This post is a spin off from my previous post about the Jewish Master Plan for the Russia - Ukraine War. That post was about how the Jews plan to empty a large region currently occupied by both Ukraine and Russia. This post is about another aspect of the Jewish Master Plan, which is to create a new Israel in this region for Jews to live in. Yes that is right. The tiny middle Eastern country of Israel is too small and too hot so they want a new territory to call (((their))) own. The following link describes this.
This reveals that the entire reason for the current Ukraine - Russia war is because Jews want to create a new homeland here.
Here is a question for the red pilled. Does Putin know about this long-term plan? Is he going along with it or is he is a dupe who doesn't know about it? Does the Russian government know? Zelenskyy knows for sure. He even said it. But does Putin/Russia know? That is a question I do not know the answer to yet. This leads to the following question.
Is Putin a Russian Nationalist as he pretends to be or is he just a willing pawn for the Jews who does not really care about Russia or the Russian people? His behavior would seem to indicate the latter.
Sorry if this sounds rude, but what you're saying is a bit delusional. It just doesn’t make any sense. Israel can't just claim land between Russia and Ukraine, even if they really wanted to. There's no historical backing for them to claim that area—they have no ties to it. Today, any country's claim to land is at least based on some historical connections, whether real or fabricated. Even the Jews and Israel claim the Middle East because they have historical connections there, regardless of whether the history is real or fake. Israel has absolutely no historical ties with the land between Russia and Ukraine, and the entire world knows that. You can't just grab land from a big and very powerful country like Russia; that's not how it works.
ReplyDeleteIts not Israel that is claiming the territory. It is Jews. Jews have more ties to Ukraine/Russia than they do to Palestine in actuality. It is not true at all to say that any claim to land is based upon historical connection. The Rothchild Jews have no claim to Palestine at all. You need to distinguish between Israel the tiny nation in the middle east and the nation of Israel which is world wide. The entire world is deceived about a great many things. You appear to be completely blue pilled but I am here to open your eyes to another reality if you are open to seeing it.
DeleteThe Ashkenazi jews have ties with this area.
ReplyDeleteKhazaria was located where The Ukraine is today. That's where most of the fake jews came from historically. Not the Levant. These fake jews hijacked Judaism in approx 1200ad and have run with it ever since. By deception they shall take over the world.
ReplyDeleteI don't claim to know a lot about where the former Khazarian empire was located but I had always thought it was further to the East on territory now occupied by Russia. Do you have a source for what you say that the former Khazaria was located in current Ukraine? But even if the former Khazaria was further East it could be that the Jews decided to make Ukraine their new world Headquarters for the NWO. I could see that. You call them fake Jews as if to imply that Jews were good and not treacherous and evil and warmongering before the Khazarian conversion to Judaism in the tenth century but my research does not support this. My research supports that Jews were evil and after world conquest before the Khazarian conversion.
DeleteInteresting enough Ukraine is home to a significant Jewish population and also the chief rabbi of Russia son married his counterparts daughter in Ukraine . A bit chilling revelation.