I was going down several rabbit holes at once when WordPress killed my Blog and suddenly ended my efforts. One rabbit hole I was investigating was the still unsolved details of the JonBenet Ramsey murder such as WHERE did the murder actually take place and who else besides the Ramseys and the Whites were in on this. If you have read my previous posts you know I have speculated many places where the murder could have taken place but I have never been satisfied with any of them. All I could say for a long time is that JonBenet died somewhere in the Boulder / Denver area of Colorado but then my latest research revealed a startling fact. Officials of Martin Marietta (before it even became Lockheed Martin) had an early affiliation with John Ramsey during his "Advanced Products Groups" phase and before his involvement in Access Graphics. Whatever John Ramsey was doing with Advanced Products Group and later with Access Graphics was sponsored by Martin Marietta, which is one of a long list of known CIA / Intelligent fronts. That the CIA would be running the Defense industry should come as no surprise to anyone.
That early connection to probably multiple CIA Front companies (there were many companies that John Ramsey started on paper and then abandoned) leads me to suspect that Ramsey was an intelligence front. Working FOR the CIA or NSA in some capacity is what I suspect. And there was an even bigger connection between John Ramsey and an extremely important person in the Defense industry, who was also Undersecretary of the U.S. Air Force..

This man is or was designing nuclear warheads for the U.S. Air Force. He also is NSA. He is heavily tied in with the U.S. Government in the national security area. His credentials are impeccable and he is very strong affiliated with Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace. John Ramsey's hidden connection (it was hidden, and I had to discover who all the people were John Ramsey was associated with to discover this) with this man and that led me to discover that John Ramsey had personal offices at Martin Marietta Aerospace in Denver Colorado where both men worked. Another thing I discovered in my research is that the Access Graphics in Boulder Colorado that you see pictures of everywhere is just a hole in the wall for show. It is very small when you look at the entire building. I am convinced that John Ramsey did not work in Boulder, Colorado but instead worked at Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace.
Another big connection I made involves Nancy Krebs, who talked about her younger sister Shirley and Shirley's daughter (name unknown to me), who was five years old at the time JonBenet Ramsey was murdered. The girl was present during the murder. And her mother Shirley worked in the U.S. Defense industry associated with the U.S. Air Force. Her and her daughter were later transferred to Ramstein Air Base in Germany during the JonBenet Ramsey investigation so both were out of the country unavailable for questioning..
So John Ramsey is connected with intelligence, defense industry and the U.S. Federal government. John Ramsey was well connected and the people he hung out with shows it.
There is a U.S. Government/Air Force connection in all of this. John Ramsey is connected to it. The nuclear warhead designer for the Air Force is connected to it. Shirley Krebs who was doing civilian work for the U.S. Air Force and was later transferred to a U.S. Air Force Base in Ramstein, Germany.is connected to it. And Martin Marietta Aerospace in Denver where John Ramsey really worked is connected to it. These connected dots lead me to conclude that the death of JonBenet Ramsey happened somewhere on the grounds of Martin Marietta. I have long believed Satanism was involved in this case and I think a secret Satanic ceremony was held on the grounds of this company for security reasons. You would never find greater security in which to hold a ritual than in a highly secured building somewhere inside fences rigged with sensors under constant guard. Satanists would feel perfectly safe in an environment like that to conduct a ritual without being disturbed. Especially if it happened at midnight when everyone else but the security guards would be gone. I believe this is why this location was chosen. It also explains all the censorship about this case concerning Fleet White Sr. and other things I have noticed. I think when the accidental death of the child happened on the grounds of a secure U.S. Defense plant and it was likely attended by the man pictured above, I think the whole incident was covered up on grounds of National Security. This would explain a lot which I had not been able to piece together for a long time. Since it happened where it did and the important people who were there would be implicated, the whole thing was covered up by the Government. That is why the fake crime scene at the Ramsey house was staged after the death (or is that entire story just a cover story? Either way, its a lie to cover up the truth). That is why Linda Arndt put on such a good convincing show about being stonewalled as she asked for help. Here is what I came up with: Everything from Officer French on that supposedly happened at the Ramsey home is nothing but a cover story. It never happened and Linda Ardnt is a very unconvincing liar. Her story is the most bogus of all
Another piece of the puzzle is that Nancy Krebs revealed a key piece of information in her testimony to Boulder authorities in February 2000. She made known that the murder of JonBenet was on television very soon after the death, like a day or two after it. A television program focusing on Entertainment told a very early version of the death of this child. In that version, Fleet White Sr. AND HIS BIG RICH OIL COMPANY are both named. In other words, Fleet White Sr. was named early on as a suspect of the death. And then the story changed and everything was focused on the Ramsey home and Fleet White Sr. has no involvement and neither does his son. So you see that the story was changed sometime after that program aired. This is what shows that the U.S. Government / intelligence agencies is involved in this cover up. No one but the Government (and the secret Jewish oligarchy running it) would have the power to hide a crime like this that took place on sensitive ground. Ask yourself why? Are they protecting the White Family? No. This is a case of the Government protecting itself from a huge scandal involving high ranking people in the government and defense industry. From my research, Fleet White Sr. was some kind of high ranking Satanist and he lived in Aspen Colorado when not in California. Fleet White Sr. connects to John Ramsey as I explained. All these people are connected way back to the 1960's when John was stationed near Los Angeles. I think it was Fleet White Sr. who was conducting a ritual when it went wrong and JonBenet was killed. I believe it to be a case of accidental strangulation.
And you notice that John Ramsey lost everything after his daughter died. His daughter was the reason for his "success" and once she was gone the Ramsey family was out. And I do believe that Patsy was given cancer to silence her because she was starting to say things she shouldn't have.
12-02-24 UPDATE:
This is my latest hypothesis about what really happened in the JonBenet Ramsey murder to explain a lot of things and connect a lot of dots. Peter B. Teets had a long-standing relationship with John Ramsey. They worked in the same location at Martin Marietta Aerospace in Denver Colorado. Peter B. Teets was a close friend of John Ramsey. John Ramsey was a Satanist. Peter B. Teets was a Satanist also. Through his relationship with John Ramsey, Peter B. Teets got invited to the party/Satanic ceremony where JonBenet Ramsey was accidentally killed. Previously I have speculated that the location of this party/Satanic ceremony was on the grounds of the Martin Marietta Aerospace facility in Denver Colorado but this seems less likely to me now. What is more likely is that the location of the party/Satanic ceremony was at a facility owned by Fleet Oil Company in Denver Colorado.
What I speculate is that Fleet Oil Company had oil and gas operations in Colorado. That is why Fleet White Jr and his family were in Colorado to be part of those operations. Fleet White Jr. was a partner with his father in Fleet Oil Company, so it would be expected that Fleet White Jr. would be personally involved in Fleet Oil Company's Colorado operations.
Fleet White Sr. owned a villa in Aspen Colorado and he would be involved in operations of Fleet Oil Company in Colorado. It is most likely that the location of the party/Satanic ceremony was at a remote facility owned by Fleet Oil Company in Colorado.
If the above is true then this explains how Fleet White Sr., Fleet White Jr. and his family, John Ramsey and his family and Peter B. Teets could all be in the same location at a remote facility of Fleet Oil Company in Colorado. Besides them there could have been other prominent people present at this party/Satanic ceremony. Got that so far?
If that is true then this explains a lot of things. If the death of JonBenet Ramsey happened unintentionally at this party/Satanic ceremony then it explains the cover up. Peter B. Teets was NSA and a very powerful person in the U.S. Government. I have said John Ramsey was an agent but I don't know who he was really working for as an agent. He may have been working for the NSA also. So the NSA had a very good reason for wanting to cover up all evidence of this party/satanic ceremony at a facility owned by Fleet Oil Company.
This would explain how the story got changed, because the NSA has the power to do that on National Security grounds. This would also explain why the entire internet would be scrubbed of basically all information about Fleet White Sr. and Fleet Oil Company to hide what happened and where it happened and who was present when it happened.
Remember what Nancy Krebs said in her testimony to Boulder P.D., which is that it was announced on the Extra TV program one of two days after the murder that JonBenet Ramsey was dead and Fleet White Sr. was a suspect and it also mentioned Fleet Oil Company on tht program.
Now the reason why this was shown on the Extra TV program is because this program was about Hollywood and the Entertainment business. Fleet White Sr. was a Hollywood personality before he became involved with Fleet Oil Company in Southern California. He starred in two Hollywood movies in the 1940's. This is the reason why he was mentioned on this Extra TV program, because of his entertainment background.
But this theory of mine is the best I have come up with to date to connect a lot of dots and have things make sense. It makes sense to me. But to prove this theory will be very difficult.
More research needs to be done about Fleet White Sr. and Fleet Oil Company. I am looking for evidence that shows Fleet White Sr. was involved in Satanism or a Satanic Cult in California. I am looking for evidence that Fleet Oil Company had operations in Colorado in 1996 when the murder happened. I am looking for evidence to what happened to Fleet Oil Company. This big oil company just disappeared. I literally have no idea what happened to it because almost all information about it has been wiped from the internet.
Anyone who wants to help can research this. I need some good internet web sleuths to do this research. If you care about this case, help solve it by filling in the missing pieces of the puzzle. The NSA or whoever wiped the internet must have missed something. Find whatever you can.
12-12-24 UPDATE:
It is very sad to me when I go on the internet researching the "Fleet White" connection on this case and only my posts come up in the search. If I were to believe these search results then I would believe that I am the only person in the entire world who believes that Fleet White has guilt in the JonBenet Ramsey murder. But as I have noted many times, the internet has been apparently wiped of most all information about Fleet White and Fleet Oil Company. But it is quite depressing to me to see a billion people believing what I consider to be a cover story and nobody at all except for me believing what I consider to be the truth. Yes, that is quite depressing. But even if I am the only person in the world saying it, I will not stop saying it. I will never quit looking for the truth even if I am the only one in the world going down this path. Even if nobody believes me or cares at all about what I am saying, I will continue to say it because I follow the truth and not what everyone has been conditioned to believe is the truth. Its the Two Worlds Paradigm. In this I am doing God's will. If God wants me to discover anything more about this case then God will make this information known to me. God works through people coming forward to help me and I welcome any help I receive in this endeavor.
Please don’t give up on this case I think you have gotten closer than anyone
ReplyDeleteI think you are right. I would like to resume this research but I am practically the only person on the internet saying this. Why should anyone believe me, even if I am right? All the JonBenet Ramsey forums are telling a completely different story and are believed by many. How can I compete with that?
DeleteThe JBR case is going viral on TikTok and I’ve shared your blog with many truth seekers. My soul tells me you are correct.
DeleteWell thank you very much for that. I try my best to see the truth and tell the truth. I seek justice for JonBenet Ramsey which she has never gotten to this day.
DeletePlease see my latest update on this post. If the researchers on Tik Tok want to help they can do some web sleuthing to try to prove my theory. Everything I know about this case is from my own web sleuthing and connecting dots. This is how this case will move forward is by serious dedicated researchers who want to know the truth and will do whatever it takes to find it.
DeleteOne thing to clarify- on some of your blogs did you accidentally write "Jr" instead of "Sr"? I thought you said Fleet Jr went to far and killed Jonbenet or was it Sr?
ReplyDeleteI never confused the two. I always distinguish between Fleet White Sr. and Fleet White Jr. At this point I say it was either Fleet White Sr. or Fleet White Jr. who killed JonBenet. I do not know which of them actually did it but both of them are prime suspects for being the killer. Is it murder if the child dies accidently during sexual abuse?
DeleteOk, I see now. It was both.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteFleet White's filmography: Til The End of Time 1946 - Robert Mitchum and Without Reservations 1946 -John Wayne https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0039036/?ref_=nm_flmg_job_1_cdt_t_1
ReplyDeleteThanks very much. When I was a member of WebSleuths before I got banned I was told that Fleet White Sr. starred in two Hollywood filmsbut I could never find out which ones before Tricia (Administrator of WebSleuths) banned me because I said Fleet White Sr. was the primary suspect. But I will research these two films. The fact that Fleet White Sr. was a Hollywood star is the entire reason his story was told on the Extra TV program, which was about Hollywood gossip. That was the smoking gun in the Nancy Krebs testimony that I discovered by carefully reading it. Nobody except me has said anything about this. Why do I have to be the one to find the truth?
DeleteI have been posting on Reddit for weeks now- on this case. I lived down the street from Jonbenet at the time of the murder. I was recovering from a serious auto accident. I worked with sex offenders in Denver for a couple of years. I noticed some strange details about John Andrew making me think he might have been involved in sexual abuse of Jonbenet. Why did his father get him an attorney to prevent getting statements? What are there no photos of Christmas anywhere with party attendees either in CO or in John Andrews state? Why did his Boulder University friends report that he was "creepy" and talked about Jonbenet all the time, saying she was "so beautiful"? Why were his alibis so weak and easily invalidated that he was out of state? Why did Joe Barnhill report seeing him on Christmas? Why were fibers on Jonbenet linked to his bedding on the 2nd floor of the Ramsey house where he stayed sometimes? Who told Jonbenet there would be some kind of "special Santa visit that night'? I am convinced John Ramsey would not immediately hire a special lawyer for his son John Andrew unless there was a real danger of him going to prison. One poster online in the 90's ("blue crab") said he saw a Christmas party photo with John Andrew in it. Even though everybody testified he wasn't there. Your thoughts?
DeleteI verified the information on the filmography and you are correct. Fleet White had minor uncredited roles in those 2 films in 1946. Unfortunately it shows no picture of him. I would have like to have seen him as he looked then. Nancy Krebs said he used to be very good looking back in the day. I see those 2 links to the Extra TV program I posted are now dead. Apparently someone read my post and killed those links but they would be available on the Wayback machine. I would LOVE to be able to watch what Nancy Krebs grandmother (Alyce Christoff) said was shown on that program. That would blow the false disinformation story out of the water but I am sure the CIA/NSA or whoever wiped the internet made sure that this content is well buried and will never see the light of day again.
DeleteIt is my contention that JonBenet was being sexually abused by multiple people before her death, both inside her family and outside of her family. I see the Ramsey family as a Satanist family and I see the White family as also being a Satanist family. Nancy Krebs' family was a Satanist family. There is a common link of Satanism here. I don't know much about John Andrew but as a member of a Satanist family he may very well have been sexually abusing JonBenet. It seems that sexual abuse of family members (incest) is common in these secret Satanist families. They keep it within the family for the sake of secrecy. John Ramsey was very much involved in the cover up to hide the true story of what was going on. But if you are trying to imply that John Andrew was the murderer then you are off track. About the Special Santa story, you have to be VERY CAREFUL about believing disinformation that has been purposely released to the public to get the public to believe a cover story. You cannot trust that to be accurate. In fact I say that you cannot trust anything that has been released to the public about this case that concerns the fake crime scene within the Ramsey home. I completely disregard all of that. There is a real crime scene that nobody has been told about and that is what I am focused on in my research into this case. That is why I am focused on Fleet White Sr. and Fleet Oil Company. That is where the truth lies. Why do you think they scrubbed the internet so thoroughly on Fleet White Sr. and Fleet oil company? Because that is the truth they are trying to hide!
DeleteI hear what you are saying but I sense John Andrew had a huge part in the murder. Again- nobody hires a special attorney to immediately shut down all testimony and deny the police the ability to question somebody for no reason. John Andrew's eyes are thoroughly black & evil looking. There's something there about the case connected to him. Its ok if you and/or others disagree. Its not like he would ever be prosecuted at this point. He has been protected all these years (28 yrs). His college profession was heard to say "turn yourself in". Apparently John Andrew's deviant, unnatural comments about his half sisterJonbenet were well remembered by a number of people at Boulder University. I found it pretty interesting they would put him into that deceptive and ridiculous documentary. And why did somebody execute Michael Helgoth, the local mechanic? He was shot in the chest and they ruled it suicide. They planted the Hi-Tech boots near his bed.
ReplyDeleteWhat did he know? Maybe something about John Andrew's car or something incriminating about the Ramseys or Fleets.
I think you are wrong. The murderer is nobody inside the Ramsey family. I can see John Andrew sexually abusing John Ramsey perhaps for years and perhaps being sexually obsessed with her but that is as far as his involvement goes as I view it. Of course John Ramsey would try to shield and protect his family members. I wish I could somehow get you to thinking differently about this case. The way I see it you are stuck trying to solve the false disinformation cover story and you are not focused at all on what I am focused on. I wish I could somehow get you to forget everything you think you know and go on an entirely different trek but I know it is easier said than done. In whatever case I investigate I always follow the truth and I 100% believe that I am onto the truth in what I say about Fleet White Sr. and Fleet Oil Company having key involvement in this case. Everything points to it, but if you believe the disinformation cover story they want you to believe then you will never see the truth. I am not familiar with Michael Helgoth. But in any case what I would like to tell you is that the story of what happened is much bigger than what you know or even suspect at this point in your investigation. I have been researching this case for a long time and I am confident I am onto the truth. Nancy Krebs told the truth. You really need to understand what Nancy Krebs said because she really exposed a lot of deep truths about this case.
DeleteI worked with victims of SRA- I know a great deal about it. I am not denying the Fleets and Stines and Ramseys as satanic abusers. None of us know exactly which sick filthy person "went too far" that night and how vile they behaved. They are all involved and complicit. Not sure what you mean by the oil company being involved. I think that the international pedophile connections are obvious. Ramsey's father was involved in the pedophile case at Fox Island Michigan. When military and CIA are involved its dangerous. I think you might be missing some other details here. If John Andrew was actually out of state, and if he was not the killer, he would not have needed his own lawyer. I am well aware of satanic high holidays and know the significance of illuminati families and how they operate. There are a number of people involved in this case who "died suddenly" and they shouldn't be dismissed. Michael Helgoth is one of those. The corrupt powers behind the scenes spent a lot of time and energy trying to frame him and murdered him for some reason. The city spokesman (name escapes me) was killed mysteriously. For all we know John, his son John Andrew, Fleet Sr and Jr all participated in the murder. I read today that there were hundreds of details and crime facts shared during the Grand Jury proceeding which were hidden from the public. I cant get my hands on those docs yet.
DeleteNancy Krebs said her grandmother (Alyce Christoff Sprague) watched the Extra TV show episode one or two days after the death of JonBenet and on that program it mentioned Fleet White (Sr.) was a suspect and it also mentioned his oil company, Fleet Oil company. There is a reason why almost all information about Fleet Oil Company, which a big Los Angeles based oil company has been erased from the internet and I contend that it is to hide the involvement of Fleet Oil company in this death. As for international pedophile connections, do you mean Access Graphics, whose HQ was in Amsterdam, Holland right next to the red light district? Nobody seems to know what Access Graphics was really involved in beyond being a front organization. It could very well be that Access graphics was distributing child pornography. I am not sure why you have become so focused on John Andrew. He is not even on my radar. Who do you say died suddenly? Give me a list of names I can investigate. I will try to look into Michael Helgoth based on your recommendation. I am all about getting to the truth of this case whatever it is. There is so much I don't know because it has been hidden from me and its really frustrating to have a puzzle with so many pieces missing and trying to see the big picture. By the city spokesman you mean Kelvin McNeill, the man who died in Amsterdam, where Access Graphics has its HQ. I would love to see what the Grand Jury saw to reach their conclusion but they hid much more than they told. Did you know that Fleet White Sr. was there to hear the Grand Jury findings? The only picture of him on the entire internet is of him at the Grand Jury summation hearing. That is very telling to me especially after all the other information Nancy Krebs revealed.
Deletecorrection: I mean John Andrew participated in the murder (might not be the only one who did it)
ReplyDeleteIt has always been my contention that John Andrew was not even present at the party/Satanic ceremony where JonBenet died and had no involvement in her murder.
DeleteThen you are not reading the facts about John Andrew. He had no alibi. His mother (and friends) lied for him and his mother also had a special attorney paid for by John Ramsey. John Andrew was seen on 12/25 by a neighbor at the Ramsey home. He tried to use an old movie stub to prove he was out of state but even corrupt police didn't buy that lie. Then he tried to use old footage from an ATM which was blurry, showing a male in a ballcap- still not proof because nobody recognized him! His participation was covered up big time. He was seen in a Christmas photo at the Ramsey's, then that photo was removed off the internet. Fibers from his bedding were found on Jonbenet's crotch, on her clothing. I think he was at the murder. All of these crime details are available if you review the older threads and articles from the 90's and early 2000's.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThere cannot be multiple explanations for the JonBenet Ramsey death just as there cannot be multiple explanations for 9-11. I'm not going to ignore all the other evidence I've seen so I can latch onto the "John Abdrew did it" explanations that you obviously believe in. My research has pointed to a party/satanic ceremony happening at an unknown location and John Andrew was not present. I'm not going to deviate away from that regardless of any apparent evidence that points to John Andrew that has nothing to do with Fleet White. I cannot and will not do that.
ReplyDeleteMy personal experience working with victims of satanic ritual abuse has shown me that often during satanic sex rituals there are multiple abusers. It is my belief that Fleet, Ramsey, John Andrew and others participated in the sexual abuse and murder of Jonbenet. Its not one person but then I have already shared that here in previous comments. I am wondering how you could be so sure of all the intricate background details of the Fleet family yet not be familiar with the details of the Jonbenet case, especially the targeted hit on Michael Helgoth. Also- you have never explained what you are talking about when you keep referring to the oil company is involved. For what purpose? To what end? That allegation makes no sense and you have not explained how an oil company benefits from the satanic murder of a child. As for John Ramsey's father's connection (Jay Ramsey) with Fox Island Michigan and all the satanic child abuse connections on that island and in the area? Those facts have been firmly identified in multiple podcasts and posts over the years. Saying "John Andrew was not present" at the murder probably means you are not here to find the truth at all since you couldnt possibly know that. You dont know the exact location of the murder and you were not there to see who did what. Why would you cover for John Andrew? I suspected I was on the right track when so many others shut this theory down and refused to discuss the facts about how he was seen by at least 2 people and had no real alibis or photos showing he was out of state. John Ramsey called his pilot as soon as police found the body of his daughter- probably to fly John Andrew out of there. He had been in Boulder for several days, despite his cover story. I dont expect any lawyers to come forward and reopen this case, and prosecute John Andrew. If they did, I have no doubt there would be more than enough evidence as long as the legal team wasnt getting paid off. Did John Andrew commit the sexual abuse alone? We will never know. His college friends all reported he was "weird" and obsessed about his 6 year old half sister all the time, making strange & inappropriate comments about her. They were said to have pointed to him as soon as they heard Jonbenet died. Of course their testimony and statements were ignored by police like so many other valuable pieces of evidence. No need to respond or rebut. I think I see your position very clearly.
ReplyDeleteAre you suggesting that John Andrew was present at the party/Satanic ceremony where JonBenet died? Its possible but I have seen no evidence of it. However many people were sexually abusing JonBenet at the party/Satanic ceremony, one person was responsible for her death. That person was certainly not John Andrew. I am focused on proving the story that Nancy Krebs told is true. As I told you, I ignore all the alleged evidence associated with the fake crime scene such as the ransom note everyone on reddit loves to obsess over. I said in the post you are commenting on my theory that the death of JonBenet happened at a remote site in Colorado where Fleet Oil company had operations. Did you not see that? I am absolutely here to find the truth. I admit that it is possible that John Andrew was present when JonBenet died but even if he was, I do not believe he is behind the death of JonBenet. I am not covering for John Andrew. I am speaking what I believe to be the truth. So you think the police found the body of JonBenet? Wrong. You are deceived by a fake crime scene and a fake cover story. I have already said I believe its highly likely that John Andrew was one of the people sexually abusing JonBenet before her death. For him to be sexually obsessed with her makes perfect sense to me but I do not agree with you that he played any part in her murder.
DeleteSo John Andrew could have been present at the ritual but couldn't have killed her? Because? And again- whats the Fleet oil company have to do with the murder? (my 3rd time asking you, no response). You have basically ignored many facts I have presented - I doubt your credibility. Not sure who you are but now we know there are still disinfo agents online.
ReplyDeleteI do not believe John Andrew killed JonBenet. My theory is that the location of the party/Satanic ceremony was in a remote location where Fleet Oil Company had operations in Colorado in 1996. I answered your question before but you apparently did not see my answer. In addition, there is a good reason why almost all information about Fleet Oil company was wiped from the internet following the JonBenet Ramsey murder. Its because there is a link between the murder and Fleet Oil company. This ties to Fleet White Sr. My focus is on what I believe to be relevant information that leads to an understanding of the death of this child. I do not focus on information which I do not believe is relevant to that. You are free to believe whatever you like about me personally but I can assure you I am no disinformation agent.