Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Two Worlds Paradigm example of the JFK Assassination

Two Worlds Paradigm

False World official explanation:  Lee Harvey Oswald, a lone nut wanna-be Communist shot JFK from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository.  He acted completely alone to kill the President.  Jackie Kennedy, the wife of JFK, was an innocent victim of Oswald's insanity and rage against JFK.  The U.S. Secret Service did everything it could to protect the President.  The CIA and the rest of the U.S. Government was not involved in any way with the assassination.  It was all Oswald and nothing but Oswald.  He was the only bad guy in the JFK assassination but fortunately for the world Jack Ruby got justice by assassinating Oswald.  Killer dead. Case closed.  Abraham Zapruder, a Jew, just happened to be set up in the perfect position to capture the moment when JFK was fatally shot in the head. The assassination was a complete surprise and shock to everyone.  Nobody expected it to happen.  Texas Governor John Connally was an innocent victim of one of Oswald's bullets, who was badly injured by it and almost bled out in the Hospital.

Real World explanation: Jackie Kennedy, the President's wife and a Jew, assassinated her own husband in the back seat of the Limousine by pressing a small concealed weapon underneath JFK's left cheekbone and firing it at point Blank range.  The U.S. Secret Service purposely stood down and allowed JFK to be assassinated by his wife.  The CIA was very heavily involved in the assassination.  Other parts of the U.S. Government were involved in the assassination. Abraham Zapruder, a Jew, was set up with his camera in advance to capture Jackie's assassination.  Zapruder knew about the assassination in advance and he was located with his camera where he was to capture it. Many people knew about the assassination in advance including LBJ, people on the ground at the scene, and everyone inside of the Limousine.  The only person inside the Limousine who did not know what was going to happen was JFK himself.  Texas Governor John Connally staged being wounded to give the impression that bullets were being fired into the Limousine from outside.  In reality John Connally was not wounded at all but was a direct co-conspirator in the assassination who was working with Jackie to kill the President.  In the Zapruder film, Connally can be seen conversing with Jackie just before she killed her husband. John Connally was a Zionist.

I can only speculate about the primary reason JFK was assassinated but in my opinion it was triggered by JFK's insistence that Israel not be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons.  Israel was very determined to acquire nuclear weapons (which they later did).  IMO Israel was behind the assassination of JFK but a lot of people in America (primarily Jews and their minions) assisted in the assassination. 

Note: There are some who will say that the Zapruder film has been so altered or corrupted from its original form that nothing reliable can be determined from it but this is simply disinformation to discredit the only piece of real evidence we have about the JFK Assassination.  Although the Zapruder film has undoubtedly been altered by removing frames at various points, it is still an extremely important piece of evidence that shows that Jackie was the assassin of her husband for anyone with eyes to see.

Jackie about to pull the trigger:

Click on the below gif to watch Jackie assassinate JFK: 

Note:  A disinformation campaign has been created by the Snakes around the Driver of the Limousine, U.S. Secret Service Agent William Greer.  "The Driver did it" is a Conspiracy Theory that the Snakes use to discredit anyone who says they see Jackie killing JFK in the Zapruder film.  William Greer was not an innocent man in the JFK assassination.  He knew the assassination was going to happen and he slowed the Limousine at a predesignated spot where Jackie did the assassination and Abraham Zapruder filmed it but the driver did not shoot JFK.  Many Shills have come forward to promote "the driver did it", including Bill Cooper. Bill Cooper was controlled opposition.

Note:  A disinformation campaign has been created by the Snakes to say that the entire assassination was a Hoax.  This is a lie.  The assassination was no hoax.  JFK was brutally murdered by his wife just as you see in the above gif.

Here are five significant dates that directly relate to the JFK assassination:

June 26, 1963: Israel Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion resigns to prevent being served papers by JFK that would allow the U.S. inspection of the Israeli nuclear facility at Dimona.  This was a delaying tactic.

July 1963:  The new Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol is served the same papers by JFK (that caused the Ben-Gurion resignation) demanding that the U.S. be allowed to inspect the Israeli nuclear facility at Dimona.  According to JFK, U.S. support for Israel would be “seriously jeopardized” if the U.S. could not get information on doings at the facility.  This caused a crisis in Israel which initiated the plot to assassinate JFK to replace him with a Zionist (LBJ) who would allow Israel to do whatever it wanted in terms of its nuclear program.

August. 1963:  Jackie Kennedy (a Jew) leaves the USA to go on an overseas trip to Turkey and Greece.

October 17, 1963:  Jackie Kennedy (a Jew) returns from her vacation in Turkey and Greece.

November 22, 1963:  Jackie Kennedy (a Jew) assassinates JFK. Complicit in the assassination are the CIA, the Mossad, the U.S. Secret Service, LBJ and many other Zionists inside and outside of the U.S. Government.

Jews killed JFK because he was preventing Israel from developing nuclear weapons.  The JFK assassination was an act of pure Jewish treachery and evil. Every American citizen needs to know who really killed their President and why he was killed.  Its not what they told you.

The JFK assassination was an act of Jewish treachery.  Its purpose was to remove a U.S. President who opposed Jewish will and to replace him with a Zionist puppet (LBJ) who would not oppose Jewish will.  The main reason for the assassination was JFK's opposition to the Israeli nuclear program. The JFK assassination was a Jewish coup to assume full control over the United States Government and they used murder and deception to get it.  And then they honored the man they had just murdered with a huge elaborate State funeral.


There are times I have suspected that Jews always planned to kill JFK but I do not believe this.  JFK was complying with the Jewish interests in many ways as POTUS.  For example, he portrayed the "moon race" was legitimate to the American people when he had to have known that it was technologically impossible for the U.S. to send men to the moon.  JFK was backing a simulated moon landing, so he was not honest in this area at least.  But what I believe is that JFK did something that was unanticipated by his Jewish masters that forced his removal as POTUS.  What I say is the primary reason behind the assassination is JFK's insistence that Israel not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons at its Dimona facility. A secondary reason is JFK's animosity toward the Central Intelligence Agency and his clear intent to limit the power of the CIA.  Since it is my contention that the CIA is nothing more than the U.S. branch of the Mossad, by going against the CIA, JFK was going against the Jewish interests.  JFK's opposition to elements of the Jewish Master Plan meant that JFK had to be replaced by a Zionist lackey who would do whatever the Jews wanted, including allowing the Jews to attack a U.S. ship without any reprisals.  LBJ was the perfect Jewish lackey to replace JFK. 



  1. it is hard to believe that her wife killed him! this is the first time ever! how in this world I never read any type of information? Am I dreaming? was the wife never in love with his Husband? He did not know?

    1. It was very difficult for me to believe it too but seeing is believing. You saw the gif taken from the Zapruder film posted here. You are not dreaming. You have been monumentally LIED TO as have we all not just about this but a whole lot of other things. I cannot say if Jackie ever loved JFK. All I can say is that she killed him. JFK had no idea he was being set up until it happened. He did not know.

    2. You don't "see" Jackie shoot him in the left cheek in the Z film, because that cheek isn't visible. I know of no proof that Jackie was Jewish. I think Michael Collins Piper was right about Israel ultimately being behind the assassination, but they'd be stupid to leave it to an untrained person, in full view of everyone in Dealey Plaza, when the safer bet was to hire 2-3 teams of professional assassins firing from out of the view of onlookers. There are also far too many people involved in the plot, most of whom would be completely unnecessary if Jackie was the designated assassin.

    3. JFK's left cheek is not visible and neither is the weapon visible but I use my God given sense of reality to deduce what happened. You can use any wording you want to try to discredit what I say but it changes nothing. IMO Jackie was not an untrained person but was a member of the CIA before she even married JFK. She was trained to be an assassin and I believe the assassination was planned and rehearsed when she was out of the U.S. in 1963 for around three full months. I have explained this a million times to others and I do not want to repeat myself but JFK was killed exactly the way they wanted him to be killed. What you think about it and how you would have done it does not matter. You are entitled to believe whatever you want to believe but there is no doubt in my mind that Jackie assassinated JFK.

    4. No point in NOT mentioning this book:

  2. Jackie Kennedy was Catholic, not Jewish.

    1. I disagree. John F. Kennedy was Catholic but Jackie Kennedy was Jewish. Her heritage is Jewish.

    2. I've traced Jackie's ancestry, where do you find the Jewish link in her family bloodline?

    3. Jacqueline Bouvoir Kennedy could only be jewish of her mother was jewish. Her mother could only be jewish if her mother was jewish, ad infinitum. There's a large number of claims being made here wth no citations to any authority. Jackie wasn't jewish!

  3. There's a 4hr documentary on YouTube about private investigation into murder of JFK. The scene is complex and involves several people who were hand picked by the CIA from jail. 4/5 of these people were dead within 12mths of this assassination and the 5th later died under mysterious circumstances. The investigator concluded it was actually G. Bush and Co. who instigated the entire thing. I would not be surprised if Jacquie was involved, in fact if you look at the footage revised and recognise the hand signals, there is one in particular I find very suspicious from her. There were actually 2 bullets that hit him from 2 directions, fairly close range. I noticed this years ago in the official footage and was glad to see the investigator unpacked the sequence of events. Have you seen it?

    1. I have no desire to see it. All I need to see to know who killed JFK is the Zapruder film. That is all that any honest, unbrainwashed person needs to see.

    2. Are you aware there are two "Zapruder films?" The real, first one which has a copyright date in 1963, and the second one from a re-enactment with, iirc, a date in 1967. Allegedly the public has never seen the whole original film. The internet seems to be saturated with fake data these days, but I recall reading of it, and there was a film on the assassination (don't recall the name right now) which showed in the credits the Zapruder film with two copyright dates. If I can find eventually it I'll post it here.

    3. fwiw.

      Rich Della Rosa Describes What He Saw In The Other Zapruder Film

      The "Other" Zapruder Film (Jim Marrs interview)

      The Other Zapruder Film - The Turn On Elm? (turn off sound) Filmed from a position higher than and behind Zapruder.

    4. I am aware that the Zapruder film released to the public has been altered in various ways such as removing frames from it. I am not aware of two different versions of it being released to the public. The public has never seen the original unaltered film. It does not matter if two different altered versions were released to the public. The only thing that matters in terms of the Zapruder film is who it shows killing JFK and that is Jackie Kennedy.

    5. I am not really interested in hearing about what other people say they saw in the Zapruder film. What I am interested in is what I see in the Zapruder film and I have stated that repeatedly on this Blog. Let me say this. I was brainwashed not to see it for the longest time. After being told a million times that a bullet was fired into the Limo from outside either from the School book depository or the grassy knoll or somewhere else outside of the Limo, the mind filters out any information that contradicts this subconscious brainwashed belief. I watched the Z film many times and never saw Jackie do it but then someone showed me what to look for and then I could see it plainly. There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that she did it. Although most people are still brainwashed not to see it as I once was, she did it and I will shout that truth from the top of every mountain. I do not care what other people think or say because I have seen the truth myself.

    6. It also should be pointed out that there were several films taken of the motorcade as it passed thru the plaza. At least one from the opposite side of the street from Zapruder. A still from this film has been used to create the bogus "badgeman" claim. If Jackie shot him in the left cheek, someone would have noticed it in one of the other films.

    7. Of course other people were aware that Jackie shot JFK. Many people on the ground around the Limo at the time of the assassination were in on it. The Limo was driven into a pre planned kill zone where many people were CIA and/or Mossad Agents, some of them disguised to look like civilians just lined up like everyone else to watch the President. This was Conspiracy involving many people, not just Jackie. Although Jackie was the killer, many others were assisting in the assassination. To ask such a question shows you do not understand the true circumstances behind the assassination that I have done my best to explain on this Blog.

  4. Are you aware, JFK asked Israel to discontinue its Dimona Nuclear Project and Ben Gurion became threatening towards Kennedy?

    1. I was not aware of that. All I am aware of is that JFK wanted American inspections of Dimona and insisted that no nuclear weapons could be developed by it. I would be very interested in hearing more details about this because it would give credibility to what I say about Israel being behind the assassination and that the real reason JFK was replaced was because of Dimona. Do you have such evidence to share with me?

    2. Michael Collins Piper.

    3. I do not trust Michael Collins Piper not to be a controlled opposition disinformation agent. No matter what he appeared to expose, there are so many other things he did not expose. I think he was secretly working for the very people he appeared to be exposing. I do not trust him.

    4. Michael Collins Piper is an agent of the Zionist-Jews; go find photos of him and he makes obvious Satanic hand symbols. Not as obvious as many in the entertainment industry, but way more obvious than those in the highest realms of power.

  5. The final shot that killed Kennedy was up close and personal. Notice the explosive nature of the shot as if a bomb went off on the right side of his face. I am convinced Jackie killed her husband.

    1. Thank you. I wish there were more like you who can see the truth.

  6. The gun smoke from ANY shot fired is ALWAYS, and ONLY visible at the location of the muzzle end, AND at the precise moment of the gun being fired, and can ONLY be prevalent, and visible at impact location with a point blank fired is clearly evident in frame #313 of Zapruder still photo.
    Further incriminating audio evidence is available from the LBJ/Jackie telephone recordings dated: December 7, 21, 23, 1963, and January 1, and 9 1964.
    Bullet contained white phosphorous to cause massive internal burn, and instant debilitation.
    Jackie was CIA trained, and operational long before meeting, and setting up JFK for sham marriage, and eventual wet-op take down.

    1. Where is your evidence that she was CIA trained?

    2. I made a post on this Blog about it but I cannot seem to find it now. I am going to make a final post on this Blog where I provide links to all previous posts I have made concerning Jackie killing JFK. When I make that post then I will try to identify the link that shows the CIA connection to Jackie.

  7. I don't think Jackie killed JFK. It would have been discovered by now.

    1. You don't understand. It is known and covered up, just like the case of the JBR murder. They do not want the public to ever know. What you don't understand is the basic corrupt nature of the world and that bad people are in charge of it. See the Two Worlds Paradigm in my important links section.

    2. Why not let her take the fall for the assassination? Because they needed her for her next mission: marry Aristotle Onassis? I don't think you've really thought this thru. I agree with most of your posts but this Jackie did it is just ridiculous. Look up Michael Collins Piper.

    3. To ask such a question shows you totally do not understand. Jackie was chosen as the assassin for the simple reason is that nobody in the public would suspect her of being the assassin. She could kill JFK in secret and get away with it for that reason and the true villains behind the assassin would never be revealed. Of course they did not want her to ever be exposed as the assassin. You are the one who is not thinking here. I am not going to waste my time answering what I consider to be an idiotic question.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I figured Jackie's gun was hidden in the stuffed pink Lambchop pillow/puppet she took with her.

    1. It may have been but it could have been passed to another way such as in a bouquet of flowers. I do not know how she received the weapon but in any case she had it at the time of the assassination to be able to kill JFK.

  9. Nobody died, nobody got hurt.

    Kennedy is a controlled opposition actor. His dead was scripted and a bg hoax. The Zapruder(jewish) movie first aired o March 6, 1975. 12 years after the hoax!!

    The Zapruder movie is a layered composition.
    What you see in the movie is a dummie and jacky was just triggering the holywood style special effects on the dummy.

    If you search long and hard you will find evidence for this.

    Just as with 9/11 nobody died, nobody got hurt. It is all holwood productions. It's their SOP.

    Robert kennedy is on the controlled opposition team to, he is not against vax, but he is for "safe" vaccines..

    This is a joke, because contagion is another hoax of Lucifers team. Ther are no viruses making people sick. It's another giant lie of the matrix. Antoine Bechamp was right.

    1. I do not believe what you are saying here. JFK did get killed but the assassin was inside the Limo with him and not outside the Limo. What you are saying is a carefully crafted disinformation Conspiracy theory to conceal the truth. You may actually believe this to be true so I am not calling you a disinformation agent but in any case what you are saying is not the truth. The JFK assassination was not like 9-11. 9-11 was a fake PSYOP but the JFK assassination was a real assassination of a non Zionist POTUS to quickly replace him with a Zionist.

    2. Realy look at the footage again..

      Do you believe DNA is real? i don't.
      Do you believe atoms are real? i don't.
      Do you believe people died at 9/11? i don't.
      Do you believe atom nomns are real? i don't.
      Do you believe corona is real? i don't.
      Do you believe germ theory is real? i don't.
      Do you believe in dino's? i don't.
      Do you believe in space flights? ISS? Spinning ball? i don't.
      Do you believe in genetic modification? i don't.
      Do you believe the manson merders were real? i don"t.
      Do you believe the Dutroux case in Belgium was real? i don"t.
      Do you believe in school shootings? i don't.
      Do you believe Ruby ridge was real? i don't.
      Do you believe the una bomber was real? i don"t.
      Do you believe the Westboro babtist church was real? i don't.
      Do you believe in contagious diseases, Ebola? Covid etc? I don't
      All of the terror attacks in Europeare fake as hell.

      Most of modern science is an introduction into kabalah. Like DNA and atoms.. Rooted in Kabalah..

      I am not 100% sure about JFK, but since the jews control all media since at least 200 years (maybe longer?) It would be impossible that someone could get enough media attention to get elected if they were not in the team. The USA constitution was written by masons(crypto-jews).

      The like to give people false hope with CO hero's and then 'kill' them to mark the end of an erra.

      RFK is definitely CO, working for their Pharma arm.
      So how would his brother have been the real deal? No way. All presidents before JFK were juice or juice controlled, but Kennedy was not? They plan hundreds of years in advance, but made such a huge mistake? Don't believe it!

      I understand your doubts, beause this matrix has more layers than an onion. But realy think about it. They control the world since before WW1. The top nazi's were juice. So JFK was their guy, just another Psyop.

      Have you seen the clip on you tube? the newsbenders?

      All the world is a stage. It is beyond comprehension.
      I think the only truth there is left is in the bible.

    3. You are making some really ridiculous statements here, blurring the line between reality and non reality. I want nothing to do with what you are saying here. I am always focused on reality and the truth but what you are doing here is claim that all reality is non reality. This is a trick I can see a Jewish deceiver using to try to derail my message. Please stop posting on my Blog if you are going to make comments like this.

    4. Instead of dismissing what i tell you, you should investigate. The rabbit hole is much deeper than you think.

      You are rejecting things without investigation.
      You haven been programmed by the "eduction" sytem, which is an indoctrination system. And media and movies enforce the lies you have accepted as reality, WITHOUT proof. Your onlt proof is repetition and more repetition every day.

      Excerpt from the Jewish virtual library. More about the psychological background of believing big lies easier than small ones.

      Joseph Goebbels: On the “Big Lie”

      “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

      This is an excellent definition of the “Big lie,” however, there seems to be no evidence that it was used by Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels, though it is often attributed to him.

      The original description of the big lie appeared in Mein Kampf. Adolf Hitler applied it to the behavior of Jews rather than as a tactic he advocated. Specifically, he accused Viennese Jews of trying to discredit the Germans’ activities during World War I. Hitler wrote of the Jews’ “unqualified capacity for falsehood” and “that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation…. From time immemorial, however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited.”

    5. I am quite aware of what the "Big Lie" is as defined by Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf and I happen to agree with Hitler in this case. Hitler was talking about Jews being the master of the Big Lie. I can tell you that I do not trust you from the way you are talking to me. What I see you attempting to do is to use something which I already believe as a way to get me to believe what you want me to believe when there is no real connection at all between the two. Again, a classic disinformation tactic I have seen many times before. Additionally you are making very long thought out comments that are meant to get under my radar. Well, its not working. I see you as a disinformation agent. I saw many of your kind when I was commenting on Youtube before Youtube did me the favor of banning my account. Now you have my Blog and you are commenting here. I should not be surprised. But I want you to know that I see through you.

    6. You can not see a thing. your ego has blinded you.
      You are drowning in the matrix, and you don't see it.

      It is sad, because your blog does show you can do some thinking.

      You are right not to trust anyone. But i don't ask you to take my word, i ask you to investigate. Dont block information because it scares you, things are way worse than you imagine. You are not even half awake. I hope that you will find wisdom.

      Look at John le bon and Baudrillard. simulacra..

      Plato's allegory of the cage..

      What are societies of control?

      American Psycho, Baudrillard and the Postmodern Condition:

      Baudrillard Postmodernism - Simulacra and Simulation

      Jean Baudrillard - Understanding Different Values

  10. The truth is not for everybody...

    Most people are to scared to acept the truth, that everything they believe is a lie. That they have been fooled all their lives. It takes a strong personality to face this head on.

    And a lot of research.. With a lot of deprogramming..

    It looks like all our "news" stories are just that, stories backed by holywood theather. Which allows for the 1984 scenario to continue.

    They tell us the truth in books and "fiction" TV. Truth in fiction, lies in tbe news.

    With its themes of extreme surveillance and television as tools to control the masses, Lowden's drama also echoes Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, a television version of which Cartier had previously produced (BBC, tx. 12/12/1954; with Donald Pleasence in a supporting role), extending its themes into the world of 1968. This is made explicit when JG (presumably a sly nod to sci-fi visionary J.G. Ballard) refers to a 'Ministry of Morality', whose name recalls Orwell's ministries of Truth, Love and Plenty. Whereas Orwell's novel depicts an overtly oppressed Britain, Lowden suggests that in 1968 similar control could be effected invisibly via manipulation of the media. At the time the play was written, Vietnam had emerged as the first 'television war', and the extent of the medium's influence on the public, particularly in political and commercial arenas, was just beginning to be recognised. In this context, Lowden's extrapolation is as astute as it is grimly playful. With media manipulation now a routine feature of regimes such as China, North Korea and Iran, and increasing concern at the agenda-setting political power of certain partisan news services in Europe and the US, 'The News-Benders' is perhaps even more pertinent now than it was in 1968.

  11. Your gif does indeed look like what you are saying could be true. But what I see and what the seconds before your gif show is that JFK put his hands to his throat and then Jackie is trying to maybe pull his hands away to see what happened and then JFK's head explodes. Oswald is also related to either JFK or Jackie I forget which. That cannot be a coincidence. I think it was more likely a fake assassination than that Jackie did it. But I wouldn't be surprised either with these people. You also have to be aware that every president is related, they all have a great grand parent in common. They are all cousins.

    1. JFK put his hands to his throat because he was shot in the throat with a toxin coated dart to paralyze him and make him defenseless against Jackie. Jackie is not trying to save JFK. She killed him. LHO is related to neither JFK nor Jackie. Wherever you hear that, it is disinformation. The JFK assassination was not a fake assassination. It was a real assassination in which JFK died. Also the concept of every President being related is also disinformation. There is no truth to that.

    2. Why shoot him in the throat from outside the car when you have your assassin sitting right there beside him? Was shooting him with a dart in the throat to paralyze him and then shooting him with a gun in the left cheek too complicated for her? Why paralyze him in the first place. He was already held in position by his back brace. I'm sorry but Jackie didn't do it. It makes no sense. Why would she climb onto the trunk of a rapidly accelerating car to retrieve a portion of his skull if she just killed him? And how did thousands of jfk researchers miss what you claim to see?

    3. I have explained this many times on this Blog but you did not read those posts apparently. The throat shot was not a bullet but a dart coated with a biological agent that would render JFK immobilized and helpless to resist the head shot. Jackie could not have successfully killed JFK unless JFK were first immobilized as he was. The way the assassination happened is exactly the way it was planned to happen by the conspirators. It was a two step operation. First the throat shot and then the head shot. The reason JFK was paralyzed was to make him helpless to resist the head shot and to make it very easy for Jackie to kill him. JFK literally could not resist Jackie's assassination because of the throat shot. Forget the back brace. It is not relevant in this. It makes perfect sense but you do not understand it. I have tried on this Blog to explain it to the best of my ability. At the time Jackie crawled back onto the trunk the car was not rapidly accelerating. Only after Jackie got back into the seat did the car rapidly accelerate. Jackie did not retrieve a portion of JFK's skull from the trunk. She retrieved something else which I have also explained in previous posts that you did not read. I am going to make a final post on this Blog to provide all those links for people like you to read and understand. The world is corrupt and dishonest. Those researchers did not miss what I am saying but they are controlled opposition who are only researchers to mislead the public and point them away from the truth. The CIA and other bad actors are actually behind most of those so called researchers if you were to investigate and know the truth. Assuming you to be an honest person and not a shill, then you have been very badly misled to believe lies and to not see the truth that is actually right in front of your face in the Zapruder film.

  12. In Plain Sight...Over the years, as others,I have also posited that Jackie was the shooter of JFK....obviously, people find it difficult to comprehend (it being so obvious) and not what they were trained to believe, and so, they dismiss it. I can only repeat what I have said to previous doubters...forget the history, see it for the first time,slow down the film, frame by frame, look at noone but Jackie, see the angle of her arm, how she moves it, and look at the, what do You see ?

    1. I could not see Jackie killing JFK for many years until after I saw through 9-11 and until after I was shown by someone else what to look for to see it. It was extremely difficult for me to see it but only after a lot of time and effort could I see it. So I can understand why many others cannot see it. The eye cannot see what the mind does not believe to be possible. Its mind control that keeps most people blind to it IMO. I see it clearly now every time but most people are going to have a real hard time seeing it. I have done my best on this Blog to help people see it.

    2. Bill Cooper I believe was a sincere person who was mislead, about not only this assassination, but other things like UFO's, as he himself realized. I think it's also possible you've been mislead by whoever pointed out Jackie shooting JFK. You only see it in your imagination because it doesn't appear in the film.
      One thing you may not have noticed is the large black spot on the rear of his head apparently painted in to obscure the exit wound that all of the doctors at parkland testified to in the REAR of his head. Jackie would have had to shoot him in the face to create the wound they describe.

    3. No. Bill Cooper was a disinformation agent who was to my knowledge the very first one to push the lie that the driver of the Limo shot JFK instead of Jackie. He was not mislead at all but he purposely mislead the public about that and many many other things. He is what I refer to as a Snake in sheep's clothing. He appears to be one thing but he is really working for the bad guys all along. Alex Jones is another example. I have not been misled at all about Jackie killing JFK. I am offended by your comment and I am not going to answer it further.

    4. Where's your source on Jackie being Jewish? You have me semi convinced it's possible she was the one to fire the final shot. But the whole 'Jackie was a Jew''s unconvincing.

    5. I do not have a clear source on Jackie being Jewish but it is my conviction from putting together other information that she must be Jewish. That she was a hidden, deep cover CIA/Mossad agent is something I am convinced of but her entire life and behavior goes beyond being a mere agent. Her behavior fits with what a Jewish Mossad agent would do. Its less important to me that you believe Jackie was a Jew than that you believe Jackie killed JFK. That is the main thing I am trying to show here on my Blog. The reason why she did it and her racial heritage is less important than knowing that she was the assassin.

  13. I think JFK was also murdered because he was about to expose secret societies (famous speech) and he wanted to get a new currency without central bank, dont you think? thanks for your work great job on the blog. But I disagree that bill cooper was controlled opposition. He was murdered by cops like an assasination

    1. I do not think it was that. I think that it was more about Israel being allowed to develop nuclear weapons more than anything else. That was the thing that caused the assassination, as I see it. Jews wanted Israel to have nukes and JFK was cockblocking that so they removed him quickly and efficiently. Bill Cooper said the driver shot JFK, which is not anything an honest person would ever say. Thus he was a controlled opposition disinformation agent. The fact that he was murdered does not change him being a disinfo agent.

  14. I don't know if Jackie murdered him or not, nor if its a body double. Not much I can know. But if all I had to go on was that film, she would be convicted of murder. All these commenters who say something else are the controlled op enemy. Cooper was a Jew too, and disinformationist. I'm commenting to tell you about Dylan's new song put out less than two years ago, Murder Most Foul. I don't see any of you mentioning that. I found that song recently, and he alludes to her murdering him, and this Zapruder film, and mentions 33 too. Are you aware of that song? Dylan is a Jew too. I can't see that he would do that song if it was just a conspiracy theory.

    1. Actually there is a lot you can know without reading my or anyone else's interpretation. The Zapruder film itself tells the story visually and you need nobody else to explain it to you. What you need is the proper context for understanding wnat you are seeing in the Zapruder film. If you use the false context of Oswald firing into the Limosuine from outside than you will not understand anything shown in the Zapruder film. But if you use the right context of Jacking killing JFK from inside the Limo then everything makes sense. I have proven this to myself and I have tried to explain it to others to help them see through my eyes. But you say that you do see her kill him in the film and that is good you have eyes to see that. So many apparently cannot see that OR they are lying in saying they cannot see that. I cannot speak for what anyone else besides me does or does not see. I can only speak about what I see. I have not heard the Dylan song but I will look for it. Speaking of Songs, "Killer Queen" by Queen is the best song about the JFK assassination which many people apparently have no idea what it is talking about. Queen was a Jewish rock group also. Jews let information that they know be revealed to the public but in subtle way that most do not understand. I think the title of the movie "Nightmare on Elm Street" refers to the JFK assassination also.

  15. And can you tell me why you have the number 666 as part of your email name.

    1. I certainly can. Its just a random number I chose and it does not mean I am evil or Satanic. Many people ask this. I wish I had chosen 665 or 667 so people would not project things about me based upon the name I chose for my email account.

  16. The details of the assassination are in "Fleshing Out Skull and Bones." Jackie was not involved.

  17. Here’s something just a little weird (since you brought up David Ben Gurion). If you convert the Gregorian calendar to Hebrew calendar, both of them died on the same day, the 6th of Kislev.

  18. You are on to something of JFK being shot point blank from the limo, but it was Gov Connally on a swivel jump seat that spun around with just enough space with the door left ajar as it was. ZFrame 314 shows this however Connally face is pasted on the side of Connally's head looking up as if wincing. The gun is also visible just at Jackie's eye level, just where she told me it was in person at an after White Ball meeting in Newport RI. LBJ campaign mgr Connally was filmed having a gun in other films at airport start of motorcade of the video one makes the case Johnson signalled being by giving Jackie Red Roses instead of Texas Yellow Roses. The umbrella man signalled where limo was to stop so Connally could throw gun to midget accomplices in the storm drain.
