In my investigation of the JonBenet Ramsey murder it has become apparent to me that disinformation has been released to the public about Access Graphics. We cannot trust the information that has been publicly disseminated about this company to be factual. So in this post I am going to disregard everything we have been told about Access Graphics and do my own research to uncover the hidden truth about this company. Its not what it appears to be.
We are told via the official story (AKA the official lie) that Access Graphics was created in Boulder Colorado in 1989 by the merger of three companies: Advanced Products Group, Inc. (Atlanta, GA), CAD Distributors (Bouder, CO) and CADSources Inc. (Piscataway NJ) but there is something wrong with this story and I am going to expose it here.
This link indicates that Access Graphics, Inc. of Bethesda, Maryland filed as a Foreign for Profit Corporation in the State of Florida on February 9, 1989. What this means is that a company named Access Graphics, Inc. located in Bethesda, Maryland filed this incorporation to do business in Florida. So Access Graphics, Inc. in Bethesda, Maryland existed prior to this. The official story is that Access Graphics, Inc. was created for the first time in Boulder, CO but here is a company in Bethesda, MD that existed at the same time or before the Access Graphics in Boulder. What is located in Bethesda, MD? The HQ of Martin Marietta and a major CIA facility. Access Graphics, Inc. is a front company of either Martin Marietta, the CIA or BOTH.
From the above link we see that there is a pre-existing company in Bethesda, MD. called Access Graphics, Inc. so we should be able to look up that company, right? Wrong. What you find when you attempt to look up this Bethesda, MD. company is a lot of other companies of the same name but you do not see the Bethesda, MD incorporation. This is what you would expect to see in a front company like Access Graphics, Inc.
Research brings us to this link where we see many other incorporation filings for Access Graphics, Inc. (all with different dates) but no mention of the Bethesda, MD. Access Graphics, Inc. The link says there are 18 companies located in Atlanta GA, Bethesda MD, Bingham Farms MI, Boston MA, Boulder CO, Chicago IL, Cleveland OH, Concord NH, Dallas TX, Kansas City MO, Minneapolis MN, New York NY, Phoenix AZ, Raleigh NC, and Wilmington DE. I am going list the incorporations from that link sorted by date to provide some understanding.
Incorporation Chronology
December 23, 1988: Access Graphics, Inc. in Wilmington, DE.
Note: It is common for a corporation that plans to do business in multiple states to file an incorporation document in Wilmington, DE.
February 1, 1989: Access Graphics, Inc. is incorporated to do business in New Jersey.
Note: It is significant that the incorporation date of this New Jersey entity precedes the date of the incorporation of Access Graphics, Inc. in Boulder, Colorado. Remember in the North Fox Island scandal that the first hub of a major child pornographic network was in New Jersey. I see the fact that this New Jersey entity was incorporated before anything else as significant. I have already made the connection between John Ramsey and North Fox Island. I have already surmised that Access Graphics was involved in Child Pornography so this early New Jersey connection is very intriguing. There is a lot of organized crime in New Jersey and the CIA is known to be in bed with organized crime.
February 9, 1989: Access Graphics Technology, Inc. in Baltimore, Maryland.
Note: This company was incorporated on the same date as many other Access Graphics filings but it is incorporated under a different name. The other filings are Access Graphics, Inc. but this one is Access Graphics Technology, Inc.
February 9, 1989: Access Graphics, Inc. in Boulder, CO. as an out of state stock option from California. Products/Services: Worldwide channel integration.
February 9, 1989: Access Graphics, Inc. in Boulder CO as a foreign for profit. The principal address is Boulder, CO but the mailing address is Bethesda, MD. This means that Access Graphics in Boulder, CO can do business in Florida. What this means is that Access Graphics in Boulder will be involved in importing and/or exporting from a port city in Florida such as Tampa, FL. So on the very first day of its incorporation in Boulder, Access Graphics Inc. is set up to import and/or export products internationally. From the very first day its set up for international business.
The company has six contacts on record: Thomas E. Carson from Boulder, Roger K. Hoover from Bethesda, MD, Janet L. McGregor from Bethesda, MD, Peter B. Teets from Bethesda, MD., Peter Reynolds from Bethesda, MD, and John Ramsey from Boulder, CO.
February 9, 1989: Access Graphics, Inc. is incorporated to do business in Georgia.
February 9, 1989: Access Graphics, Inc. is incorporated to do business in Michigan.
February 9, 1989: Access Graphics, Inc. is incorporated to do business in Minnesota.
February 9, 1989: Access Graphics, Inc. is incorporated to do business in Ohio.
February 9, 1989: Access Graphics, Inc. is incorporated to do business in Texas. The principal address is Martin Marietta, Bethesda, MD. The company has 3 contacts on record. The contacts are E J Baessler from Anaheim CA, John Ramsey from Boulder CO, and Thomas Carson from Boulder CO. Note: This lists the parent company in Bethesda, MD and NOT Boulder, CO.
February 9, 1989: Access Graphics, Inc. is incorporated to do business in the state of Washington. The company has 10 contacts on record. The contacts are Gerald W Schaefer from Bethesda MD, John B Ramsey from Boulder CO, John E Montague from Bethesda MD, Lillian M Trippett from Bethesda MD, Peter B Teets from Bethesda MD, Peter C Reynolds from Bethesda MD, Renata J Baker from Bethesda MD, Stephen M Piper from Bethesda MD, Thomas E Carson from Bethesda MD, and Walter E Skowronski from Bethesda MD.
February 13, 1989: Access Graphics, Inc. is incorporated to do business in New York. Mailing address is Martin Marietta, Bethesda, MD.
February 16, 1989: Access Graphics, Inc. in Chicago, IL.
March 3, 1989: Access Graphics, Inc. is incorporated to do business in New Hampshire.
June 20. 1989: Access Graphics Technology, Inc. is incorporated to do business in Arizona.
August 3, 1989: Access Graphics, Inc. is incorporated to do business in Massachusetts. James Hudson is the President of this company and John Ramsey is the Treasurer.
March 30, 1990: Access Graphics, Inc. is incorporated in Missouri
May 9, 1991: Access Graphics is purchased by Calcomp, Inc. which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Corporation.
A change of ownership of the company occurred. Martin Marietta created Access Graphics as a front company in 1988 and Lockheed Corporation bought that front company from Martin Marietta in 1991 through its Calcomp, Inc. subsidiary. Connect the dots.
March 25, 1992: Access Graphics, Inc. In Pheonix, Arizona as a for profit. Earnest J. Baessler (address 2411 W La Palma Ave, Anaheim, CA) and John Ramsey are listed as officers of the company.
March 1, 1993: Access Graphics, Inc. is incorporated to do business in Pennsylvania.
ACCESS GRAPHICS, INC. in Pennsylvania | Company Info & ReviewsJuly 6, 1994: Access Graphics, Inc. is incorporated to do business in North Carolina.
Note: The above list does not show the foreign incorporation of Access Graphics, Inc. in Bethesda, MD to do business in Florida on February 9, 1989? Why has this been omitted?
People involved in the front company
In this section are listed significant people involved in the Access Graphics front company and any names related to them. The names that have particular significance are shown in bold.
-E.J. Baessler
-Reneta J. Baker
-Karen J. Barrett
-Thomas E. Carson: Previous CFO for Access Graphics, Inc.
-Leland L. Chan
-Banon B. Davis
-Bob Dinning: Treasurer at Microsouth, Inc. (Georgia), Director of Advanced Products Group, Inc. (Georgia)
-Terrence M. Drabant
-Michael E. Gillette
-Paul C. Glass
-Kenneth Goldstein
-Donald J. Gracyalny
-Nettie A. Home
-Roger K. Hoover: Previous Director for Lockheed Martin Aerospace Corp. (Denver, CO), Secretary for Advanced Products Group, Inc. (Atlanta, GA), Secretary for Access Graphics, Inc. (Boulder, CO) Note: This man is a direct link between Martin Marietta HQ (Bethesda, Maryland), Advanced Products Group, Inc. (Atlanta, GA and Boulder, CO), Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace (Denver, CO), John Ramsey and Access Graphics, Inc. (Boulder, CO) Connect the dots. You would have to be blind not to see these connections which I have clearly documented.
-Dale C. Hutchinson
-Marcus B. Ide
-Arthur E. Johnson
-Maryann R. Lavan
-Janet L. McGregor: Previous Treasurer for Access Graphics, Inc.
-John E. Montague
-Donald R. Paugh
-Stephen M. Piper
-John B. Ramsey: President for Advanced Products Group (Boulder), Previous President for Abacus Systems Corporation (Boulder), Previous President for Agt Holdings (Anaheim), Previous President for Access Graphics, Inc (Boulder).
-Peter C. Reynolds: Previous Treasurer for Access Graphics, Inc.
-Thomas P. Rhodes
-Gerald W. Schafer
-Walter E. Scowronski
-Janet Smagala
-Peter B. Teets: Previous Chairman for Access Graphics, Inc.
-Lillian M. Trippett
-Glen T. Williamson
-Tom Woolsey
Related companies
In this section are listed other companies that have a relationship to the Access Graphics front company. The companies that have particular significance are shown in bold.
4236 LLC
Abacus Systems Corporation
Access Graphics: New Hampshire trade name incorporated in 2007.
Access Graphics Technology, Inc.
Access Supplies Group, Inc.
Advanced Products Group, Inc.
AGT Group, Inc.
Agt Holdings, Inc.
Axitar, Inc.
Betac Corporation
Boulder Associates, A Professional Corporation: The principal company is in Boulder, Colorado at 1426 Pearl Street. It has out of state operations in Ohio, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.
Boulder Associates Architects NJ P.C. The principal company is in Boulder, Colorado at 1426 Pearl Street. It has an out of state operation in New Jersey.
Cayenta Inc.
Comsat Corporation
Comstat General Corporation
Conic Corporation
Crsi Acquistion, Inc.
Csl Leasing Corporation
Delaware Logistic Services Corporation
Eg and G Astrophysics Research Corporation
Electromechanical Systems Inc.
G6 Hospitality Franchising LLC
G.A. International Electronics of Florida Corp
GE Access.
Located at 1426 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO.
Information Network Systems LLC
Integration Alliance. The principal company is in Boulder, Colorado at 1426 Pearl Street. It has an out of state operation in New Jersey.
Kac Management LLC
L-3 Communications Avionics Component Overhaul
L-3 Communications Storm Control Systems, Inc.
L3harris Interstate Electronics Corporation
L-3 Technologies, Inc.
Lanier Worldwide Inc.
Leidos Government Services, Inc.
Leidos Engineering & Sciences LLC
Leidos Innovations Technlogy, Inc.
Leidos Management System Designers, Inc.
Leidos Security Detection Automation, Inc.
LMT Sub Inc.
Lockheed Foreign Enterprise Company, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Advanced Environmental Systems, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Aerospace Corp. This corporation is directly associated with the Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace facility in Denver, Colorado.
Lockheed Martin Aerospace Holdings, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Aerospace International, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Aircraft Center
Lockheed Martin Beryllium Corporation
Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Lockheed Martin Electro-Optical Systems, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Energy Technologies, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Environmental Systems, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Federal Services Corporation
Lockheed Martin Federal Systems, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Global Telecommunications Services Inc.
Lockheed Martin International Service and Investment Corporation
Lockheed Martin Ir Imaging Systems, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Kelly Aviation Center, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Logistics International, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Logistic Services, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Nevada Technologies, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Overseas Corporation
Lockheed Martin Postal Technologies, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Sacramento Aircraft Center, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Securities, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Sippican, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Specialty Components
Lockheed Martin Stasys Consulting Inc.
Lockheed Martin Tactical Systems, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Tas International Corporation
Lockheed Martin Tas International Services, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Training Solutions, Inc.
Lockheed Shipbuilding Company
Logistic Services Corporation
Loral Cyberstar Global Services, Inc.
Loral Fairchild Corp
Loral Federal Services Corporation
Loral Orion Global Services, Inc.
Martin Marietta Overseas Corporation
Martin Marietta Technologies Inc.
Martin Orlando East Properties, Inc.
Microdyne Corporation
Microdyne Communications Technology Incorporated
Microsouth, Inc. (Georgia)
Mountaingate Data Systems, Inc. A computer-related front company started by Martin Marietta in California in 1970. It had branches in Nevada and various other states.
Note: The incorporation document for this California front company is not on the internet.
MRA Systems, LLC
MRA Systems, Inc.
National Technolgy Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
Orlando Central Park, Inc.
Paragon Capital Wealth Management LLC
Randtron Systems, Inc.
Sycolman Corporation
Technology Ventures, Corporation
The Aerospace Corporation
Universal Systems & Technology Inc.
Vertex Aereospace LLC
Western CAD Distributors, Inc.
More to Come
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