Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Reconsidering the 9-11 death count


I felt compelled to create this post after watching this video exposing the atrocities of October 7.  My thought about October 7 is that it is a PSYOP and that has not changed.  What has changed is my willingness to admit that Israel/IDF (they are the same thing) killed a large number of its own citizens purposely and blamed it on Hamas to justify what they did in Gaza.  What did they do in Gaza?  They virtually leveled the place and killed tens of thousands of Palestinians.  In fact, that is still going on even today.  But it shocked me to realize that Israel slaughtered its own citizens in this PSYOP.  After seeing the above video I 100% believe this is true that they did that.  This makes the Israeli government far more evil than I had comprehended but then I got to thinking about 9-11 and all the alleged deaths there, which explains this post.

Concerning 9-11, my belief after looking at everything is that it was a PSYOP and not a terrorist attack.  But the question that has plagued me is the alleged deaths in 9-11.  

It has been my opinion up to now that the actual death count in the 9-11 PSYOP was very low. For example I have been of the opinion that WTC1 and WTC2 were completely evacuated and empty prior to their collapses.  I have also been of the opinion that nobody died in the Pentagon when it was struck by what appears to be a missile.  It has also been my opinion that the four planes full of passengers was disinformation and that those planes full of passengers did not exist.  I say real planes were flown into WTC 1 and 2 but they were remote control drones that did not contain passengers.  This is what I have believed up to now concerning 9-11 but I have always had the question of how many people died during 9-11. 

The primary question I must ask myself is this:  

Would (((they))) purposely kill large numbers of people during a PSYOP to justify taking an action such as starting wars in the middle east?  

My thought up to now before watching that October 7 video is that they would not actually kill large numbers of people but merely pretend to.  This makes (((them))) less evil that they would stage a deception and pretend to kill large numbers of people to justify taking an action.

But after watching that video I immediately suspected I could be very wrong in my assumption that they would merely pretend to kill large numbers of people and not actually do it.  I must consider that the actual death count during 9-11 may be much higher than I suspected and they purposely killed people in the WTC1 and WTC2 and the firefighters who were trying to rescue them.  This seems more true to me now than the simply staged pretend deaths, and if this is true it makes the perpetrators far more evil than I had considered.  

There is a linkage between October 7 and 9-11.  The same perps are involved in both.  If they killed large numbers of their citizens on October 7 and blamed it on Hamas to justify slaughtering Palestinians, then why not kill large numbers of Americans on 9-11 and blame it on Osama Bin Laden to justify the U.S. overthrowing two middle eastern countries who had nothing to do with 9-11 but were conquered for some other reason?

What I am saying to you is that I am adjusting my thinking.  I am always seeking the truth.  Sometimes I can reach a false conclusion based on apparent evidence I have seen but I can adjust my thinking to come closer to the actual truth and that is what I am attempting to do in this post.

In summary, what I am saying is that I am more suspicious that they purposely killed large numbers of Americans during 9-11 to provide justification for starting wars in the middle east and if so that makes the perpetrators absolutely evil.  It also makes the people in the U.S. Government who allowed this to happen absolutely evil, including George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and many others.  So I am still learning and hopefully in the process of learning I will come closer to the actual truth of the matter.

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