Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Springfield, Ohio


There is something rotten in Denmark...or Springfield, Ohio.  I had not planned on making a post about this but its blown up into something which I can no longer ignore.

In this post I am speaking as a red pilled person who is aware of the Two Worlds Paradigm and the False and Real Worlds.

In the False World, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance made up a lie about Haitian immigrants eating cats, dogs and ducks in Springfield, Ohio.  These stories are completely untrue and were made up just to cause drama and get Trump/Vance more votes.  They are a complete and total lie and no truth exists of this and no evidence exists of this.

In the Real World, Haitian immigrants did eat pets and ducks but a huge disinformation campaign has been created by the Jewish Snake to make everyone believe this story is NOT true.

Let me just state that I have seen with my own eyes evidence of it being true so I know it is not a lie.  Also, I am very curious about the huge Zionist disinformation campaign against this story.  That right there is a huge red flag that this story is true in the Real World but the snakes are using all their power to make everyone believe its a lie.  Understand that?  I saw this exact same kind of thing with the Sandy Hook hoax. 

One good reason for them to want to discredit this story is that it would damage (((their))) campaign to flood the U.S. with non whites.  They do not want anything to interfere with their agendas.

I did a preliminary investigation on the internet and I see a MILLION LINKS saying its a lie, which I have seen before on many other topics.  I recognize the Jewish Snake is at work here to completely discredit this story.  But their effort to discredit it just make me want to prove its true all the more strongly.  

What they do is to create a million disinformation links and flood the internet with them so that anyone searching for this topic will only see the disinformation links. Any truthful links will be drowned out by the sheer magnitude of the disinformation. They probably use AI on supercomputers to generate all these disinformation links very quickly.

And now apparently there are bomb threats being called in from overseas concerning this.  When I heard that I immediately thought that Jews are behind those bomb threats.  Again, its more of a reason to investigate this.  

So I will be investigating this and I will be returning here with my findings.  As you should know, I know how to go down rabbit holes and this is a new one that just popped up.

If you as a reader have any comment about either the Haitian immigrants eating pets and ducks or about the overseas bomb threats then please leave it and I will address it. 

If you know of any web site that says the Haitian immigrant story is true or that has information about the called in bomb threats from overseas then please post a link to it on this post in the comments. 

Links I have discovered about this for your information:


  1. If Trump and the Jews are actually on the same side, why do the Jews do everything in their power to discredit Trump?

    1. There is no if. Trump and Jews are on the same side. Trump is controlled opposition. Yes he is attacked but that is nothing but a drama. Don't be deceived by the show. Underneath it all Trump is one of them. He is not one of us.

    2. Elite puppets are promoted in elite media. Opponents of the new world order are ignored and silenced.

    3. Both Trump and Harris are puppets of the same evil people behind the scenes. Understand controlled opposition. Don't be deceived by the Trump show. He's one of them. Nobody is allowed to become a candidate for POTUS unless they are a puppet. No honest person can get even near to the White House.
