Thursday, September 24, 2020

Where did JonBenet Ramsey die?

The purpose of this post is to explore an answer to the question: where did JonBenet Ramsey die?

Now if you ask this question to almost anyone in the JonBenet Ramsey murder investigative community you will get a look that implies you must be mentally challenged to even ask this question. Everyone knows JonBenet Ramsey died inside her home. That is what they will tell you but the truth is not what these clueless people believe it is. I was a member of the JonBenet Ramsey murder investigative community for years before I perceived that the official story everyone was being told about this child's death was a lie. Before I even heard what Nancy Krebs said, I perceived that JonBenet Ramsey died outside her home and that her dead body was transported back to her home after her death and a fake crime scene was staged inside her home to conceal the truth of what really happened to her.

Although The JonBenet Ramsey murder investigative community appears to want to go around in circles forever trying to figure out the ransom note or any of the other false clues inside the Ramsey home, I am on a completely different track. I give not a single fuck about the false clues inside the Ramsey home. My focus is on the real crime scene which the public has never seen. But this post is about where this child actually died. I have made many posts asking this question but this post will be a consolidation of all those and I will also add some new candidate locations that I have recently become aware of.

JonBenet Ramsey did not die inside the White Home in Boulder

I have already excluded the Ramsey home as the location where JonBenet Ramsey died. I want to also exclude the home of Fleet White Jr. and Priscilla White in Boulder, Colorado. I initially thought that JonBenet died inside the home of Fleet and Priscilla White for various reasons but I no longer think that. 

The official story leads us to believe that the Ramsey family was at the home of Fleet and Priscilla White on Christmas day attending a party with a small number of guests but I have seen through that story. It is deception. 

Gwen Krebs (mother of Nancy Krebs) who was actually at the party when JonBenet Ramsey died tried to get Nancy to believe that the death of the child took place at the home of Fleet and Priscilla White in Boulder but Nancy indicated in her testimony that she questioned if this was the truth. She suspected that the death took place in a different location and that her mother was concealing the real location from her. 

My investigations have pointed to the fact that the Whites and the Ramseys were together on Christmas day but they were not in the Boulder home of Fleet and Priscilla White.  Although the official story is that a relatively small Christmas Party took place at the White residence, I think a much bigger Christmas party took place somewhere else in Colorado. The Ramseys, the Whites and others were at this other location on Christmas day. What this post is about is to reveal where this other hidden location was.

The Electric Fence hint by Burke

Before I start discussing the various candidate locations I have identified through my own research it is appropriate to discuss a hint to the real location disclosed by Burke Ramsey to Boulder investigators when Burke described being shocked by an electric fence on Christmas day. While most of the blind in the JonBenet Ramsey murder investigative community did not attach any significance to Burke's comment, it is extremely relevant to me. What it tells me is that there was an electric fence surrounding the property where JonBenet Ramsey died. 

An electric fence is used for security purposes.  An electric fence would surround a secure area for the purpose of either keeping people inside the area or for keeping outsiders from going into the secure area.  An electric fence could be used to maintain secrecy about activities happening inside the secure area that outsiders are forbidden to see.

This is a key bit of information that we must keep in mind as we investigate the various possible locations of this child's death.


As I was contemplating an electric fence being used to surround a property to keep out strangers I made a connection to information provided by a person calling herself Svali. Allegedly an escapee from a Satanic cult, she posted some very interesting information about her experiences in that Satanic cult. One of the things she mentions is that Satanists sometimes use electric fences to keep strangers away from Satanist activities. 

From the above link is revealed the information that the Illuminati have groups in every major city of the United States. There are 18 cities across the US which are considered major "power centers" for Illuminati power and/or influence. These cities include Los Angeles, California, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Atlanta, Georgia and Denver, Colorado. Los Angeles, California is where Fleet White Sr. was a well known personality who owned a Los Angeles based oil company named Fleet Oil Company. Fleet White Sr. was involved in child sexual abuse for decades in the Los Angeles area from the 1960's onward according to Nancy Krebs. Francis Shelden was from Ann Arbor, Michigan. John Ramsey lived in Atlanta, Georgia with his first family. His daughter had memories of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). Later John Ramsey lived in Atlanta, Georgia with his second family before moving to Boulder, Colorado. Denver Colorado is around 30 minutes away from Boulder by car.

More to Come

The remainer of this post describes the various locations where JonBenet Ramsey might have died.

A summary of these locations are:

1. Property owned by Fleet White Sr.

2. Somewhere in Denver, Colorado.

More to Come

Property owned by Fleet White Sr.

A possible location for the death is property owned by Fleet White Sr. or by Fleet Oil Company. Fleet White Sr. owned a Chalet in Aspen, Colorado that he spent a lot of time at prior to the murder, but this theory states that Fleet White Sr, owned a house much closer to Boulder where JonBenet died. Fleet White Sr. was a very wealthy man who could easily have owned a home elsewhere in Colorado, in Denver, Colorado for example. Or Fleet Oil Company could have owned property in Colorado if it was involved in oil and gas exploration there as I theorize. The death could have occurred on some remote property owned by Fleet Oil Company near Boulder. 

The evidence for this is that Nancy Krebs revealed in her testimony to Boulder authorities that very shortly after the death of JonBenet that Fleet White Sr. was named as a suspect in the death on a television program being aired at that time called the Extra Show. In that episode of the Extra Show it was mentioned that Fleet White Sr. (not Junior) was a suspect and also Fleet Oil Company was mentioned. For Fleet White to have been named as a suspect so early in the death of the child implies that the death happened on property owned by Fleet White Sr. or Fleet Oil Company. 

But the big smoking gun from Nancy Krebs' testimony is that the death of JonBenet Ramsey was initially reported accurately on this television program and then the story got changed to a cover story and this early honest reporting became memory holed. Only the U.S. Government and intelligence agencies associated with it (NSA, CIA, etc.) would have the power to change a story like this. They changed the story of a major event once before in 1995 with the Oklahoma City Bombing and they did it again in 1996 with the JonBenet Ramsey murder. When the U.S. Government is in danger of being exposed in a negative way to the American people, it has the power to change the truth into a lie to cover its ass.  This is what happened in the JonBenet Ramsey murder which explains the cover up of the truth and the cover story that for some reason the JonBenet Ramsey murder investigative community is unable to see through. 

Somewhere in Denver, Colorado

A possible location for the death is somewhere in Denver, Colorado. My inner intuition which I trust tells me the death of this child did not happen in Boulder at all but instead happened in Denver, 
which is around thirty minutes away from Boulder by car. 

Denver Colorado is known to be a hot spot for Satanists and many Satanists live there.

See on the above map that Arvada is very close to Denver. Arvada is where Shirley Krebs lived with her husband and five year old daughter. Gwen Krebs flew from California to Denver International airport to visit her daughter in Arvada shortly before 12-25-1996. Gwen Krebs brought her five year old niece to the location where JonBenet Ramsey died. Its far more likely that this location was in Denver and not Boulder. Just because JonBenet lived in Boulder is no reason to suspect that her death took place in Boulder. Its far more likely that she died in Denver. 

More to Come

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