Friday, September 25, 2020

Malcolm Rothschild

This is an investigation into a man named Malcolm Rothschild (part of the Rothschild family) who lived in the Chicago area of Illinois. 

Born: July 1928 in White Plains, Westchester, New York

Died: March 2000 at age 71 in Crete, IL.

Mother: Henrietta (Harriet) Catharina Maria Valk

Father: Jay Leo Rothschild. A famous New York City lawyer.

Aliases: Macv V. Rothschild, Malcom V. Rothschild, Macv Rothschild, V Rothschild, Mona V Rothschild, M V Rothschild, Malcom Valk Rothschild, Malcom P. Rothschild, Malcolm Mac Rothschild

He lived in Create, IL which is 50 minutes away from Chicago.

Previously he lived in Park Forest, IL which is 45 minutes away from Chicago.

MRA Systems, Inc.

Malcolm Rothschild was the President of MRA Systems, Inc. incorporated in Orland Park, IL in July 1988. Orland Park is 46 minutes away from Chicago.

MRA Systems, Inc. in Illinois in July 1988 was associated with another company called Morgan Rothschild Group, Inc. (incorporated February 1988). These companies are directly related. 

MRA Systems, Inc. later acquired ownership of Access Graphics in Boulder, Colorado at 1426 Pearl Street.

MRA Systems, Inc. is a front company owned by Lockheed Martin.
So a front company of Lockheed Martin bought Access Graphics in Boulder from Lockheed Martin Corporation. 

But what is revealed here is that MRA Systems, Inc. at Orland Park, IL (suburb of Chicago) in 1988 was a front company of Martin Marietta in Bethesda, Maryland and a member of the Rothschild family was made President of the front company.  In 1997 this company bought Access Graphics in Boulder, Colorado.

What follows is a list of related companies, listed in chronological order by the incorporation date.

Rothschild SunSystems, Inc.

This investigation led me to Rothschild SunSystems, Inc. based in New York. Since Jay Leo Rothschild (Malcolm's father) was from New York meaning Malcolm has a history in New York and the Rothschild name is attached to this company, it has relevance to this post.

Incorporated June 1984

A corporation operating out of the city of Albany, New York.

Morgan Rothschild Group Ltd.

Incorporated February 1988

Morgan-Rothschild International Corp.

Incorporated December 1990

A corporation operating out of New York, New York.

Rothschild Systems, Inc.

Incorporated September 1994

A computer-related company in Massachusetts, which is a state bordering New York. 

J Rothschild Group Limited

Incorporated January 2001

A U.K. Company

Other Related Companies

Rothschild & Co.

Rothschild Investment Banking

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