Friday, September 27, 2024

Revisiting the Sandy Hook School Shooting Hoax


In a recent post I asked viewers of this Blog what they would like me to focus on and a commenter wanted me to do an expose into the Sandy Hook School Shooting Hoax.

On this Blog I have done multiple exposes into this hoax.  One post I made about it was completely deleted from the server hosting this Blog outside of the normal Google censoring process. In that post I exposed some of the real still living actors who played roles in this hoax.  Unfortunately I lost the entire contents of that post and did not have it backed up anywhere so all that research I did to uncover that information got lost.  But the Snakes are very sensitive about this being exposed as a hoax, which it definitely is.  

As you probably know, the Zionist shill known as Alex Jones was recently sued for like a 100 billion dollars or some insane amount and forced to publicly admit that Sandy Hook was real and not a hoax.  Alex Jones has long been known to be a shill.  What he does is that he tells the truth about some things such as the Sandy Hook School shooting hoax and then he discredits the truth he told by telling all kinds of ridiculous lies, blaming globalists but never Jews, wearing tin foil on his head and making himself look like a clown, etc.  But recently he allowed himself to be sued for an ungodly amount in a public show trial during which he publicly recanted what he earlier said about Sandy Hook being a hoax and saying it was very real.  Okay. The man is a liar and a fraud. He is not a truther.  He is a disinformation agent who told the truth about Sandy Hook so he could later recant that truth.  Forget about Alex Jones as a truth teller and see him for what he is.  Enough said about Alex Jones.

But in this post I am going to start back down the Sandy Hook rabbit hole that I went down before but this time I am going to do a more careful investigation and once again uncover the real actors who were involved in this hoax, giving their real names when possible and not the FAKE NAMES they used in this hoax.  Of course they did not use their real names.  All the names used in the Sandy Hook hoax are fake but the people in the hoax are real people who have real names hidden from the public. I will be covering this.

And this time I am going to back up this post so Google or the CIA or whoever deleted it last time cannot just wipe out all my research. 

Before I begin down the rabbit hole, I want to show other previous posts I have made about Sandy Hook on this Blog that still exist.  Of course one post was censored by Google.  Another post was removed from the server.  But these posts still exist.

Previous posts about Sandy Hook

The Two Worlds Paradigm example of the Sandy Hook School Shooting

The Sandy Hook Hoaxers

Sandy Hook Promise is a 100% fraudulent organization

A paragraph summarizing this PSYOP

The Sandy Hook School shooting was a PSYOP. Adam Lanza never existed as a real person but is a fictional identity created specifically for this PSYOP.  No children and no adults were killed in reality.  The school where the shooting allegedly took place was not even a functional school in 2012 but had been closed earlier and was being used for storage.  Noah Pozner is the fake name of a Jewish adult named Michael Vabner who was approximately aged 13 in 2012 and whose childhood pictures were used under the false name of Noah Pozner to create one of the child "victims" of this PSYOP.  All the other child victims of the PSYOP are similar.

External Links exposing the Sandy Hook Hoax

The Sandy Hook Elem. Shooting - Deception in Images

A based comment found in the above link:

The Sandy hook Hoax event was planned in advance by as early as three years when residential and county property existing mortgages in the Newtown, Corrupticut area were paid off on CHRISTMAS DAY, 2009 by the government as a bribe for the community’s participation in a government gun control scam contrived by then Atty. Gen., Eric Holder, who ,in a speech made to the Women’s Democratic Committee in 1994, felt that federal education departments weren’t investing enough of their resources on brainwashing people about guns in a vastly different way. The end result was a Two-day Capstone Homeland Security/FEMA planned active shooter drill exercise consisting of provisions that included pallets of bottled water, pizza deliveries, port-a-johns, 26 unsold Christmas trees, name tags on lanyards, and a D.O.T. trailer-mounted led road sign that told everyone where to check in. Which all took place at the local volunteer fire dept. that blocked the entrance to an abandoned elementary school that was closed since 2008 and was being used for storage, where students in a single conga line were seen evacuating the school from a staged photo taken two months earlier, that went live in the media on Dec. 14, 2012 as a real event utilizing a synthetic community of crisis actors to portray ’parents’ who faked the death of their child and collected $281,000 a piece from fake donation websites setup three days before the event for their ’pain and suffering’, who later complained that they wanted more money after the fact. (The same ’parents’ who couldn’t even identify their own kid EVEN IF they were singing at the Super Bowl). This event was brought to you by Obama, Eric Holder, Homeland Security/FEMA, the state of Corrupticut including the Governor, Dan Malloy(who stated on live t.v. that he and his Lt. Governor had ’been spoken to that something like this might play itself out in his state’,...then denied ever making such a statement three years later after the event and that it wasn’t him), state, county, and local town agencies, and the citizens in and around Newtown. The fake victims and perpetrator(a figment antagonist created by photoshop based on younger photos of Ryan Lanza) used were merely younger photos of older children of said community that were seen alive in well in front of millions on t.v. around the world at a major sporting event just a month and a half later as the Sandy Hook Choir, singing behind pop singer and confirmed gun control advocate, Jennifer Hudson. The government made this fraudulent act legal due to Obama signing into law the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 shortly before the event that reverses the Smith-Mundt act of 1948 which originally banned the use of domestic propaganda for political purposes. And to invalidate earlier points mentioned above, there is this wonderful ’factual’ website entitled "Sandyhookfactsdotcom", operated by paid government shills, that boldly disguises itself as pure propaganda against documented factual exhibits mentioned above that this event really did happen with all it’s fabricated ’evidence’ glory to support the Shady Hoax FRAUD on the citizens of the U.S.

Unravelling Sandy Hook <== MUST WATCH FULLSCREEN

Some illuminating images:

That such incredible lies and deception could be passed off as "the truth" should shock you and make you question EVERYTHING you see on the MSM.  If they would lie about this they could lie about ANYTHING.  But just remember the Two Worlds Paradigm that I have spoken of repeatedly on this Blog because this hoax is a classic example of it.  In the False World, Newtown was a real school shooting but in the Real World nobody died.  This is the best possible example I can think of to illustrate these important concepts to those who would be red pilled.  Share this post with everyone who still believes Sandy Hook was a real school shooting.

9-11 was exactly the same type of deception as Sandy Hook, just on a bigger scale. Once you see Sandy Hook, you can see 9-11, The Apollo moon landings and many other deceptions.  YOU are the one who must open your eyes and wake up and realize they lie to you ALL THE TIME.  

But back to the Sandy Hook hoax. What is the real reason they staged this?  Why is the U.S. Government obviously behind this hoax?  My thought is that they are afraid that the American people are going to rise up in Revolution and overthrow the completely corrupt U.S. Government and so they want to do everything they can to limit assault weapons, high capacity magazines and whatever else they can to prevent themselves from being overthrown by honest Americans exercising their Second Amendment rights.  If you are a Patriot to America who owns a gun, you should be very interested in what they are doing and why to limit your ability to revolt against a completely corrupt government that deserves to fall.  It absolutely is unworthy of being the government of the people, by the people and for the people.  It is guilty of TREASON against the American people in spades because JEWS control it behind the scenes. 

I don't believe I need to spend any more time and effort to expose this hoax than I already have but if anyone wants to identify the actual actors in this hoax, start with the boy pictured at the top of this post.  His Hoax name is Noah Pozner but his real life name is Micheal Vabner.  His family is not the Pozner family but the Vabner family.  His father is Reuben Vabner. His sister is Daniella Vabner.  If you do some searches on Duckduckgo under those names you will probably find some interesting information.  I am not going to go any deeper into exposing him and his family as I did previously because I have no need to do that.  They are Jewish and they are liars and deceivers. Nobody in this family has any shame.  Most of the actors in this Hoax are Jewish or minions to Jews, but you already knew that if you are red pilled.  But just keep in mind that none of the names of the people in this hoax are their real names.  For example, Robbie Parker is an entirely fictional name but the man playing that role is real. His name is obviously not Robbie Parker.  So if you want to track down the people, do not search for them using their Hoax names because you will come up with nothing.  


  1. Thank you for this post

    1. I am very happy to have created it but do not be surprised if it gets fucked with by Google or by the CIA or by someone (((else))). (((They))) deleted two of my posts on Sandy Hook before this. For whatever reason they really do not want people to know this was a hoax.

    2. But I hope everyone knows Alex Jones is a POS.
