Tuesday, September 10, 2024

On the topic of Mind Control for Sexual Abuse

 On this Blog I go basically wherever my curiosity leads me to go.  As a red pilled person who is able to see, I frequently explore various topics while wearing my "They Live" sunglasses to see what new profound things I can discover. I am bored with covering all the same old topics over and over again.  If you don't see those things by now then all I can say is to go vote for Donald Trump.  But for the rest of us reading this who have a curious mind like I do, I invite you to go down a new rabbit hole with me. Except its not really new.  I have been down this rabbit hole before but I was so overwhelmed by what I was seeing that I was unable to go very far down it.  But it has been quite awhile since I have visited it so I think its time for a new foray down it because my curiosity leads me here.

The subject of this post is mind control but not just any mind control.  Mind control to facilitate the sexual abuse of children. Women are also abused using this technique I have no doubt but in the context of this post I want to limit the discussion to sexual abuse of children. This is not a pleasant topic so if you don't have the stomach for it then please feel free to close this post because this is not for you.

This post concerns using mind control to sexually abuse children and get away with it. Here is a summary of how this is done:

1. Sophisticated mind control techniques are performed on the child to make it possible to sexually abuse them without them remembering it. I will discuss this further.

2. The child is placed into a trance like state that is facilitated by the former mind control techniques. 

3. The child is sexually abused while in this trance like state.

4. Memories of the sexual abuse are compartmentalized inside the victim's brain. These memories will be visible to the child only while the child is in this specific trance like state. Once the child is no longer in the trance like state these memories will be hidden from the victim.

5. Once the child is brought out of the trance like state, the child has no awareness or memory at all of being sexually abused.  The abuse is entirely hidden from them.  They cannot tell anyone about something which they do not even know happened.  The perpetrators can feel perfectly safe with the knowledge that the child has no awareness of his or her sexual abuse. 

Understand the concept?

To expose this is a rabbit hole but before I start back down it I want to show other previous excursions I have made down it.  Its a deep rabbit hole revealing many deep secrets.  I personally want to know more about it, hence this new post.

Dr. Pamela Monday, Phd.

The CIA and Mind Control

More to come

1 comment:

  1. Friend here you have the monarch mind control

