Who you may ask is this Francis D. Shelden character and what does he have to do with the JonBenet Ramsey murder? Francis D. Shelden was a very rich man involved in real estate and the oil business in Michigan. He bought an island named North Fox Island in Michigan. On this island he ran what was advertised to be a "nature camp" for underprivileged boys aged 7 to 16 who were flown to this island to participate in the boy's camp which was called Brother Paul's Children's Mission. See the below image for some of the boys and their adult male sponsors on North Fox Island. The image is circa 1976.
Although this appeared to be a Christian sponsored boy's camp to help children, in reality it was something else entirely. The boys who were flown to this island were sexually abused by their adult male sponsors. In addition, child pornography was taken of the sexual abuse on this private island and it was distributed to New Jersey and New York by a front organization disguising itself as a church called The Church of the New Revelation. Far from being a legitimate church, this was a front that was involved in distributing catalogs of child pornography to people in New Jersey and New York. Essentially, North Fox Island was a series of shell businesses set up across the country to facilitate the flow of massive amounts of child pornography internationally. This New Jersey fake church was the start of a pipeline to distribute child pornography across the U.S. and also internationally. Organized Crime (Mafia) was involved in this operation. Organized Crime was making a huge amount of money from this underground child pornography operation.
Individuals involved in North Fox
Frank Shelden Wealthy Michigan philanthropist who owned North Fox Island. He was a homosexual pedophile with money and connections. Shelden financed and/or contributed to multiple boy-love oriented publications. Sheldon financed a boy-love publication named Hermes that was based in Chicago, Illionois. Sheldon was also a staff writer on another boy-love oriented publication called Better Life Monthly.
Gerald Richards Gerald Richards was a high school gym teacher at Saint Joseph school in Port Huron, Michigan. Like Sheldon, Gerald Richards was a homosexual pedophile. He took four of his students to a private air strip to meet with Frank Shelden who flew them all to North Fox Island. During two nights on the island, one of the boys reported to his mother that the two men (Richards and Shelden) had performed sex acts on them and photographed them naked. This led to the arrest of Gerald Richards and exposed the child prostitution/child porn ring on North Fox Island. Richard was convicted and sent to prison. From prison Richards sketched out a large network diagram of a child pornography operation. One which spanned from state to state, coast to coast, right across the United States, and even the Atlantic Ocean. (This network is what I describe later in this post. This was not just a small network of a few men working together to create child pornography. This was a HUGE operation involving many people. It stretched across the U.S. from the East Coast to the West Coast and it was also International, going to Europe and other places. It is this secret extensive network that I am most interested in concerning the JonBenet Ramsey murder. This diagram is shown later in this post.)
Dyer Grossman Dyer Grossman was a fake Reverand in a fake church called The Church of the New Revelation that had been set up to distribute child pornography taken on North Fox Island (see next section). In reality he was another homosexual pedophile who was a science teacher from a wealthy family in Long Island, New York. He worked at an exclusive boarding school for boys in New York.
Adam Starchild. Adam Starchild handled the child pornography distribution aspects of the operation. He set up multiple shell companies around the country to facilitate the distribution of the child pornography being created on North Fox Island. His real name is Malcolm Willis
McConahy, an off-shore tax attorney who faked his own death in 1975. He was previously a scoutmaster in Minneapolis before he was kicked out in 1965 because of his sexual attraction to boys which became known.
One shell company Starchild created was named The Church of the New Revelation in New Jersey (see next section). Another was called The Ocean Living Institute. Another was The Educational Foundation for Youth in Illinois.
The Church of the New Revelation
The Church of the New Revelation was a fake Church (shell company) created in New Jersey by Adam Starchild. See the following 1977 New York Times article.
Excerpt from the above link:
The founder of the Church of the New Revelation vehemently denied reports yesterday that his tax‐exempt organization served as a front for a nationwide homosexual pornography ring. Adam Starchild, founder of the Kearnybased church, said the reports were “frustrating, embarrassing and untrue.” He said he had founded the church to enable people to worship in small groups at private homes rather than in large congregations.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has said one of two men it was seeking in connection with the alleged pornography operation was believed to use the alias Adam Starchild. The two men, Dyer Grossman, a New York school teacher, and Francis Sheldon, an Ann Arbor, Mich., millionaire, are being sought by law enforcement authorities in Michigan on charges of criminal sexual conduct with boys.
From the above it is shown that Adam Starchild created this New Jersey "church", which is one of many shell companies Starchild created as part of the underground child pornography operation. The other man mentioned is Dyer Grossman, which is another pedophile connected to North Fox Island and Brother Paul's Children's Mission.
West Coast Child Pornography
As a sidenote, it is significant to mention that at this same time there was a huge explosion of child pornography in Southern California, so the child pornography operations are connected to the West Coast. During this time (1975-1977) Los Angeles, California became the epicenter of child pornography on the west coast. Los Angeles became known as the "Kiddie Porn Capital of the World" at this time. This has been memory holed today but it is fact that child pornography was rampant in Southern California in 1976-77 and this connects to the North Fox Island operation and the distribution network to New Jersey and New York. Organized crime was involved in these child pornography operations on the west coast, in Michigan, in New Jersey and New York, in Chicago and other places. It was extremely profitable to be involved in this underground business and a lot of money was being made by many people.
James Dudley Ramsey Connection
As I said, boys were being flown to North Fox Island to be sexually abused and to have child pornography created from the abuse. The Michigan Aeronautics Commission was the state agency responsible for regulating fights inside of Michigan and the agency that had oversight of North Fox Island. The person who was the Administrator of the Michigan Aeronautics Commission at the time was James Dudley Ramsey, who is the father of John Ramsey. James Dudley Ramsey was known for being very controlling and wanted to know all about all flights in Michigan and yet he somehow did not care about these flights to and from North Fox Island. At the very least he turned a blind eye to what was happening on the island in terms of child prostitution and child pornography. He made no official inspections to the island to see what was happening there. He was complicit in the child prostitution and child pornography operations happening there. He was at the very least paid off to look the other way and not interfere in this organized crime operation that was making a lot of money for many people.
At some point in 1976, the public became aware of at least some of what was happening on North Fox Island. A local newspaper reported part of the truth about it. There was a huge scandal. An investigation into this operation was launched.
Shelden and Grossman flee to Amsterdam
An arrest warrant should have been issued for Frank Shelden immediately but a Michigan District Attorney named Peter Deegan purposely stonewalled issuing the arrest warrant for FOUR MONTHS. This gave Shelden all the time he needed to get his affairs in order, transfer his estate (his wealth) to offshore holdings and to flee to Amsterdam in the latter months of 1976. Note: Adam Starchild acted as Shelden's attorney in transferring assets, such as stocks and bonds, into an offshore trust called The Trust Company of the Virgin Islands, Ltd. that Shelden could access from Europe as part of this move. Shelden became a naturalized Dutch citizen protected from extradition.
A similar situation happened concerning Grossman. The same District Attorney Deegan drug his feet on issuing the arrest warrant and Grossman also fled the country and made his way to Amsterdam. So Shelden and Grossman both moved to Amsterdam, Netherlands. Shelden still had his wealth available to him in an offshore trust that Adam Starchild had helped him set up. Shelden was now a citizen of Amsterdam and untouchable by U.S. authorities.
James Ramsey retires early
James Dudley Ramsey quietly retired from the Michigan Aeronautics Commission even though he was years short of retirement. He retired so he would not be questioned in the investigation. To my knowledge, he was never questioned by anyone in whatever investigation ensued. I would say the investigation was not a real investigation but more of a cover up to bury the truth (just as is the case in the JonBenet Ramsey murder).
The Spartacus Network
An informant told police that Francis Shelden was financing snuff films from Amsterdam in the late 1980's.
Access Graphics in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Now here is where we start making connections to the JonBenet Ramsey case. The official story of Access Graphics is that John Ramsey and his father in law Don Paugh (Patsy's father) invented Access Graphics in Boulder Colorado but this is disinformation. The hidden truth is that Access Graphics existed BEFORE John Ramsey had any involvement with it. It existed as a company in Amsterdam, Netherlands, the same place where Francis Shelden and Dyer Grossman fled after North Fox Island was exposed.
I have seen a picture of the Access Graphics building in Amsterdam. Its a big multi story building. In comparison to it, John Ramsey's Access Graphics in Boulder was just a very small facility. But John Ramsey's Access Graphics was a U.S. subsidiary of this pre-existing Amsterdam company. Very little is known about this Amsterdam company or who really owned it or what happened to it. Supposedly it was involved in graphics but I think that was just a front. I think the computer business of the Access Graphics in Boulder was also a front.
Although I have yet to prove it, it is my conjecture that Frank Shelden used his wealth to start Access Graphics in Amsterdam, which is physically located right beside the Amsterdam RED LIGHT DISTRICT where child pornography flourished in the 1970's. Note the following facts: Frank Shelden was involved in child pornography in Michigan. He moved to Amsterdam where child pornography was legal and flourishing in the 1970's. He was wealthy and certainly able to start a business in Amsterdam like Access Graphics which would be a front for child pornography creation and distribution. He was involved with front companies in Michigan so starting a new front company in Amsterdam (Access Graphics) would be a natural thing for him to do to continue in the child pornography distribution business.
Shelden undoubtedly dealt with James Dudley Ramsey in Michigan when he owned North Fox Island. He may have known John Ramsey during this time. Later John Ramsey "invents" Access Graphics in Boulder with his father in law Don Paugh who works for Union Carbide (a known CIA front company). John Ramsey is also working for a known CIA front company named Martin Marietta, which later became Lockheed Martin. The CIA is involved in this story. It is involved with Don Paugh. It is involved with John Ramsey. It is involved with the "invention" of Access Graphics in Boulder. It must also be connected with Access Graphics in Amsterdam. So the CIA is up to their necks in this little story.
All the elements are in place to show the connection between Access Graphics in Boulder and Child Prostitution and pornography, with the CIA playing a major role in the facilitation of this.
What I think but do not have the evidence to prove is that both the Access Graphics in Amsterdam and the Access Graphics in Boulder were involved behind the scenes in child pornography creation and distribution. I think the CIA was heavily involved in this operation. It goes beyond the CIA to international organized crime that was profiting enormously from this operation. If there is a Jewish connection to all this, it is surely here in making money from this secret pornographic operation. Remember the Finders, which was involved in international child sex trafficking and the investigation into it was shut down by the CIA. So the CIA has long involvement in these illegal operations.
Here is the connection I want to make. Francis Shelden was rich and connected and involved with organized crime. When the operation on North Fox Island was exposed he and his associates were allowed to flee the country to Amsterdam. I think that these men created Access Graphics in Amsterdam. James Dudley Ramsey was associated with this group in Michigan and I say that his son knew of this operation. His son was involved with this group. Later on, these men who fled to Amsterdam in the 1970's got in touch with John Ramsey. The CIA was involved in this. Martin Marietta (a known CIA front company) which later became Lockheed Martin was also involved. I personally did research that exposed that John Ramsey was working for Martin Marietta long before he became involved with Access Graphics. So we have a group here that is associated with the U.S. defense industry, with organized crime, with the intelligence community (CIA and NSA) and with child prostitution and child pornography. There is another association of this group to Satanism which I very strongly suspect. The key elements of this group are corruption, making money (profit), association with the U.S. Government, association with the U.S. military, pedophiles, child pornography, child prostitution, organized crime and Satanism. James Dudley Ramsey was associated with this group in the 1970's. His son was associated with the same group. So North Fox Island directly connects to the JonBenet Ramsey murder.
Freemasonry is involved in this group also, so that is another association I want to make. All these dots connect and if you ignore any of the dots then you can never understand the JonBenet Ramsey murder. You must understand the whole picture. Unfortunately, most people have been and still are today focused on a false cover story that is nothing more than a CIA creation to hide the truth. Whenever you see people obsessed with the ransom note or the pineapple or any of the other false clues at the FAKE CRIME SCENE inside the Ramsey home, then you know you are dealing either with shills purposely pushing the disinformation story or clueless individuals who have been legitimately deceived by that story. Before I even knew about Nancy Krebs I saw through the CIA disinformation story but her testimony just confirmed what I already had seen. I ignore the disinformation story and go straight for the hidden truth and invite people to follow me there.
The hidden CIA Connection
When I was investigating the JFK Assassination, I did not have to do a lot of research into it to understand what really happened. All I had to do was watch a film with eyes wide open and I knew who killed JFK and a lot of other things that nobody has ever told me before. My own ability to see what was there allowed me to understand what apparently very few understand today about that assassination but in a case like this I don't have a film to watch. I have to do my own investigation into it with the knowledge that the majority of the information that has been released to the public about the JonBenet Ramsey murder is 100% disinformation as part of a cover story. I was smart enough to figure out early that the story being told to the public about JonBenet being killed inside her home and all the clues left there such as the ransom note was bullshit. I knew I was being deceived early on but it has taken me a long time to start to figure out what really happened outside of the cover story.
When I do an investigation I assimilate a huge amount of information from all sources, exclude disinformation and look for patterns. I try to connect dots that nobody else is connecting to gain meaning. Pattern recognition and dot connecting. This is the way a computer would do it and its the way I do it. My investigations are very personal. I distrust anyone to tell me the truth and I look for the truth that nobody else is telling me. This is how I discovered that the CIA has major involvement in the JonBenet Ramsey murder. There is so much information about the CIA connection to the JonBenet Ramsey murder that I decided to create a separate post about it here.
More to Come
Great post. John Andrew sexually tortured Jon Benet, he was obsessed with her for yrs. Dad made a deal to keep him from being investigated. College friends said John Andrew was an obvious contender to have brutalized her due to his constant talk about her, a 6 yr old. No he was not out of state. He lived up the street. Many lied for him.
ReplyDeleteWhat evidence do you have that John Andrew sexually tortured JonBenet for years? I don't see that. I acknowledge that John Andrew probably sexually abused JonBenet but that is the extant of his involvement IMO and he played no role in her death. I think we discussed this before.