Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Real Satanism

 This is a post discussing my view of Satanism from what I have been able to discover about it.

1. I see two types of Satanism. One is the benign type that most people are taught to believe is all that Satanism is. This type of Satanism is peaceful, does not condone or practice violence and is basically just a religion and a way of living and thinking.  This is the Satanism of Anton Levay (see below image).

The second type of Satanism is what I refer to on this Blog as Real Satanism. Unlike the first type, it is not peaceful at all. It not only condones but also commits violence and murder and every other bad thing in the world you can think of. It is unapologetically evil. When I discuss Satanism on this Blog I am always talking about Real Satanism and not the benign for public consumption version.  

2. There is heavy but hidden Jewish involvement in Real Satanism. Behind the scenes Jews are running it but they make sure to keep themselves well hidden so nobody ever suspects a linkage.

3. Real Satanism is involved in ritual abuse and murder of children. Satanism uses mind control to facilitate Satanic Ritual abuse or SRA.

4. Entire families are secretly involved in Satanism. On the surface these family members appear to be very upstanding citizens, often very well socially connected and who are often involved in politics and industry and journalism and many other fields. Anyone viewing such a family would never suspect them of anything bad but secretly they are Satanists.  I give them a special name: Satanic families

5. Satanism was directly involved in the JonBenet Ramsey murder. Many of the families involved in that case including the Ramsey family are what I identify as Satanic families.

6. Satanists routinely commit murder and other serious crimes and get away with it.  The reason they get away with it will be explained in the next point.

7. Satanists have infiltrated law enforcement and the justice system at high levels to ensure their crimes are never seriously investigated and none of their members are ever prosecuted. This is true in Australia, the USA and in Europe at a minimum but it probably extends to many other countries also. 

More to Come if you want it.

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