Unwavering loyalty and support to Israel and Jews. Ignoring everything bad Israel does.

Turning a blind eye to the plight of the Palestinian people.

Being christ cucks but just to get votes.

Turning a blind eye to gun violence. Opposing any type of gun control whatsoever.

Pretending to want to Make America Great Again when really all they want is to be in power again so they can do what they always have done. Making America Great Again is not their aim. It's just a campaign slogan, nothing more. If they get back in false control, it will be business as usual. They will not make any major positive changes but will do some token meaningless things like go after Democrats. Oh yes they will make a great drama of that.

Some of the worst fucktards are in the Republican party. The POS Ted Cruz comes to mind. Lindsey Graham is another winner.

Republicans will push anti Semitism laws for their masters while pretending to support free speech.

Condemning protests in support of the Palestinian people as being anti Israel and pro terrorism. Viewing support of the Palestinian people as anti American.

Using the Bible to justify supporting Israel.

Being controlled by AIPAC and seeing nothing wrong with it. 

Giving 50 standing ovations to the war criminal Natanyahu. Having a million times more loyalty to the PM of Israel than they do for the President of the US. I am beyond disgusted.

Pushing for war with Iran because the Jews want this.

There are some good things about the Republicans though but again, both parties are controlled by Jews behind the scenes. It's all a game.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Another good Blog

 Another good Blog for the red pilled

The World is run by Jewish script

 The world is not coincidental as it appears to be on the surface.  Instead what happens is what has been planned to happen for any event of any significance.  This includes October 7.   This includes the Ukraine-Russia war. This includes the 2024 Presidential election, which has already been decided). Anything big that happens is what has been intended to happen, regardless of how it may appear on the surface. 

This is an advanced red pill. Please see the following post for a deeper explanation.

The Snake Described

Putin is a Jew

 Although it is hidden, Putin is a Jew

A Blog to take a look at

 In addition to this Blog, here is another blog I invite readers of this Blog to look at:

Specular Effect

Regarding Paul Walker's alleged death

 After looking into it, it is my conclusion that the person known by the name "Paul Walker", which may not have been his real name at all, did not die as we are told he did.  IMO the car crash in which he allegedly died was staged.  I believe he is alive but living under a different identity somewhere in the world.  There are many clues in the alleged car crash scene to reveal obvious deception.  I cannot list all those here but I have seen them and I am not the only one to think that he is still alive.  

Investigating Paul Walker's alleged Death

The way I see Donald J. Trump

 Here is a previous post I made about Donald Trump, which is much more significant now than it was since he is trying to be POTUS again.  My belief is that the Snakes prefer Kamala Harris to Trump so he will not win.  But here is how I view Trump and its not a positive view.

My view of the God Emporer

I strongly suspect Trump of being a Jew but this has been carefully hidden for whatever reason.  If he is not a Jew he certainly should have been because he is more Jewish than most Jews are.  

This man pretends to be one thing but underneath he is something else.  I am not deceived by the American flags he wraps around himself.  

Jewish puppet!

The JonBenet Ramsey Murder

 I have done extensive research to uncover the hidden truth about the JonBenet Ramsey murder, which is a complex case involving many people.  Its a rabbit hole to go down in order to understand all the people and connections involved in this.  

But a summary of the truth that I have concluded is that the murder of JonBenet Ramsey took place outside of her home and that her killer was no member of the family but all the members of the family know who the real killer is but will never disclose it.  JonBenet Ramsey was being sexually abused by various people before her death. She was killed while she was being sexually abused in a location different from her home during a secret sex party.  There is a huge cover up to conceal the truth and place all the blame on a Ramsey.

The Rabbit hole starts here and its a deep one:

The JonBenet Ramsey Murder

The real timeline of the JonBenet Ramsey death

What happened to the Beatles in 1966?

 For anyone who questions who the Beatles really were and what agendas they served read on.  I am a big fan of the early Beatles but after 1966 they become something else which I did not like.  I have sought to understand who the Beatles really were.  These are my conclusions about them and their radical transformation after 1966.

What happened to the Beatles in 1966?

What happened to the Beatles in 1966, Part 2

You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel

 An enlightening look at the Jewish Problem.

You Gentiles (

I am Black Pilled on the Jewish Problem

 Repost of a previous post that I think is of significance in the world we find ourselves in.

My view of Christianity

 The following link shows my view of Christianity.  I agree with this more strongly today than when I originally wrote it.  I think this is very profound, but Christian believers will likely be offended by it.  I do not want to offend anyone but I do want to open eyes.

Christianity is not the Truth

An Index to all the posts on this Blog

 The following link is an index to most of the posts on this Blog.  I have not updated it in awhile so it is out of date but still it provides a great way to look up things on this Blog that you may be interested in.

An Index to all my Posts